Jenny Angell


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to fondle her breasts. She must really be hot for me.

      She gasped and pulled away from him, scrambling up further on the bed, still with that smile. Slowly, watching him, she started to undress. The black lace top that barely concealed the camisole, the skirt … she was wearing a garter belt and stockings – he caught his breath and felt that pulsing in his cock again. She knows what I want, he thought, and locking eyes with her, he stood up, unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his khakis.

      She was just wearing the camisole and stockings now, no underpants – God, I love it when they don’t wear anything underneath – and she leaned back against the headboard, still watching him, her legs falling apart naturally. Slowly, she put a finger in her mouth, then withdrew it; slowly, she moved her hand down and slid the same finger into her pussy.

      She’s so hot, he thought. He pulled off his shirt. He couldn’t take his eyes off her pussy. She didn’t shave it, like some girls did, and he was fascinated with the curly dark hair and the slender hand on it, moving, pulsing …

      He crawled up to be with her, but she put one elegant, black-stockinged leg up, her foot against his chest, to hold him away from her. Her eyes were still holding his. She wet her finger once more and started really caressing herself, rocking her hips rhythmically, moving against her hand, her breathing coming faster, even moaning, and all the while her eyes were still on him.

      He felt like his cock was going to burst.

      She paused and then asked, her voice low, “Do you want me?”

      Oh, God, like no one I’ve ever wanted before. “Yes,” he managed to say, licking his lips. “Yes, yes, I want you!”

      The hand went to the nightstand. “Put this on,” she whispered, passing him the foil packet. He complied, fumbling with it a little, watching as she went back to touching herself, she’s getting ahead of me, he thought, and then it was on, finally it was on, and she slowly – too slowly, too slowly! – moved the foot that was holding him back from her, extending the leg gracefully to the side, her arms now up and open, pulling him down on her.

      He fumbled for another moment, his cock in his hand, and then he was sliding inside her, fast, hard, and she moaned again. She was kissing his face, kissing his neck, his ear – and then she bit his ear, hard. He gasped, but she only whispered, “You’re so good …” before tipping her head back, her eyes finally closed, moaning as she moved with him.

      She was soft and yielding and magnificent. He drove his cock into her pussy, again and again and again, feeling the fire building, feeling it engulf not only his groin, but then, suddenly, unexpectedly, his whole body – Christ, he thought, I’m on fire – and then he was coming, again and again and again, feeling it wash over him like waves, putting out the fire, leaving him weak, exhausted, and empty.

      She didn’t hurry him, like some of them did. Finally, she slid out from under him and padded into the bathroom. He heard water running, and a few moments later she was back, a washcloth in her hand.

      She moved him onto his back without saying a word, removed the condom, and used the washcloth on him. It was warm and wet, just like she had been. When she was finished, she lay down next to him, her head on his chest, her fingers slowly, lazily caressing him.

      He started drifting off. He saw a farmhouse and a well next to it, fragments of some dream he’d been having the night before resurfacing as he drifted into a sleepier state, lulled by her warmth next to him and her fingertips on his body.

      The telephone rang.

      He jerked awake, aware suddenly of the hotel room, the woman next to him, the shrilling of the phone. It was his room, so he reached for it. Christ, that’s loud! “Hello?” he managed to say at last.

      The voice on the other end managed to be both gentle and cheerful. “Craig, hi, this is Peach.”

      He rolled over so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hi, Peach.”

      “Can I talk to her?”

      “Sure.” The girl was next to him; he handed her the phone. “Hi, Peach,” she said easily, and then listened for a moment. “Yes, I enjoyed it.” She reached over and took his hand, winking at him as she said it. “Anytime he calls again, I’d love to see him.” Another short pause. “Okay, thanks, Peach. Bye.”

      She hung up the phone, put her arms around him, and kissed him again. That was unusual, too. “I had a lovely time,” she said, softly.

      “You mean that?” She probably says it to everyone. Still, I really felt that she liked me.

      “No,” she said softly. “Only when it’s true.”

      She moved away, pulled on her skirt and blouse, and he realized with a start that that was all she had taken off. He’s had girls nude in the first five minutes who hadn’t gotten him off like this one had. This is going to be embarrassing, he thought. Here goes

      “Um,” he said, “I’d like to see you again.”

      She was running fingertips through her long red hair, tangled now. “I’d like that, too,” she said, softly.

      “But –” Just say it. “Umm … I’m sorry, I forgot your name.”

      To his surprise, she grinned, a wide spontaneous smile. “That’s okay,” she said. “Sometimes I forget it myself.” She had on her black blazer and little black handbag that had been on the nightstand, where she had put the condoms. She came over to where he was still sitting, with just his pants pulled up haphazardly, and kissed the top of his head. “Tia,” she said. “My name is Tia.”

      “Tia,” he said. That name suits her. Maybe she’s Italian.

      She kissed him again. “I have to go,” she said. “Call Peach and ask for me.”

      “I will,” he said.

      She started for the door, then suddenly turned, came back quickly, bent down, and gave him a full, deep, wet kiss on the mouth. A lot of the girls never did that, and especially not once they were leaving; there was a depressing postcoital efficiency in the profession that he found irritating. “Soon,” she whispered. “Please call soon.”

      He started to say something, then cleared his throat. “I will,” he managed, “I will.”

      She closed the hotel room door behind her and walked down the carpeted corridor. Waiting for the elevator, she once again fixed her hair with her fingertips, and straightened her skirt. By the time she emerged into the lobby she looked cool, collected, and still very sexy.

      She went to the bank of phones located to the left of the front desk, put in coins that she had ready in her blazer pocket, and called me. “Peach? It’s Jenny. I’m done.”

      “Great.” I mentally checked my roster of potential clients for the night. “Do you want another call?”

      The woman in the hotel lobby stifled a yawn. “Not really. Only if it’s one of my regulars,” she said. “I have some reading to catch up on.”

      “Okay, then,” I said. There was another call coming in. “Hey, honey, call me when you get home, okay? Maybe we can have lunch tomorrow.”

      “Sure thing. Talk to you then.”

      I disconnected her call and picked up the one that was waiting. “Hello?”

      “Hey, Peach, it’s Crystal. I’m here with Mark.”

      “Great, honey,” I said, checking the clock. “I’ll call you out in an hour.”

      “Sure thing.”

      I stretched and looked around for my novels and magazines. Always need my novels. It looked like it was going to be a busy night.