Frederic Boase

Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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to his death; M.D. Erlangen 1851; M.D. Edin. 1859; a governor of Dulwich college 1861 to death and of Bridewell and Bethlehem hospitals; one of a sub committee of 4 who drew up “Report of health of London association on sanitary condition of Metropolis”; member of council of Hunterian society; helped to found Ragged school in Foster st. city of London; treasurer of London philanthropic society, d. Marsden villa, Haverstock hill 16 July 1864 in 57 year. bur. Kensal Green 21 July. Medical Circular i, 10, 25 (1852) pt.

      ABYSSINIA, Alam-ayahu, Prince of. (son of Theodore King of Abyssinia 1818–68). b. Debra Tabor 23 April 1861; arrived in England 14 July 1868; ed. at Cheltenham, Rugby and Sandhurst, d. Headingley, Leeds 14 Nov. 1879.

      ACKERLEY, Charles Henry (younger son of John Hawksey Ackerley, barrister, who d. 18 May 1842 aged 73, by Elizabeth dau. of Rev. John Chamberlayne of Maugersbury house, Gloucester). Entered navy 1 Feb. 1810; lieut. 20 Nov. 1822; commander on half pay 1 July 1864; presented with large silver medal of Society of arts for his safety rods for ships’ boats 2 June 1828; invented a lamp which he called the lamp of life; tried at Swansea 27 Feb. 1851 for causing death of a miner named Dingle by the use of this lamp, and found not guilty; author of A plan for the better security of vessels navigating the river Thames 1834. d. at residence of his sister Mrs. Peter Brown at Dover 22 Nov. 1865.

      ACKERS, George Holland, b. 10 Aug. 1812; commodore of royal Victoria yacht club 1850–62, this club was founded at Ryde, Isle of Wight 24 May 1845, its admiralty warrant is dated 29 July 1845; sheriff of Cheshire 1852; author of Universal yacht signals 1847, of which he gave the copyright to Robert Henry Hunt who at his suggestion started Hunt’s Yachting Magazine Aug. 1852. d. 15 Hyde park terrace, London 20 Jan. 1872.

      ACKERS, James, b. 1811; M.P. for Ludlow (conserv.) 3 July 1841–23 July 1847; purchased estate of Prinknash, Gloucestershire 1847. d. 27 Sep. 1868.

      ACLAND, James (son of Mr. Acland of London, Government contractor). b. city of London 21 March 1799; ed. at Alfred house academy, Camberwell; joined Phillimore’s theatrical company at Chew Magna; clerk in office of Hullett Brothers & Company, South American merchants, Austin Friars; leading tragedian of Royalty theatre, Wellclose square; taught English at Calais; a penny a liner in London; sub editor of the British Traveller; took lodgings in Queen st. Hull 1831; started a publication called The Portfolio, or memoirs and correspondence of an editor, Aug. 1831; printed it himself at 23 Queen st.; erected a stall in the market place and refused to pay usual fee for it; ran a packet called the “Magna Charta” from Hull to Barton on Humber, charging less than half fares; ran a light cart over all bridges in the town and refused to pay bridge toll, great alarm being created, the Mayor swore in 800 special constables, corporation began action against him in court of King’s Bench, Jany. 1832; tried at York 31 March 1832 for infringement of Barton ferry, when verdict went against him with damages one farthing, his costs amounting to £270, he barricaded his house for several months to prevent anyone entering to arrest him, his Portfolio being sold through a crevice in the window; elected churchwarden of Holy Trinity, Hull, Easter Monday 1832; taken to gaol for not paying his costs; a candidate for office of chamberlain of Hull, Sep. 1832; a grocer at 23 Queen st., to which house he gave name of “Anti-corporate castle;” confined in the King’s Bench prison, Nov. 1832; sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in gaol of Bury St. Edmunds for libel; served the full term; contested Hull as a liberal 13 Dec. 1832, polled only 433 votes; last number of the Portfolio issued 13 July 1833, a few sheets followed, which he styled Prison Proverbs. Proprietor with Richard and Anthony Dugdale of Paris Sun, “the largest continental journal and the only English paper in the world, published daily throughout the year,” was director and editor of it at 7 Rue Vivienne, Paris 1 Jany. 1837; only number of it in British Museum library is headed “Vol. 2, No. 54, Thursday morning, Feb. 23, 1837, 10 sous,” the proprietors were condemned by the president of 6th chamber of correctional police to a fine to government of 2000 francs, and to payment of 1000 francs to proprietors of an opposition paper for libel 22 Feb. 1837; lecturer of Anti-corn law league 1838–46; convened and addressed farm labourers of every village in Devon and Cornwall; an election and parliamentary agent 1846 to death; a very good speaker on nearly any subject; author of True patriotism, a poem 1817, The Imperial poll book of all elections from 1832 to 1864, Second ed. 1869. d. 14 Ellerslie terrace, Clapham, London 21 June 1876. The Bristolian Nos. 1–7, 23 Feb.–11 May 1872; W. A. Gunnell’s Sketches of Hull celebrities 1876, 460–64.

      ACLAND, Sir Peregrine Fuller Palmer, 2 Baronet, b. 10 Nov. 1789; succeeded 23 Feb. 1831. d. Fairfield, Bridgwater 25 Oct. 1871.

      ACLAND, Sir Thomas Dyke, 10 Baronet (1 son of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 9 baronet, who d. 17 May 1794, by Henrietta Anne only dau. of Sir Richard Hoare, baronet, she d. 2 Sep. 1841). b. London 29 March 1787; ed. at Harrow and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1808, M.A. 1814, D.C.L. 1831; one of the founders of Grillion’s club 1812, which met at Grillion’s hotel, 7 Albemarle st. London; M.P. Devon (tory) 17 Oct. 1812–10 June 1818 and 18 March 1820–23 April 1831; M.P. for North Devon 29 July 1837–21 March 1857; head of religious party in House of Commons; F.G.S. 1818, F.R.G.S. 1830, F.R.S. 20 June 1839. (m. 7 April 1808 Lydia Elizabeth only dau. of Henry Hoare of Fleet st. London, banker, she d. 23 June 1856 aged 69). d. Killerton, Broad Clyst, Devon 22 July 1871. J. B. Sweet’s Life of Henry Hoare 1870; I.L.N. lix, 99, 116, 121, 362 (1871) pt. Grillion’s Club by P. G. E. privately printed 1880 pt.

      Note.—His personalty was sworn under £70,000; a statue of him by E. B. Stephens, A.R.A., was erected on Northernhay, Exeter 1861.

      ACTON, Eliza (eld. dau. of John Acton of Hastings, brewer). b. Battle, Sussex 17 April 1799; published Poems 500 copies 1826, 2 ed. 1827; lived some time in France; at Tunbridge 1837; at Hampstead; author of The voice of the North, a poem 1842; Modern Cookery in all its branches 1845, 6 ed. 1855; The English bread book 1857. d. Snowdon house, John st. Hampstead 13 Feb. 1859.

      ACTON, Marianne Lady Acton (elder dau. of general Joseph Edward Acton). b. 1782. m. 1796 by dispensation of the Pope, her uncle Sir John Francis Edward Acton, 6 baronet, prime minister of Naples several years, he was b. 1736 and d. 12 Aug. 1811. d. Buckland 18 March 1873.

      ACTON, William. b. 1789; sheriff of Wicklow 1820; M.P. for co. Wicklow (conserv.) 17 July 1841–27 April 1848. d. Westaston Rathdrum, co. Wicklow 10 April 1854.

      ACTON, William, b. Shillingstone rectory 15 Sep. 1814; placed under care of Dr. Mant in London 1830; articled pupil of Charles Wheeler, (Apothecary to St. Bartholomew’s hospital) 1830–35; Externe at female venereal hospital Paris; Secretary of the Parisian medical society 1839; returned to London Oct. 1840; M.R.C.S. June 1840; practised in George st. Hanover square 1840–43; removed to 46 Queen Anne st. Cavendish square March 1843; surgeon to Islington dispensary; author of A practical treatise on diseases of the urinary and generative organs 1841, 3 ed. 1860; Prostitution considered in its moral, social and sanitary aspects in London and other large cities 1857, 2 ed. 1870. d. 17 Harley st. London 7 Dec. 1875. Medical Circular i, 11–12 (1852).

      ADAIR, Sir Robert (son of Robert Adair, sergeant surgeon to George III, who d. 16 March 1790, by Caroline Keppel, 1737–69 elder dau. of Wm. Anne 3 Earl of Albemarle). b. London 24 May 1763; ed. at Westminster and Univ. of Gottingen; called to the bar at L.I. 27 April 1785; M.P. Appleby, (whig) 18 June 1799–29 June 1802, for Camelford 7 July 1802–29 Sep. 1812; minister to court of Vienna 7 May 1806–14 May 1807; minister to Constantinople 5 July 1808, and ambassador 14 April 1809; sent on a special mission to the Low Countries 1831–35; P.C. 23 July 1828; G.C.B. 3 Aug. 1831 for negotiating peace between Great Britain and Ottoman Porte in 1809; author of Historical memoir of a mission to court of Vienna in 1806 with a selection from despatches, 1844; The negotiations for the peace of the Dardanelles in 1808–1809, 2 vols. 1845. (m. 1805 Angélique Gabrielle dau. of Marquess d’Hazincourt). d. 11 Chesterfield st. Mayfair, London 3 Oct. 1855. G.M., xliv, 535 (1855); Lord John Russell’s Memorials of C. J. Fox, vol. ii, appendix.

      Note.—At his death he was the senior