Henry Clay Watson

The Yankee Tea-party

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not be landed. We saw how things were going, came back to the tavern, put on our Mohawk dresses, and returned to the meeting. Pitts succeeded in getting into the church just about dusk and raising the war-whoop. We answered outside. Then Pitts cried out, 'Boston harbor a tea-pot to-night!'

      "Ay," exclaimed Pitts, brandishing his knife above his head, "and 'hurra for Griffin's Wharf!'"

      "The crowd echoed Griffin's Wharf," continued Kinnison, "and hurried towards that place. Our men joined together, returned to the tavern, got our muskets and tomahawks, and collected about seventy men together, armed with axes and hatchets. Then we pushed for the wharf where the East Indiamen, loaded with the tea, were lying. Let me see!—The ships were called the Dartmouth, the—"

      "The Eleanor, and the Beaver," prompted Colson.

      "Ay, the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver," continued Kinnison. "You see, my memory 's weak. Well, when we reached the wharf, there was a crowd of people near it. It was a clear, moonlight night, and the British squadron was not more than a quarter of a mile distant—so, you see, there was a little risk. We didn't halt long. Pitts led the way on board the Dartmouth, and we followed, musket and tomahawk in hand. Nobody offered any show of fighting for the tea. We cut open the hatches, and some of the men went down and passed up the chests, while others cut 'em open and emptied the green stuff into the water. The crew of the vessel were afeard to stir in stopping us, for we told 'em we'd shoot the first man who interfered. I tell you, there was quick work there. When we had cleared that ship of the tea, we hurried off to the others, Pitts still leading the way, and did the same kind of work for them. The people began to crowd on the wharf, and some of 'em came to help us. I guess there was about a hundred and fifty of us on the third ship, all hard at work passing up the chests, cutting 'em open and spilling the tea. Within two hours, about three hundred and fifty chests of the tea were thus destroyed. The crowd cheered us once in a while, and we knew we'd have friends enough if the red-coats attempted to attack us. When we had emptied the last chest that could be found, we gave three of the loudest cheers and gained the wharf. A drummer and fifer were ready, as Mr. Brown and Mr. Hanson can inform you, and we formed a procession and marched up to this tavern. Here the crowd gave our band of Mohawks cheer after cheer ond then dispersed. But we didn't intend to end the night's work so quietly. We had a supper prepared just where we are now eating, and Josiah Quincy and some other big men came to join us. We made a night of it, I tell you. Pitts, I think, got very drunk, so many wanted to drink with such a bold patriot."

      Pitts was rather disposed to deny the assertion that he was actually drunk; but Kinnison and Colson said it was a fact, and he, at length, admitted that he was considerably excited, perhaps beyond the command of his reason. The company laughed at this 'getting around the stump,' and one of the young men proposed that Pitts' health should be drank in a glass of ale. The beverage was ordered and the health of the patriot drank with a hearty relish. The work of demolishing the eatables then went bravely on.

      "Mr. Kinnison," said Mr. Colson, "there's one incident concerning that tea-party that has slipped your memory. As our procession moved from the wharf and passed the house of the tory Coffin, Admiral Montague raised the window, and said, 'Ah! boys, you have had a fine evening for your Indian caper; but mind, you've got to pay the fiddler yet!' Pitts here shouted, 'Oh! never mind, never mind, squire! Just come out, if you please, and we'll settle that bill in two minutes!' The people shouted, and the admiral thought he had better put his head in in a hurry."

      "That's true," remarked Kinnison. "Well, you see, my memory is poor. Pitts would have mentioned it but for his modesty."

      "I recollect it well," said Pitts. "If that tory Coffin had shown his face that night, I wouldn't have given three cents for his life."

      "I think I would have had a slash at him," observed Kinnison. "I felt as savage as a Mohawk on a war-path."

      "I don't want to interrupt your eating, Brown and Hanson," said Colson, "but couldn't you stir us up a little with the drum and fife?"

      "Ay," added young Hand, who seemed to be the general mouth-piece of the younger portion of the company, "give us the air you played when you marched up from Griffin's Wharf."

      "No objection," replied Hanson. "Come, Brown, get out your whistle. There's a little music left in it yet, I know."

      The old fife was soon produced, and the drum also; and moving their chairs a short distance from the table, the veteran musicians struck up the stirring air of the old Massachusetts Song of Liberty, once so popular throughout the colonies, and supposed to have been written by Mrs. Warren.

      "Hurra!" exclaimed Hand, when the musicians had concluded. "Three cheers for the music and the musicians!" and three cheers were given quite lustily by the young men, and some of the old ones.

      "I have a copy of that Song of Liberty," said Hand. "Here it is, with the music. I'll sing it and you must all join in the chorus."

      "Good!" said Kinnison, and the others echoed him. Hand then sang the following words, the young men joining in the chorus, and, occasionally, some of the veterans attempting to do likewise.

      Come swallow your bumpers, ye tories, and roar,

      That the Sons of fair Freedom are hamper'd once more;

      But know that no cut-throats our spirits can tame,

      Nor a host of oppressors shall smother the flame.

      In freedom we're born, and, like sons of the brave,

      Will never surrender,

      But swear to defend her,

      And scorn to survive, if unable to save.

      Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear,

      Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear;

      Through deaths and through dangers their trophies they won,

      We dare be their rivals, nor will be outdone.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      Let tyrants and minions presume to despise,

      Encroach on our rights, and make freedom their prize;

      The fruits of their rapine they never shall keep,

      Though vengeance may nod, yet how short is her sleep!

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      The tree which proud Haman for Mordecai rear'd

      Stands recorded, that virtue endanger'd is spared;

      That rogues, whom no bounds and no laws can restrain.

      Must be stripp'd of their honors and humbled again.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      Our wives and our babes, still protected, shall know,

      Those who dare to be free shall forever be so;

      On these arms and these hearts they may safely rely,

      For in freedom we'll live, or like heroes we'll die.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      Ye insolent tyrants! who wish to enthrall;

      Ye minions, ye placemen, pimps, pensioners, all;

      How short is your triumph, how feeble your trust!

      Your honor must wither and nod to the dust.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      When oppress'd and approach'd, our king we implore,

      Still firmly persuaded our rights he'll restore;

      When our hearts beat to arms to defend a just right,

      Our monarch rules there, and forbids us to fight.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      Not the glitter of arms, nor the dread of a fray

      Could make us submit to their claims for a day;

      Withheld by affection, on Britons we call,

      Prevent the fierce conflict which threatens your fall.
