Andrey Sokolov

Deficiency and abundance. Fishing Rod for Goldfish

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not only be misled by someone, but he himself can be mistaken.

      However, using the concepts of scarcity and abundance can greatly simplify decision making and the definition of both long-term and short-term benchmarks.

      A banal example. If a person is tired, then he lacks, a shortage of rest and sleep. And all you need is to notice this and adjust your life to eliminate this deficit. Rest, sleep.

      A similar rule applies to all other categories.

      If a person suffers from a health deficit, i.е. he is banally sick, then he needs to direct his strength to recovery, and not to work.

      Thus, the control is reduced to the simple construction of a graph and its monitoring in order to translate any scarce state into an abundant one.

      And, of course, it must be remembered that the only criterion of scarcity or abundance in this case is a person’s own perception.

      In this regard, it is useful to look at a category such as money. Those. poverty and wealth.

      It is possible that you have met people with a much higher income, much more prosperity than you, but not feeling rich or even wealthy.

      And at the same time, most likely, you have seen people who do not have much money, but who feel themselves well-off.

      Why does this happen?

      You can consider this with the example of telephones.

      The spread of the cost of phones in stores reaches two orders of magnitude. Those. one phone can be 100 times more expensive than another.

      But these are all phones. They are needed only to make a call.

      And even if we start discussing additional functions, then phones that are completely identical in function may differ in price by 5—10 times.

      However, there are people who are extremely important to have the most expensive phone of the latest model.

      It will be naive to think that this category of people will ever feel that it has eliminated its “telephone” deficit and is on the right on the chart, in a zone of abundance.

      This category is important brand, prestige. And they are in constant pursuit of the newest. This race will be endless and if it brings satisfaction, then only for a brief moment. Until a new model appears.

      At the same time, having spent a significant part of their money on a new phone, a person will not actually move the “telephone” component of the chart to the right. But the monetary component will move to the left and may be in the deficit zone.

      A person does this in order to shift the concept of “prestige” to the left. But is it possible? And is there a place for the prestige category on the chart?

      As we have already said, the concept of deficiency and abundance is subjective. Those. they depend on the evaluation of their completeness and significance by the person himself. While the notion of “prestige” is a category of evaluation from the outside.

      Prestigious car, prestigious clothes, prestigious work, prestigious phone – where does this adjective come from, relative to any thing or category?

      Only from the outside. From advertising, talking to other people, rumors, the media, etc. Those. this is someone’s subjective opinion or manipulation, but not the opinion and sensation of the person himself.

      Hence, there is no place for the notion of “prestige” neither on the graph, nor in the life of a particular person who wants to manage his life himself.

      A locksmith enjoying his work is not concerned about whether she is prestigious. Because he likes him.

      At the same time, if a person uses the concept of prestige when choosing a profession, he may find himself in a situation where work does not bring pleasure, despite the “prestige”.

      Even the concept of money is not as objective as it seems. The cost of living in a big city is more expensive than in a small one. Those. in different countries, in different cities, people living in the same house and eating the same food, somewhere will spend on it 1000 dollars, and somewhere around 100.

      Thus, with earnings of $ 500, in one case, he will feel a shortage of money, and in another – abundance.

      If this is realized, it is quite possible that it is more reasonable for this person to live in a city where he will feel abundance. And not where it is “prestigious”.

      Management of scarcity and abundance

      One of the important tasks is not only to make a reasonable schedule and determine the categories on the Y axis, but also to realize your personal deficiencies and abundances.

      It’s important to ask yourself:

      Is it the fact that I constantly disappear at work by necessity and is it so important for solving my deficits? Or is it because at home I lack love? And if so, then maybe I do not need so much time to spend on work, but you need to spend time looking for and creating love?

      Do I really lack money or are my expenses dictated by external manipulations, such as “prestige”? Perhaps, by cutting spending on “prestige” I will eliminate or reduce the deficit of money?

      Do people really treat me unfairly, or do I lack knowledge and need to spend my energy on obtaining additional knowledge, an abundance of knowledge, and not waste time on humiliating colleagues and acquaintances, intrigues and other unconstructive and destructive, ultimately, actions?

      All this may seem complicated or even unnecessary, but either the man himself manages his life, or she is controlled from outside and contrary to his desires.

      After all, when we experience a heat deficit, we dress warmer, we build a fire, we turn on electric heaters. And if we are experiencing a shortage of coolness, then we try to stay in the shade or climb into the pool. So it prevents us, except ourselves, in all other aspects, to regulate our life at our discretion. Only ourselves. And we ourselves are passing control into other people’s hands, into the hands of manipulators, creators of advertising, authorities. Which, in fact, there is no business to our benefit, satisfaction or happiness. They have their own interests. And, as a rule, their interests are contrary to the interests of a particular person.

      So the choice is not great. Or you control yourself. Or they run for you to the detriment of your gain and prosperity.

      Progress now makes it possible to eliminate scarce states more effectively than it was 50 years ago.

      Thanks to the Internet, anyone is allowed access to almost any knowledge and this makes it easy to achieve an abundance of knowledge.

      And thanks to e-mail, social networks, video and audio technologies of Internet communication, the lack of communication has been virtually eliminated.

      Just as a person plans a day for wakefulness and sleep, food and gaps between meals, experiencing a shortage of rest or a deficit called “hunger”, you can also plan the activity, duration and order of other daily activities.

      For example, communication is important. But if communication in social networks is in a large surplus, then such categories as money (work), love (communication in the family), health (lack of activity, movements) may suffer.

      But if this aspect of communication, as social networks, is important and necessary for a particular person, then it is necessary to allocate time for it so that there is no sense of deficiency. And to someone this communication is absolutely not important and it is not necessary. Such a person on the graph will not have “social network” graphs, and maybe “communication” graphs will not be.

      Since communication is a very extensive category, you need to keep track of who and how long this communication takes place. And is not the communication with important people, for example with family and friends,