Laura Ziepe

Essex Girls

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      Tom was irritated. ‘Fine. Tell Kelly that in future you need a bit of notice. You can’t just be there whenever she decides to come down. You do have a life.’

      ‘Tom, my friend is upset and needs me, so I’m going to be there for her. Look, I need to get going so perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow.’

      ‘Fair enough. Bye.’

      Tom felt well and truly put out. How inconvenient that Kelly had just decided last minute to visit Jade. Did she not think that Jade may have made plans? She was supposedly feeling down about something, Jade had said. Perhaps she’d broken a nail, Tom sniggered to himself. Didn’t she have any other bloody friends in Essex to whine to? He had no plans for the rest of the day now as all his friends had gone away for the weekend. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to finish with Louisa just yet. Perhaps he’d see what she was up to? She was always game for anything – and he certainly wouldn’t be getting any sex from Jade today, after all.

      He called the boys over and started the warm-up session.


      Jade was amazed how calm she had been on the phone to Tom. She had really wanted to scream at him the minute she heard his voice, but knew that wouldn’t get her anywhere. Who did he think he was, telling her to inform Kelly she needed to give more notice next time? Had he always been like that – or was she only just seeing him now for who he truly was? The more she thought about it, the more Jade realised he was always trying to control her.

      She calmly collected her things from the flat, making sure she hadn’t left anything behind.

      Jade wished deep in her heart that the whole thing was just a huge mistake; that they could carry on normally and forget any of this ever happened. What she would give for that feeling of utter happiness and complete contentment that she’d had only forty minutes ago. She always thought she was so lucky to have Tom, but now she could see she wasn’t at all; he was lucky to have her. She wasn’t perfect, she knew that; she snored a little (so she’d been told), she often sat in her pyjamas all day and no, she never felt quite herself without her fake eyelash extensions. But she was loyal, honest and trustworthy and had truly loved him. She would never betray someone she loved and she would have done anything for him. So, he was the loser. He was welcome to that tart.

      Jade closed the front door behind her quietly and ran to her car. She thanked her lucky stars she’d hadn’t bumped into Tom’s mum on the way out, as she would probably want to chat for ages and ask her where she was going. It was clear that his mum never thought she was good enough, so the last thing Jade needed was to run into her. Jade had had to bite her tongue on more than one occasion, especially when she commented that perhaps Jade should consider a cookery class so she could feed her son ‘decent’ meals, after she’d cooked Tom a Marks and Spencer meal deal one evening. What was wrong with a meal deal? It wasn’t as though she’d cooked him a Pot Noodle or something! Jade started the ignition, her mind working overtime, wondering what she could do to get her revenge.

      When she walked through the front door to her flat she noticed a leaflet on the welcome mat about a Sleeping Beauty theatre performance that evening at the university. I wonder if his little bit on the side is performing? Jade wondered as she eyed the cast list avidly. As soon as she saw the name ‘Louisa Dalton’ written as the main part of Sleeping Beauty the idea came to her. If it worked, it was the perfect way to show Tom up. The perfect way to show him that, actually, she was in control. Jade couldn’t wait.


      Tom pulled into his drive and suddenly realised how hungry he was. His mum would be up by now and he couldn’t wait to eat one of the legendary bacon and cheese baguettes that she made every Saturday. He would miss his mum spoiling him when he left home. Jade had already said outright that she would not be waiting on him hand and foot, especially when they were both working. Women and their bloody equal rights these days, Tom thought, infuriated. Maybe he’d suggest that she paid for meals out equally too, see how she liked that!

      He was the only one still living at home, as his older brother had moved out a long time ago, and his mum loved nothing more than to fuss over him. He certainly wasn’t complaining. Jade often told him he should help his mum out more and that she shouldn’t be still ironing his clothes, but she liked doing it and besides, what did Jade know? It made his mum happy to be there for him, it made her feel needed. He didn’t have a clue how to iron and if he was honest, he didn’t want to know how to either. As far as he was concerned it was a woman’s job.

      He walked through his front door and the smell of bacon came wafting towards him, much to his delight.

      ‘Morning Tom,’ his mum said, handing him a baguette wrapped in a napkin.

      ‘Morning Mum.’ He took a huge, hungry bite.

      ‘Think I heard Jade leave earlier. She didn’t say goodbye though.’

      Tom could see she was offended. ‘I wouldn’t take it personally, Mum. She was in a rush as her dopey Essex friend is upset about something and has just turned up to see her.’

      ‘Still, she could have at least called out that she was leaving to me. So what are you doing today then?’

      ‘I’m not sure yet. About to make plans,’ he said, as he walked out the kitchen, chewing a delicious mouthful of bacon. He was humming as he kicked his shoes off and made his way upstairs. His mum was very particular about not wearing shoes on her cream carpets. She was extremely house-proud, exactly how women should be, he thought fondly. Tom sat on the bed, annoyed that Jade hadn’t even bothered to make it for once, which was unlike her. Too worried about meeting up with that bimbo, he thought. He reached into his drawer and searched for his phone, hidden under a few large notepads. He switched it on and wasn’t surprised to see a text message sent a few minutes earlier from Louisa. God, she was keen, he thought arrogantly.

       What are you up to tonight? Want to fulfill a fantasy of mine?

      This was more like it, Tom thought as he read the message. Maybe Jade had done him a favour blowing him out in the end. A night of fulfilling fantasies had to be better than a picnic and perhaps the dull cinema later on, surely? He texted back, wondering what Louisa had in mind.

       Sounds good to me. What time and where shall we meet?

      Hopefully it was a threesome and she had another hot friend; that would be the best night ever! How his friends would be jealous if he told them that was how he’d spent his Saturday night. A text pinged back almost straight away.

       Meet me at the university theatre at six tonight. It’ll be empty, I’ve checked and the doors are always open. I’ve always wanted to do it on the stage. Every time I see it, I picture us together on it. Take all your clothes off and wait for me. It’ll be dark in there and I’ll meet you. Promise I won’t b e late xx

      Was she being serious? The university theatre? What if somebody saw them? Then again, who would be at the university theatre on a Saturday night? The whole campus was usually dead at weekends because people went home, and she did say she was sure it was empty. Plus, who cared if a cleaner or caretaker got a cheeky glimpse? Knowing someone could be watching them might even even be a turn on. If there were loads of people around he would just meet her outside and tell her they had to go somewhere else; maybe they could do it in his car in the car park? His phone beeped again.

       I hope you’re not going to be a chicken? Come on, I want to get dirty with you on the stage …

      He sighed. How could he refuse that? He’d look like a complete loser if he turned her down. Maybe she wanted to boast to all her theatre friends that she’d done it on the stage with him; she was obviously up for it so why shouldn’t he be? The worst thing that could happen was that someone would see them and it might get back to Jade, but that was a risk he was willing to take – the thought of doing it somewhere different was just too much of a thrill to turn down. Louisa might not be the love of his life, but she sure as hell could be fun at times. She wasn’t even asking