Oleg Starchen

Laconic philosophical encyclopedia. LaPhiEnia (LPE)

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ethics is based on the principle: “imagine the imagination of a person in relation to you, with whom you act, and act so that this person has no reason for the desire to imagine a bad act, word or deed, in relation to you.” Imagination of imagination is empathy. It’s something like of overmibd by Kordemsky, that he meant, however not using this term in the book “Mathematic savvy” in the task of the “Three wise men”, in which the sages laughed.


      Ethics of twinge of conscience is Zeazrosophy i.e. philosophy about the True over-thinking (zeazrovning). Ethical term the twinge of conscience [literally “zazrenie”] and the epistemological term the zeazrovning [literally “zeazrenie”] differ only in one letter, the letter E. There is a close metaphysical connection between them. One zeazrovning not enough for the good of mankind, it is necessary also twinge of conscience as genetically innate and inborn function of the psyche of future Superthinkers, coupled to zeazrovning. Otherwise, over-thinking and zeazrovning will be not for good but for evil, not for benefit but for harm.

      45 the ETIOLOGY OF EVIL

      Human evil is a painful psychological atavism inherited to mankind because of pathological genetic inheritance from ape-like ancestors. This idea was first invented by William Gerald Golding, an authoritative writer. Knowledge of etiology, i.e. the origin of any pathology, helps its diagnosis, prevention, and healing.


      The philosophy of the XXI century A.D. should be Extraordinary. Ordinary philosophy was previously.



      This is cosmism (of Fedorov, Tsiolkovsky and other cosmists).


      This is not matter, but Supramentality. From this fabric, it is possible to sew Zeazrosophy, this Royal majestic mantle of philosophy. But would anyone be screamed:

      “the King is naked!”


      The infinity of wisdom, expressed in this illustration, perfectly characterizes the completely Non-Platonic passion of philosophy about Supramentality to wisdom.

      In principle, Plotinus was the first founder of overmind in History, but not in Non-Platonic philosophy, so in Neoplatonism. This is a big difference: Neo-Platonism, though “new,” but PLATONISM, and the Non-Platonean philosophy brighting with quite not platonic love and with starry passion for wisdom, i.e. “Sophy”, so it’s Non-Platonically philosophy.


      The Eiffel tower initially did not like the Parisians, but eventually became the most fashionable business card of Paris.

      Zeazrosophy, Zelastrosophy is fashionable because Superthinkers can be the elite of mankind.


      Philosophy was purposefully towards Non-Thalesean philosophy (i.e., to the exaggerated philosophy), starting with Thales, to Non-Pythagorean philosophy (Orgaosophy), starting with Pythagoras, to Non-Platoean philosophy, starting with Plato. Thus, Orgaosophy – real PHILOSOPHY, not Platonic philosophy.



      For example, Thales, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Stagirite, Bacon, etc.


      It Archisophy uniting ordinary, thalesic philosophy and Non-thalesic philosophy, i.e. Orgaosophy. The main theory of Archisophy – theory of the overmind. The special theory of supermind refers to the ordinary philosophy, General theory of supramentality relates to Orgaosophy.



      Non-Thalesic philosophy is in good sense hypertrophiced Thalesic philosophy.

      55 the HOW TO LOVE WISDOM

      To philosophize, i.e. to love wisdom, it is necessary to free your mind from the tendency to commonness (or freed from communniss).


      (parody on Nietzsche)

      Philosophical iron or flatiron (i. e, philosophy which is heavy in quality or verbose in quantity) smoothes of brain gyrus. Note. For example, a quote from Dumas: listening to “the scientific” (in fact dumb) debate of the scholastics (medieval philosophers) and Aramis, “d’Artagnian felt that he get dumber.” That is famous Socratic irony.


      Philosophy should ideally be 100% and not diluted with unnecessary words and thoughts, i.e. should be laconic, not wordy.


      A reasonable human, Homo Sapiens turns into a Supramental Human, a Philosophical Human, Homo Philosopiens, to become a Real Human.


      The philosophy of the species Homo Sapiens has its own biological feature that distinguishes it from the philosophy of extraterrestrial reasonable beings. Human achievement of supermind will be a very positive, predominant and advantageous feature of Human, and this requires a Supramental philosophy of Human.

      60 the HUMOROSOPHY

      A statue of Hume in Edinburgh.

      Humorosophy – the direction in philosophy, that analyzes two objects in the same time or same theme: Humor and Hume.

      α. An example of the study of humor: a research of the Parable about the Philosopher and the Sophy:

      Philosopher: Hello, pretty woman. What’s your name?

      Beauty: – Sophy.

      Philosopher: – Then my name is Logy. Come on, Sophy, let’s do philosophy, without you would be only philology.

      There is an equivoque, a mixture of the meanings of words, as the linguistic philosopher would say.

      β. An example of the study of Hume: a research of phrase:

      Hume is not humeng (HUMENG i.e. HUME as youNG) and he has a smart hume. (HUME i.e. HUmE’s Mind).

      This joke is based on the abbreviation.

      See also: Symmetry of philosophy and Philogyneya.

      Note. The parable about the Philosopher and Sophy was published singly 02.01.2012, Humorosophy first published 04.18.2011.



      Imaginary philosophy is like a kaleidoscope of the beauty of mind and imagination

      It is Non-Thalesic, Non-Phitagorasic, Non-Platonic, Non-Socratic philosophy. This is a remake of Lobachevsky’s “imaginary geometry”, “non-Euclidean geometry”. No wonder on the wall of Plato’s Academy was written: “not for a non-geometer Enter”. The synthesis of geometry and philosophy produced in non-Thalesic philosophy is similar to heterosis, making philosophy much stronger. This NOT-philosophy is actually a NEO-philosophy, new philosophy, neothalesic philosophy, neopythagorean philosophy, neosocratic philosophy, neoplatonic philosophy.

      Note. As Einstein said: