Gena Showalter


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I have full range of motion.

      I wish Killian were here. He would look me over slowly and say, “Nice dress. Now take it off.” And I would laugh a throaty laugh to mask my shivers of need. I would ache to be in his arms.

      I do ache.

      Where is he at this precise moment? What’s he doing? Who is he with?

      I dreamed about him again last night, and I’m still raw. I felt the soft brush of his lips a split second before he vanished like morning mist.

      I can’t shake the feeling he needs me. That we need each other.

      What if he’s in some kind of trouble? What if he’s trying to reach me, desperate for my help?

      What if he’s trapped in the Kennels?

      I shudder. The Kennels are Myriad’s number one choice for punishment. Cage is stacked upon cage, a different spirit locked inside each one. Men and women, boys and girls. Age doesn’t matter. Everyone is degraded, cramped and starved.

      I cover my eyes, as if I can somehow block the horrific image.

      I have to find a way to contact Killian.

      Head high, I rejoin Meredith. “Will everyone be dressed like this?” Good. I sounded normal, breezy.

      In lieu of an answer, she says, “Oh, honey bunny. You have to dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

      “Then I should wear a calculator.” If I’d had a longer Firstlife, I’d planned to get an accounting degree.

      “Tsk-tsk. Your nerd is showing.”

      “And your old lady is showing.”

      We share a smile, but I notice the merriment doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Upon closer inspection, I notice the lines of tension bracketing her mouth.

      Considering her reaction to yesterday’s message, something bad has happened behind the scenes.

      “Tell me what’s wrong, Madame.” I use my most authoritative tone. “That’s an order from your exalted superior.”

      Her tension lessens, and she snorts. “You want to know? Fine. You’re going to be briefed, anyway.”

      I am?

      “Myriad has been guarding a girl they’ve already signed as if she’s...well, as important as you. And she just might be. There are rumors she’s infected with...” She shudders as she leans in to whisper a single word, “Penumbra.”

      I flip through mental files, find no reference. “What is—”

      She slaps a hand over my mouth and shakes her head, her eyes wide as saucers.

      All right, all right. I hold my hands up, all innocence. Top secret topic. Got it. “Why don’t we call it the Bra?”

      Her hand falls away, a half smile teasing one side of her mouth. “The Bra is a highly contagious disease we’ve only ever dealt with in rumor-form. There has never been a breakout. Half our population believes it’s a scare tactic while the other half believes it’s a time bomb waiting to blow. Humans are, supposedly, the only ones susceptible, but the infected can develop the abilities of an Abrogate.”

      Abrogate—the highest rank of General in Myriad. My counterpart. I draw Light—or rather, I will—and Abrogates drain it.

      “Which camp are you?” I ask.

      “Time bomb. The Book of the Law predicts the worlds as we know them will one day end. What better way than this? But that’s another story for another time.”

      Maintaining a neutral expression requires a massive effort. The worlds are going to end? This is the first I’ve heard of any upcoming disasters!

      What makes you think the changes will be disastrous?

      The disembodied voice I heard the day I died, springing from the back of my mind. This is the Grid. My link to the heart of Troika. I’m certain now.

      Deep breath in, out. “If the worlds as we know them change, they could change for the better.” Like...peace could be achieved.

      Her head cants to the side. “Very true. But because we’ve never dealt with this disease, we have no definite cure. However, we are certain Conduits are the key. If Pen—the Bra is total darkness, then the Light must chase it away.”

      Cold fingers of dread creep down my spine. With Princess Mariée MIA, Troikan powers that be will look to me for Penumbra containment, won’t they? No wonder I’ll be debriefed.

      I’m supposed to save us. Me. All by my lonesome.

      I’m not ready.

      I’ll never be ready. But I’m going to help, anyway.

      “What causes a...Bra outbreak?” I ask. “Why can’t other Troikans wield the necessary amount of Light?”

      “Have you heard of Torchlight?” When I shake my head no, she adds, “For us, Light is power. Our version of electricity. If a spirit is hit with too much electricity, his body shuts down. Torchlight is the spiritual equivalent.”

      Stomach cramp. There’s so much I don’t know—so much I need to know if I’m going to survive. “This war,” I say with a sigh. “The realms have been fighting for centuries. Do people even remember why they’re fighting?”

      “Of course. Right versus wrong. Values versus anarchy.” She nudges my shoulder, saying, “Speaking of fights. I heard about your run-in with Elizabeth.”

      Recruit my grandmother to my peace plan—strike one. “She’s angry with me. And I get it. I do. But I don’t want to fight her. I don’t want to fight anyone. Why can’t we all just get along?”

      “Easy. If we don’t fight for what’s right, we’ll be overpowered by what’s wrong.”

      Okay. Strike two.

      She checks a wristwatch she isn’t wearing and gives me a gentle shove toward the door. “Enough chatter. We should go.”

      “Fine,” I grumble.

      We exit my apartment. The hallway overflows with trainees just hanging out and talking. Most are wearing armor while a few are draped in robes. Everyone stops whatever they’re doing to Meredith?

      Ooo-kay. Here, we are all equals in terms of love and respect, but this is a show of respect for her position as Leader. The fact that I’m with her—or maybe the threats Levi voiced last night have spread like wildfire—earns me a handful of smiles and even more waves. No one glares at me. A few girls gaze at my dress with longing.

      We take two Gates to the Temple of Temples. There’s a crowd, but this one is much thinner, allowing me to note details previously missed. The courtyard teems with an abundance of roses in an array of colors. No petal is dry or withered, no leaf droops. The stems have no thorns.

      The next chamber is the Waft of Incense, and I suddenly understand the reason for the name. A heavenly fragrance saturates the air. With every breath, I’m certain I’m inhaling pure life.

      Fourteen men and women stand before the gold brick wall guarding the entrance. I scan each face, taking the measure of my peers, and scout out every possible exit.

      Work now, relax later.

      The fourteen represent a mix of nationalities and appear to be average Troikans, but they are the only ones wearing turquoise robes with short metal links sewn into the shoulders. Levi is among them.

      Fourteen, a multiple of seven. A double portion. In numerology, it means deliverance from pain, problem and panic.

      Long ago, when people married, they celebrated the wedding feast for fourteen days.

      To the right of the fourteen, eight people form a line. Eight is the atomic number of oxygen. Meredith and I take a spot at the end, making us nine and ten. How