Vladimir Kishinets

Future is coming: bio-revolution. Triumph of humanism

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into any sphere of human activity, one way or another affect the way of life of people. Sometimes this effect is indirect and unobtrusive, sometimes very noticeable. Even the above description of the general features of the new biomedicine makes it possible to understand that the level of its influence will be unprecedented.

      But for us, another unique feature of the “medicine of immortality” is important. It is able to influence people’s lives even BEFORE its creation, BEFORE its introduction, only as a result of people’s belief in the possibility, in the reality of “immortality” technologies. This BELIEF, which will gradually, as the penetration of information about the successes of biology, spread and strengthen in the mass consciousness, will play a huge role in future historical events, will cause significant changes in the Outlook and behavior of people, will affect the economy and social sphere.

      This unique feature is determined by the exceptional value and importance for each person of the benefits that new Biomedicine opens up to him. Benefits that can not give any other most fantastic technology.


      It should be understood that immortation, juvenation, bio-therapy, bio-plasty mean not just prolongation of life, treatment of diseases or the ability to easily change the shape of the nose. Their value is much higher – they allow you to get rid of many of the eternal human problems that are not solved in any other way, provide a completely different level, a different quality of existence, an unattainable degree of personal freedom, incredible individual opportunities.

      So, bio-therapy is not just an effective medicine. This is an exception to the very possibility of any bodily problems. This is life in conditions of absolute physical and psychic comfort.

      The value of bio-plasty is not only in the ability to freely change (for example, for sexual and aesthetic purposes) your body and psychological qualities. It is also a solution to a huge social and psychological problem, a victory over a significant natural injustice. This injustice is the physical and intellectual inequality of human beings from birth. Having the opportunity to change themselves, people will cease to be a passive result of hereditary genetic lottery parent DNA fusion. The man himself, not the game of chance, will decide what he should be, how to look, what abilities to possess. This will prove to be, among other things, a huge step towards achieving the true equality of people that is impossible today.

      The meaning of immortation can, perhaps, be likened to the abolition of the death sentence imposed on a person. However, the value of immortality is not only in this. It will give a person something more – an unlimited time for self-realization, a change of professions, the solution of any life problems, the opportunity to live “a thousand lives.”

      It is also difficult to overestimate the human significance of rejuvenation giving an enduring youth, the secret of which people sought at all times and for which they were ready to “sell their soul to the devil”.

      It is easy to understand that the most important, key in its role, technology here is immortation. Having gained the possibility of physiologically unlimited life, everyone sooner or later will be able to get all the other benefits of Biomedicine – unlimited life in a healthy, young, perfect body, something that could not dream of any pharaohs or kings, no one ever in the world.

      Thus, “immortality” is the greatest possible benefit with which no values of today’s human being compare: no yachts, no palaces, no life under palm trees. And when people begin to realize this, the desire for bio-immortality will become the most powerful, most mass ideology in the history of humankind.


      Naturally, before every person who believes in the possibility of technological immortality, the question arises: what should be done to get the immortalization of themselves and their loved ones? The answer is obvious: the main condition under all circumstances is to live, survive, save your life until the real appearance of this technology. This, as practice shows, people understand in the first place, when they learn about Biomedicine.

      What you need to do in order to increase your chances of “survival” is also clear to everyone: first, to maintain your health and, secondly, not to die as a result of an accident.

      As faith in immortality intensifies, the desire for “survival” will become the main need of huge masses, a universal global goal. Such mass character will lead to serious, not always obvious today and not all positive consequences in the future.


      It is not difficult to understand how the two above-mentioned “survival” conditions will be solved.

      Measures to maintain health are known: medical prevention, physical activity, rejection of bad habits. It is quite clear, and their positive effects.

      However, it will not do without problems. Increased attention to health will create obvious problems in the field of health care: an increase in the number of calls to medical institutions, an increase in the requirements to improve health care, increase its availability, etc.

      However, all these problems (we will not dwell on them) do not go to any comparison with the problems that will arise as a result of the mass desire to avoid accidents. The growing faith of people in immortation will give rise to the so-called “new caution” syndrome, which, rapidly spreading and intensifying, will quickly grow into a general excess of caution, in an effort to protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible from any possible dangers.

      The growing belief of people in immortation will give rise to a syndrome of so-called “new caution”, which, rapidly spreading and increasing, will quickly grow into a General “super-caution”. People will begin to seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from any even the most minor dangers.

      The peculiarities of human psychology will naturally lead to the fact that the desire to avoid dangerous situations, real or imaginary, will become more than just increased circumspection. It will become a mass fad, a fashion, and in some cases will turn into psychosis.

      On the one hand, super-caution will bring a lot of positive. There will be a real increase for people of the value of their lives.

      It sounds paradoxical, if you do not remember a lot of examples of how often people put their lives at risk because of laziness, frivolity, for the sake of “adrenaline” entertainment. The Outlook of people and their attitude to risk will change. The deceased climber will be perceived not as an example of courage, but as a loser who missed his chance at immortality, etc.

      One of the most important consequences of this will be a significant reduction in the likelihood of various kinds of armed conflicts, since over time, fewer people will be willing to expose their lives, and hence their future immortality, to the dangers of war. The number of suicides will drop – the prospect of immortation will become for many an additional stimulus to life.

      These massive changes in people’s minds will allow developing unusual and very effective measures in the fight against violent crimes, including their most radical form, suicide terrorism. Such a measure would be the adoption of laws on the prohibition of immortation for murderers, accomplices and organizers of such crimes, including politicians and other public figures who intentionally incite strife and provoke bloody conflicts. “The ban on immortality” will become a serious deterrent here.

      Examples of the positive impact of the “new caution” on people’s lives can be continued to list, but each side of the coin has a flip side. And here it is very visible.


      Since the threat to life, often very unlikely, exists everywhere: on the street, in transport, on vacation, in the elevator, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc., then super-caution in common will inevitably lead to certain difficulties in everyday people’s lives.
