Barbara Taylor Bradford

Barbara Taylor Bradford’s 4-Book Collection

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awkward position, I know, but I’m not really. It was I who brought you up to have a sense of honour, to be loyal, so I would certainly never ask you to betray a confidence. Still, under the circumstances, I don’t think it would be disloyal to Kim if you repeat what he’s told you, or what Katharine has said about herself. I’m hardly asking you to divulge state secrets,’ he finished with a soft chuckle.

      Francesca stared down at her hands. Everything her father said made sense. Surely there was no harm in telling him what she knew. It was then she realized, and with a little stab of dismay, that there was hardly anything to repeat. ‘Kim hasn’t confided in me, and neither was Katharine,’ she answered. ‘To tell you the truth, now that I think about it, she hasn’t said much about her life. Here or in America.’

      ‘I see,’ said David, masking his surprise. He looked at her clear and lovely face, the candid gaze, and he knew she was being her usual truthful self. Until this moment he had been convinced his daughter would be able to enlighten him. She and Kim were extremely close. Obviously she had been kept in the dark. Very curious indeed. Then he wondered why.

      Francesca volunteered, ‘I understand from Kim that Katharine comes from Chicago, and that she’s an orphan, poor girl.’

      ‘Yes, he told me that too. He also mentioned she went to school here and afterwards attended RADA.’ The Earl shook his head in bemusement. ‘Not much to go on, is it?’

      ‘No,’ Francesca agreed. It struck her how foolish Kim had been. He should have adopted a more direct approach with their father, instead of being close-mouthed, secretive. His posture, so silly and unnecessary, had precipitated an unfortunate situation, one which could only end up being troublesome.

      ‘Do you think she has any family at all?’ the Earl asked.

      ‘I don’t think so –’ Francesca bit off her sentence and shook her head. ‘I shouldn’t say that, because actually I don’t really know,’ she corrected herself.

      David Cunningham stared across the room, his eyes focused on an antique hunting print, a preoccupied expression on his face. After a few seconds, he swung his head to face Francesca. ‘Look here, dear, I’m not passing any judgments on Katharine, nor am I out to create undue problems for Kim. God knows, I have his well being and happiness at heart. And believe me, as of this moment, I don’t have strong objections to the girl. I’m sure she is most admirable, and she might be ideal for him. But, as Kim’s father, I feel I am entitled to some information about Katharine’s background. It’s not much to ask, is it?’

      ‘No, Daddy,’ Francesca said, understanding his concern. He was being much more reasonable than she had originally anticipated. Voicing the one thing which had chiefly worried her, she ventured tentatively, ‘Then you don’t mind that she’s an actress?’

      ‘I’m not that old fashioned, my dear,’ David exclaimed with a faint chuckle. ‘And times have changed. Naturally, I would have preferred Kim to have fallen in love with a girl from his own world, but I can’t control his emotions, now can I?’

      ‘No, I don’t suppose you can.’

      ‘And anyway, if she and Kim do marry, she would automatically give up her acting career. She would have to, and I hope Kim has made that clear to her.’ David rested his elbows on the desk and brought the tips of his fingers together to form a steeple. He peered over them, and asked, ‘Do you think Tempest is Katharine’s real name; or one she adopted for the stage? I must say, it struck me as being rather theatrical.’

      ‘Theatrical! How can you say that, Dad? What about your old friend, Lord Londonderry? His family name is Tempest. Well, anyway, Tempest Stewart.’

      ‘Hmmm. Quite so. However, you haven’t answered my question. Do you think it’s her real name?’

      ‘I’ve no way of knowing. Why?’

      ‘Doris comes from Chicago –’

      ‘I thought she came from Oklahoma.’

      ‘She does, but after her marriage to Edgar Asternan she moved to Chicago, his home town, and lived there for many years. I Katharine’s family was a prominent one, I’m sure Doris would have been acquainted with them. Certainly she would have heard of them, since she was very social and involved in numerous civic activities. It occurred to me she might be able to give me a few salient facts.’

      ‘Yes, she might.’ Francesca stood up and walked to the window. She glanced out, her mind on Kim. He really was impossible at times. And so thoughtless. Her father had enough worries without this problem to add to his burdens. Poor Dad, he really is troubled, she thought. She turned and said impulsively, ‘Perhaps you ought to ’phone Doris right now. You never know, Daddy, she might be able to put your mind at rest immediately. After all, it is a small world.’

      ‘No, darling, I don’t think I will. I’ll wait until Doris gets back next week, and discuss it with her then. I don’t believe there’s that much of a panic.’

      ‘You know best, Dad. And please don’t worry. I’m sure Doris can check out Katharine for you, just like that.’ She snapped her fingers, and her smile was reassuring.

      ‘Good Lord, Frankie, I don’t want to check the girl out, as you seem to infer! Turn her inside out and upside down! That would be perfectly reprehensible.’ The Earl was genuinely shocked at the suggestion, and went on, ‘As I said, I merely want to know more about her, and her family. Background. That sort of thing. Just the usual sort of information a father likes to have, before he sanctions a serious relationship. Actually, I’m willing to give them my blessing, you know, providing I’m satisfied Katharine is everything she appears to be.’

      Francesca went to her father. Impulsively, she threw her arms around him, and said, her cheek against his, ‘Kim and I are lucky to have you as a father.’

      ‘And I’m lucky to have the two of you,’ David said warmly. ‘Certainly neither of you has ever caused me any trouble.’ He looked up at her and grinned boyishly. ‘But then I haven’t given you any either. I’ve never curtailed your activities or poked around in your lives. In fact, I think I’ve always given you a lot of rope. Because I trust you both implicitly. That’s why I can’t understand Kim’s attitude at all.’ He half-smiled at Francesca. ‘I’ve brought you and Kim up to take people at face value, to accept them for their worth on a human level, and not to be influenced by money or power or more worldly things, and I know I was right to do that. At the same time, I expect you both to have common sense, exercise judgment and discretion, and select friends who are at least appropriate –’

      ‘Don’t you think Katharine is appropriate?’ Francesca interrupted, her eyes clouding over.

      ‘How can I possibly know that, Frankie? On the surface, yes, I would say she appears to be appropriate. But no adult ever comes to us like a newborn babe, without a history, a past. And since I have no knowledge of Katharine’s upbringing, I can hardly make a proper assessment of her, decide whether or not she is suitable for Kim. As a wife that is. I don’t have to remind you of his responsibilities, I know that. On the other hand, have you thought of what Katharine’s life would be like if she married Kim? She would be buried in the country most of the year; a farmer’s wife, albeit a farmer’s wife with a title, and country living is hardly the most exciting existence, my darling, as well you know. It’s never been your cup of tea. And then again, there are all the duties and responsibilities she would have to take on, with the estate workers, the villagers, the Women’s Voluntary Service, not to mention our rather demanding vicar. Think of the church activities alone – garden fêtes, bazaars, jumble sales, the Harvest Festival, the Christmas festivities, and so many more endless tasks. More importantly, perhaps, does Katharine know what marriage to Kim really entails?’ David shook his head and did not wait for her reply. ‘I doubt it. I’m sure Kim hasn’t bothered to explain the ramifications of his life, just as he hasn’t sought to find out more about her. Personally, I think he’s so damned infatuated he hasn’t given a passing thought to these things. Probably thinks they’re irrelevant and far too mundane. But they’re not.