Debbie Macomber

Navy Brat

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she moved away from him.

      “Yes,” Brand answered softly, and rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. “What are you doing every day for the next four days?”

      “Why?” A worried look dominated her face. Then her eyes, which had been so gentle and submissive only seconds before, flashed to life with a fire that all but scorched Brand. “You don’t need to tell me. You’re only going to be in Seattle four more days.”

      Chapter Four

      “Why are you so angry?” Brand demanded, not understanding Erin. He was being as honest as he knew how to be with her, and she was looking at him as though he’d just announced he was an ax murderer.

      “You know…You know…” She walked over to the cupboard and slammed two ceramic mugs down with enough force to crack the kitchen counter. “From the beginning you’ve known how I feel about navy men.”

      “I didn’t mislead you,” he reminded her in as reasonable a tone as he could muster. “You knew from the first I was on a short assignment.”

      Grudgingly she answered him with an abrupt nod.

      If Brand was upset about anything, it was the fact that he’d waited so long to do as his friend Casey MacNamera had asked and checked up on the old man’s daughter. If Brand had contacted her the first week he’d arrived in Seattle, a lot of things might have worked out differently.

      “Here’s your coffee.” The hot liquid sloshed over the edges of the mug when Erin set it on the glass table top.

      He pulled out a beige cushioned chair and sat. His hands cupped the mug while he waited, giving Erin the time she needed to sort through her feelings.

      It took her far longer than he expected. She paced the kitchen ten or fifteen times, pausing twice, her eyes revealing her confusion and her doubt. Both times she glared at him as though he’d committed unspeakable crimes. After a while, her brisk steps slowed, and she started talking to herself, mumbling something unintelligible.

      “Am I forgiven?” Brand asked when she sat in the chair across the table from him.

      “Sure,” she answered, giving him a weak smile. “What’s there to forgive?”

      “I’m pleased you feel that way.” Because of the abrupt switch in her behavior, Brand didn’t feel as confident.

      “Meeting you has…been an interesting experience” was all she’d say.

      Brand felt the same way himself. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

      “I’m busy.”

      Brand frowned, and a sinking sensation attacked the pit of his stomach. “Doing what?”

      “I don’t believe that’s any of your concern.”

      Oh, boy, here it comes, he mused. “But it is. If you’re attending church services, then I’ll go with you. If you’ve promised a friend you’d help them move, then I’ll cart boxes myself.” If Erin thought the Irish could be stubborn, she had yet to butt heads with the German in him.

      “Brand, please don’t make this any more difficult than it already is. I can’t change who I am for you. I told you from the first I don’t want to become involved with anyone in the military, and I meant it. I don’t know why you can’t accept that. And I don’t even want to know. You’re leaving, and when it comes right down to it, I’m glad. It’s for the best.”

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