Alan Sillitoe

The German Numbers Woman

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airwaves were public property, after all. Maybe he knew already, or at least suspected. Could even be he didn’t mind, different if it was another man.

      ‘I’m hungry,’ Judy said, ‘so I’ll take some bread to my cabin, with sausage and an orange. I can’t talk tomorrow evening because we don’t sail till one o’clock. We’ll talk on Wednesday, though, the day after tomorrow. Don’t forget. I know it’s difficult, but we’ll try at eleven, though wait till twelve because other crew sometimes come in the cabin where the radio is and I don’t want to talk with anyone listening.’

      ‘What about skipper?’

       ‘Oh, he’s in bed, and the others have gone to a disco. They heard me last night and said why do you want to talk to a Spanish woman? She doesn’t understand you. And I said: “She’s a very nice person.” But they only laughed. They tease me, but I don’t care. I love you very much. My hand is painful when I have to press the button to you. When I have a chance I’ll bring my camera to the radio corner and take a picture so you’ll know where I am. The men on board say: “Why have you got a woman lover?” And I say: “Haven’t you heard how nice Spanish women are? She’s fantastic. I see her every two months, and I’m more happy than if I see an English person every day.” I tell them you’re married, and we’re just friends. Oh, my finger’s gone to sleep. Can you hear me now? Say again? It was good to see you in Valencia. I was happy.’

      ‘We meet again soon, then?’

      ‘It’s very difficult, and a long way to come. Maybe we’ll meet next in Barcelona.’

      ‘I don’t know.’

      ‘Why not? When you’re with your boyfriend you forget me, I know. I’m going to my cabin now to eat French honey. Then I’ll have a drink, and one cigarette. I’ll be on my own. When it’s dark the reception’s better on the radio, isn’t it? The frequency’s clear.’

      ‘I want to go to sleep.’

      ‘Typical! I could talk all night, even though I have to get their breakfasts at six in the morning. I don’t like to get out of bed either. After lunch I have to be on again at four.’

      ‘Must go now,’ Carla said. Howard thought she sounded weary.

      ‘OK, speak to you on Wednesday. Love you, Carla. Goodnight.’

      He heard the sound of kisses.

      The voice of Judy enchanted, went deeply in, he couldn’t say why. The tone spoke to him, more he hoped than to her lover. Though they had signed off he waited for more, a forlorn hope that she would come back. Laura came in to tell him it was time for his drinks before going to bed, so he plugged in the tape recorder in case there was more talk on the wavelength, not wanting to miss a word of their conversation.


      Richard downhilled into town towards the sea, the morse key squeaking intermittently in its box. Contacts were too close, no hidden message made out of such electrical dribble. He smiled that if it went on much longer he would feed its canary spirit to the cat, or cut down the ration of birdseed for breakfast. He had practised using it during the afternoon, testing for digital dexterity and the flexibility of his wrist. It was a little ex-post office model, all shining precision of brass-made parts except for the Bakelite thumb and finger hold.

      Lights spread along the front and, parking by the church, he unscrewed the key to stop the contacts mewing, unwilling for the battery to waste. Stars pushed from ragged cloud, and he knew he needed a drink when half a dozen lucky youths rocketed from a pub and went singing towards the amusement arcades. He climbed steps between the houses, undrawn curtains showing dolly-mixture coloured screens ogled by those who had nothing better to do.

      Drizzle blew from behind, kept at bay by his trench coat and cap. No bell, but a solid knocker on the door of a Queen Anne house, no more than a glorified cottage, windows curtained though blades of light whitened the edges.

      The television went off, an outside bulb glowed on him, and Laura opened the door. Her tenseness made him wonder why he was here. Perhaps the most important actions are done for no apparent reason, in spite of or even unknown to yourself, whether for ill or good. He recalled Amanda’s laugh at his intention to do a charitable deed, her remarks seeming irrelevant, even spiteful.

      Laura’s poise and superb figure told him that if she had been twenty years younger he would have regarded her as the love of his life, and even now he felt regret at seeing what he had lost. Maybe I’m here to find out, which says something about me, though I should be too old to wonder.

      She took his coat and cap, surprised at how vacant he had looked for a moment. He handed over the plastic bag with his morse key, and took the bunch of Dutch roses from its swathe of white paper. ‘Some flowers for you.’ He enjoyed her blushing amazement. ‘I couldn’t come empty handed. It was kind of you to invite me. Not much, but they’re all I could find. I hope they keep for a while.’ He supposed he had little chance of staying favourably in her mind after the flowers had wilted.

      ‘You shouldn’t,’ she said, though liked him thinking he was under an obligation. In the living room there was an air of long-lived domestic comfort. A black cat sleeping its length on top of the still-warm television didn’t stir as he came in, though the man got up from his armchair by the fireplace and strode so quickly that he was ready to step aside in case they collided.

      Howard stopped a couple of paces off, and put out a hand. ‘I’m pleased you could make it. I’m Howard. Laura’s told you about me, I expect.’ The horizontal voice makes him about my height, not a bit puffed after climbing the hill, so he’s in fair condition, though he smokes, and obviously likes his tipple. He sensed the uneasiness at being in a strange house, and though not able to see, and never would, fixed a face to match words and gestures. Fair, neat hair, alert features enhanced by a small clipped moustache maybe. A curious and enquiring face, intelligent and perhaps devious, a bit like the bomb aimer in the kite that was crippled. Beyond that he couldn’t go. Have to check with Laura.

      Richard felt an intruder into their long-fixed relationship, but since he was there he’d have to relax and be at his best. At least he could stare at Howard for more than long enough to take him in, though not too intently with Laura looking on. ‘I’m sure you want coffee,’ she said.

      He did. Howard sat down, pointing to a chair as if the plan of everything was firm in his mind. ‘It’s a lousy night. Did you come far?’

      Pots rattled in the kitchen. ‘Only from near Bracebridge.’

      ‘It was good of you to help Laura with the car.’

       ‘If you don’t mind me saying so, I’d do the same for any woman. For a man as well if he was having difficulty.’

      Howard thought about this, then went on: ‘Is your house up, or down?’

      ‘I’m on a fair hill.’ He’d imagined Howard to be tallish, but he wasn’t much above medium height. The solid arched forehead looked as if much was packed behind, but whether profitable grey matter or as a result of suffering it was hard to tell. With glazed eyes and seemingly dead much expression was gone, but he felt a central all-seeing eye somewhere. The chin jutting beneath full curving lips suggested a temper well controlled. He wore a polo-neck fisherman’s blue jersey, corduroy trousers, and carpet slippers.

      ‘Good for the antennae,’ he smiled. ‘Do you get much time to listen?’

      ‘I do a bit most days,’ Richard said.

      Howard passed his silver cigarette case. He’d filled it himself. ‘You can’t keep away from the wireless gear, eh?’ Going to the table in the middle of the room, he put an ash tray on the arm of Richard’s chair. ‘I know I can’t. There are so many interesting things. You’d think the whole system was designed for a chap like me. It makes a pattern in my universe.’
