Frederic Boase

Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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author of many books. d. Omaha, Nebraska 15 Sep. 1875. Life of Joseph Barker 1880, portrait; Methodist new connexion mag. July 1842, Sep. 1843 and Dec. 1875.

      BARKER, Peter. b. 10 July 1808; lost his sight 1812; a skilful performer on the violin; a carpenter at Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire; sang in the church choir; one of the bell ringers, curfew bell is rung at Hampsthwaite at 8 every evening. d. in his cottage near churchyard gate, Hampsthwaite 18 Feb. 1873. Life of Peter Barker, Pately Bridge 1873; S. Baring-Gould’s Yorkshire Oddities i, 177–82 (1874).

      BARKER, Rev. Ralph. Ed. at St. Peter’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1821; V. of Pagham near Chichester 1850 to death; rural dean of Chichester 1858 to death; co-editor of The Protestant Guardian 1827–29, and of The Quarterly educational magazine 2 vols. 1847–49; author of sermons, pamphlets and reviews. d. 1871.

      BARKER, Thomas. b. Carlton near Nottingham 15 Nov. 1798; a lace maker there; professional cricketer at Cambridge 1822 and 1841–45; a practice bowler at Lord’s cricket ground, London about 1835–41; an umpire at Cambridge 1846 and in London 1856. d. Nottingham 2 March 1877.

      BARKER, Thomas Herbert. b. Dunstable 31 Oct. 1814; studied at Univ. coll. London 1834–35; L.S.A. 1837, M.R.C.S. 1842, F.R.C.S. 1851; M.B. London 1845, M.D. 1847; practised at Bedford; one of the very best general practitioners in England; recorded for many years a series of meteorological observations which were incorporated in reports of the Registrar General; F.R.S. Edin.; author of Practical observations on the diet of infancy and childhood 1850; On the hygienic management of infants and children 1859. d. Harpur place, Bedford 24 Oct. 1865. Photographs of eminent medical men i, 117–23 (1866), portrait; British Medical Journal ii, 481–84 (1865).

      BARKER, Thomas Jones (eld. son of Thomas Barker of Bath, painter 1769–1847). b. Bath 1815; pupil of Horace Vernet in Paris; exhibited many pictures at the Salon where he gained 3 gold medals; painted several pictures for Louis Philippe; returned to England 1845; gained appellation of the ‘English Horace Vernet’; exhibited 29 pictures at the R.A., 34 at British Institution and 15 at Suffolk st. gallery 1844–76; painted many pictures in France during the German war 1870. d. Avon house, Steele’s road, Haverstock hill, London 27 March 1882. Times 29 March 1882, p. 10, col. 1.

      BARKER, Thomas Rawson. b. Bakewell, Derbyshire 9 April 1812; a lead merchant at Sheffield; mayor of Sheffield 1848; played in many great cricket matches; a right-handed batsman but a left round-armed bowler. d. The Edge, Sheffield 26 April 1873.

      BARKER, Thomas Richard. b. London 30 Nov. 1799; ed. at Christ’s Hospital 1807–16; entered Homerton old college 1821; independent minister at Alresford Hants 1822, at Harpenden Herts 1824 and at Uxbridge 1833–38; tutor in classics at Spring Hill college Birmingham 1838 to death. d. near the College 12 Nov. 1870. Congregational year book 1871 pp. 302–304.

      BARKER, William (only son of Francis Barker, M.D., professor of chemistry in Univ. of Dublin). Assistant to his father many years; prof. of natural philosophy to Royal Society of Dublin 1848; prof. of chemistry R.C.S. Ireland 1850 to death; edited Parkes’s Chemical Catechism 1837 and 1854; M.R.I.A. 25 Jany. 1836. d. Hatch st. Dublin 11 Sep. 1873 aged 63.

      BARKER, William Burckhardt (son of John Barker 1771–1849, British consul general in Egypt). b. Aleppo about 1810; taken to England 1819; resided at Tarsus in an official capacity many years; professor of the Arabic Turkish, Persian and Hindustani languages at Eton; chief superintendent of British land transport depot at Sinope 1855 to death; author of Lares and Penates or Cilicia and its governors 1853; Odessa and its inhabitants 1855; A short historical account of the Crimea 1855. d. Sinope 28 Jany. 1856 aged 45. E. B. Barker’s Syria and Egypt 2 vols. 1876.

      BARKER, William Gideon Michael Jones. b. 27 Aug. 1817; author of The three days of Wensleydale, the valley of the Yore 1854. d. Leeds 10 April 1855.

      BARKLEY, John Trevor. b. Yetminster, Dorset 12 Oct. 1826; resident engineer on Whitehaven and Furness railway; manager of coalfields of Heraclea in Turkey 1850–55; constructed Danube and Black Sea railway 40 miles long (which was sold to Roumanian government Nov. 1882) and several other lines in east of Europe, also upwards of 20 bridges chiefly on the Bucharest and Varna line; returned to England about 1869; member of Iron and Steel Institute 1873. d. 8 Jany. 1882. Journal of Iron and Steel institute No. 2, 1882 651–53.

      BARLEE, Sir Frederick Palgrave (son of Rev. Edward Barlee 1788–1853, R. of Worlingworth, Suffolk). b. 1827; served in ordnance department 1844–55; colonial sec. of Western Australia 1855–77; member of legislative council to Nov. 1875; lieut. governor of British Honduras 1877–1883; left England to administer the government of Trinidad 2 June 1884; C.M.G. 30 May 1877, K.C.M.G. 24 May 1883. (m. 2 April 1851 Jane youngest dau. of Edward Oseland of Coleraine). d. Trinidad 8 Aug. 1884.

      BARLING, John. b. Weymouth 11 Aug. 1804; congregationalist minister at Square Chapel, Halifax 1829–34; Unitarian minister at Northgate end, Halifax Jany. 1854 to Jany. 1858; author of A review of Trinitarianism 1847; Leaves from my writing desk by an old student 1872. d. Leeds 20 Aug. 1883.

      BARLOW, Charles Anstruther. b. 5 Feb. 1800; entered navy 1812; commanded the Nimrod 20 guns 1839–41; captain 8 June 1841; C.B. 14 Oct. 1841. d. Hammersmith 31 Dec. 1855.

      BARLOW, Rev. Edward William (only son of Dr. Barlow, M.D. of New Sydney Place, Bath). ed. at Ex. Coll. Ox., B.A. 1834, M.A. 1836, D.D. 1865; C. of Rochford, Essex; author of A brief manual on writing Latin 1834; A treatise on the state of the soul 1843; The Apocrypha, its use and abuse 1850; Clerical manual 2 parts 1852; A compilation on Dilapidations 1853. d. Cleveland villa, Bath 13 Feb. 1869 aged 57.

      BARLOW, George Hilaro (4 son of Rev. Thomas Wm. Barlow 1760–1821 preb. of Bristol). b. 2 May 1806; midshipman R.N.; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832, M.D. 1841; studied at Univ. of Edin. and Guy’s hospital; M.R.C.P. 1834, F.R.C.P. 1842; assistant phys. to Guy’s hospital 1840, phys. 1843; one of editors of Guy’s hospital reports; chairman of New Equitable life assurance company 1856, and of the Briton medical and general life association 1862. d. Longton lodge, Sydenham 13 Oct. 1866. Lancet ii, 454–55 (1866).

      BARLOW, Henry Clark (only child of Henry Barlow of Newington Butts, London 1783–1858). b. 6, Churchyard row, Newington Butts 12 May 1806; studied at Royal Academy and Univ. of Edin., M.D. 3 Aug. 1837; spent 5 years in Italy 1841–45; F.G.S. 1864; took a prominent part in Dante festival at Florence 14–16 May 1865; Cavalier of order of the Saints Maurice and Lazarus June 1865; author of Industry on Christian principles 1851; Francesca da Rimini her lament and vindication 1859 2 ed. 1875; Essays on Symbolism 1866. d. Salzburg 8 Nov. 1876. A brief memoir of H. C. Barlow, privately printed 1868; Quarterly journal of Geological society xxxiii, 60–62 (1877).

      Note.—He left by will £1,000 consols to University College London for the endowment of an annual course of lectures on the ‘Divina Commedia’ as well as all the books and prints in his library which related to Dante and Italian history and literature; he also left £500 consols to the Geological Society for the furtherance of geological science.

      BARLOW, John. b. the Oak farm, Chorley, Cheshire 20 Sep. 1815; studied at Veterinary college Edin. 1842; assistant professor and lecturer on Zootomy at same college 1845 to death; member of Physiological Society. d. 1 Pilrig st. Edin. 29 Jany. 1856. A memoir of John Barlow 1858.

      BARLOW, Rev. John. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; F.R.S. 18 Dec. 1834; sec. of Royal Institution 1842–60; chaplain in ordinary at Kensington palace 12 Oct. 1854 to Sep. 1867. d. 5 Berkeley st. Piccadilly 8 July 1869 aged 70.

      BARLOW, Maurice. Ensign 85 foot 21 July 1814; lieut. col. 14 foot 25 Dec. 1847 to 27 Jany. 1857 when placed on h.p.; brigadier general in the Crimea 30 July 1855; col. of 3 West India regiment 8 June 1863 and of 14 foot 9 Aug. 1870 to death; general 21 March 1874. d. Florence 12 April 1875.

      BARLOW, Peter. b.