Frederic Boase

Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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atlas of universal geography 1834, 3 ed. 1858; illustrated with maps Leichhardt’s journal of an overland expedition in Australia 1847, and many other books; bought 10 Soho Square 1839, carried on business there down to 1861 when he retired; F.R.A.S. d. 35 Hereford sq. Old Brompton 2 May 1873. Journal of geographical society xliii, 161–63 (1873.)

      ARTHINGTON, Maria. Author of The little scholar’s first grammar 1828; Rhymes for Harry and his nursemaid 1851; Poetry of bye-gone days and other selected pieces not published 1861. d. 5 Oct. 1863.

      ARTHUR, Sir Frederick Leopold, 2 Baronet. b. West Indies 20 Dec. 1816; captain 4 foot 8 June 1838 to 13 Dec. 1850, when placed on h.p.; retired from the army 1863; succeeded 19 Sep. 1854. d. United Service club Pall Mall London 1 June 1878.

      ARTHUR, Sir George, 1 Baronet (3 and youngest son of John Arthur of Plymouth 1733–88.) b. 21 June 1784; governor of Honduras 1814–1822; lieut. col. 7 West India foot 1 June 1815; lieut. col. 5 West India foot 29 Aug. 1816, and lieut. col. York Chasseurs 8 May 1817 to 25 Oct. 1819, when placed on h.p.; governor of Van Diemen’s Land 14 May 1824 to 30 Oct 1836; lieut. governor of Upper Canada 23 March 1838 to April 1841; suppressed the rebellion Nov. 1838; governor of Bombay 27 April 1841 to 6 Aug. 1846; M.G. 9 Nov. 1846; col. 50 foot 28 Feb. 1853 to death; K.C.H. 1837; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s palace 19 July 1837; created baronet 5 June 1841; P.C. 17 June 1847; hon. D.C.L. Ox. 5 July 1848. d. Gloucester square, Hyde Park, London 19 Sep. 1854. J. Mac Mullen’s History of Canada 2 ed. 1868, pp. 461–94.

      ARTHUR, Rev. John. b. Houston, Renfrewshire 1794; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow; Congregational minister at Helensburgh 1824 to 1866, this district was the scene of several movements that attracted much attention, such as “The Speaking with Tongues,” “Miraculous healing,” and the “Row Heresy case.” d. 17 May 1884.

      ARTHUR, Richard. b. 10 Jany. 1779; captain R.N. 11 Jany. 1810; superintendent of Sheerness dockyard 23 Sep. 1844 to 9 Nov. 1846; V.A. 17 Sep. 1853; C.B. 28 July 1838. d. Plymouth 26 Oct. 1854.

      ARTLETT, Richard Austin. b. 9 Nov. 1807; pupil of Robert Cooper and James Thomson; engraved in the dotted manner a few figure subjects and several portraits; distinguished as an engraver of sculpture, his plates of which in the Art Journal are executed with great taste and delicacy. d. 1 Sep. 1873.

      ARTOIS, The Flying Wonder, stage name of John Lilley. b. Liverpool 12 July 1848; a performer on the flying trapeze 1866 to death; held a foremost rank in his profession; fell from his trapeze at the Star music hall Dublin 21 March 1882 and fractured his skull. d. Mercer’s hospital Dublin 21 March 1882. bur. Mount Jerome cemetery 24 March.

      ARTOM, Rev. Benjamin. b. Asti near Pimont, Genoa 1835; minister of Jewish synagogues at Saluzzo, Genoa and Naples; Haham of Spanish and Portugese congregation of London 9 Aug. 1866 to death; inducted 16 Dec. 1866. (m. 10 Feb. 1875 Henrietta Hahaba widow of Solomon David of Bombay). d. 3 Marine parade Brighton 6 Jany. 1879. Jewish Chronicle 10 Jany. 1879 9–12; Graphic xix, 52 (1879), portrait.

      ARUNDALE, Francis. b. London 9 Aug. 1807; articled to A. Pugin the elder; spent nine years in the East 1831–40; author of Edifices of Palladio 1832; Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai 1837. d. Brighton 9 Sep. 1853.

      ARUNDELL, Henry Benedict, 11 Baron Arundell of Wardour. b. Irnham hall, co. Lincoln 12 Nov. 1804; the only R.C. peer who voted against the Reform bill 1832; succeeded 21 June 1834; a count of the Holy Roman Empire. d. Wardour castle. Wilts 19 Oct. 1862.

      ARUNDELL, Rev. Thomas, formerly called Thomas Arundell Tagg. Ed. at Merchant Taylor’s, St. Bees and St. John’s coll. Cam., B.D. 1868; C. of Ch. Ch. Blackfriars 1853–54; C. of All Saint’s Gordon square and Reader of Ch. Ch. Newgate st. Lond. 1854–56; P.C. of St. Peter Hammersmith 1856–60; V. of Hayton with Bielby, Yorks 1860; V. of St. John’s, Whetstone, Finchley Feb. 1876; author of Historical reminiscences of the City of London 1869; and of sermons and articles in periodicals. d. the vicarage Whetstone 5 Nov. 1880 in his 64 year.

      ASBURY, Jacob Vale (son of Mr. Asbury of Stone, Staffs.) Surgeon at Enfield 1820 to death; invented a surgical instrument for puncture of the tympanum; took out patents for railway buffers 1853 and 1855. (m. 1820 Dorothy 3 dau. of Charles Jacomb of Guildford st. Russell square). d. Enfield 21 June 1871 in his 80 year. Medical times and gazette ii, 87 (1871).

      Note.—Charles Lamb his friend and patient bore witness to his successful treatment of cholera in a witty acrostic on his name.

      ASCHER, Joseph. b. London 1831; pupil of Ignaz Moscheles; court pianist to Empress Eugénie in Paris; composed above 100 mazurkas, gallops, nocturnes, études, and transcriptions. d. London 3 June 1869.

      ASH, Edward. A minister of Society of Friends; M.D.; lived at Bristol; author of An inquiry into some parts of Christian doctrine and practice 1841; Four lectures on the Apocalypse 1848; Explanatory notes and comments on the New Testament, 3 vols. 1849–50. d. Cotham, Bristol 23 Dec. 1873 aged 76.

      ASHBROOK, Henry Flower, 5 Viscount. b. 17 June 1806; succeeded his father 4 May 1847. d. Castle Durrow, co. Kilkenny 3 Aug. 1871.

      ASHBROOK, Henry Jeffery Flower, 6 Viscount. b. 26 March 1829; ed. at Eton; sheriff of Queen’s county 1856; succeeded 3 Aug. 1871. d. Castle Durrow 14 Dec. 1882.

      ASHBURNER, John (son of Mr. Ashburner of Bombay 1769–98, member of supreme council). b. Bombay 10 Jany. 1793; ed. at Dublin, Glasgow and Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1 Aug. 1816; physician in London 1816; L.R.C.P. 1818; physician to Small pox hospital 1818–24, when he went to India; lecturer on Midwifery at St. Thomas’s hospital; a great believer in Mesmerism; author of Dentition 1834; Notes and studies on the philosophy of animal magnetism and spiritualism 1867. d. 59 Cambridge place, London 13 Nov. 1878. Munk’s Roll iii, 181 (1878); Medical Circular i, 93 (1852).

      ASHBURNHAM, Bertram Ashburnham, 4 Earl of (eld. son of George Ashburnham, 3 Earl of Ashburnham 1760–1830). b. 23 Nov. 1797; succeeded his father 27 Oct. 1830; sold his pictures at Christie’s 20 July 1850. d. Ashburnham place near Battle 22 June 1878.

      Note.—He was the collector of an extensive library of early and rare books and of a vast assemblage of MSS. which comprised 4 divisions, the Libri collection, the Barrois collection, the Stowe collection and a portion known as The Appendix comprising his miscellaneous collections. In July 1883 the Government purchased the Stowe collection for £45,000; and in May 1884 the Italian Government bought for the Laurenzian library at Florence the larger portion of the Libri collection and the Dante MSS. from the Appendix for the sum of £23,000. A very full account of the contents of the whole of the Ashburnham MSS. will be found in the 8th Report of the Historical Manuscript Commission (1881) Appendix part 3 pp. 127.

      ASHBURNHAM, Rev. Sir John, 7 Baronet. b. Scotland Yard Westminster 26 Dec. 1770; ed. at Clare hall Cam.; B.D. 1815; R. of Guestling, Sussex 1795 to death; Preb. of Chichester 2 May 1796 to death; Chancellor of Chichester 4 May 1796 to death; V. of Pevensey, Sussex 1816 to death; succeeded his brother the 6 Bart. 22 March 1843. d. Guestling rectory 1 Sep. 1854.

      ASHBURNHAM, Thomas (4 son of George Ashburnham, 3 Earl of Ashburnham 1760–1830.) ensign Coldstream guards 30 Jany. 1823; lieut. col. 62 foot 7 Jan. 1842 to 21 Sep. 1847; commanded a brigade in Sutlej campaign 1845–46; aide de camp to the Queen 3 April 1846 to 20 June 1854; lieut. col. 29 foot 22 Nov. 1849 to 20 June 1854; col. 82 foot 13 Dec. 1859 to death; general 19 April 1868; C.B. 3 April 1846. d. 104 Park st. Grosvenor sq., London 3 March 1872.

      ASHBURTON, William Bingham Baring, 2 Baron. (eld. son of Alexander Baring, 1 Baron Ashburton 1774–1848.) b. June 1799; ed. at Oriel coll. Ox.; B.A. 1821, M.A. 1836, hon. D.C.L. 1856; M.P. for Thetford 1826–30, for Callington 1830–31, for Winchester 1832–37, for North Staffs. 1837–41, and again for Thetford 1841–48; sec. of board of control 8 Sep. 1841 to 17 Feb. 1845; paymaster general of the forces and treasurer of the navy 25 Feb. 1845 to 12 July 1846; P.C. 30 June 1845; succeeded his father 13 May 1848; F.R.S. 27 April 1854; Commander