Jennifer L. Armentrout

If There’s No Tomorrow

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loved his little laughs. They were infectious, even when you were in a bad mood. You couldn’t help but smile.

      “I thought you weren’t coming back until Saturday,” I said as I stepped inside my bedroom.

      Sebastian followed. “Dad decided I needed to be back for the scrimmage game tomorrow night, even though I’m not playing. But he’d already worked everything out with the coach. You know how Dad is.”

      His father was the stereotypical football-obsessed father who pushed and pushed and pushed Sebastian when it came to playing ball. So much so that I was downright shocked when Sebastian announced that they would be out of town while there was football practice. Knowing his dad, I bet he had Sebastian up every morning at the butt crack of dawn running and catching.

      “Your mom’s asleep?” he asked as I closed the balcony doors.

      “Yeah...” I turned around and got a good look at him now that he was standing in the light of my bedroom. As embarrassing as it would be to admit, and I would never admit it, I completely lost my train of thought.

      Sebastian was... He was effortlessly beautiful. It wasn’t often you could say that about a guy...or about anyone, to be honest.

      His hair was a shade somewhere in between brown and black, cropped close on the sides and longer on the top, falling forward in a messy wave that nearly reached dark brown eyebrows. His lashes were criminally thick, framing eyes that were the color of the deepest denim jeans. His face was all angles, with high cheekbones, a blade of a nose and a hard, defined jaw. A scar cut into his upper lip, just right of a well-formed Cupid’s bow. It had happened our sophomore year during football practice, when he’d taken a hit that had knocked his helmet off. His shoulder pads had caught him in the mouth, splitting the upper lip.

      But the scar fit him.

      I couldn’t tear my gaze from his basketball shorts and a plain white T-shirt as he glanced around my bedroom. When he was younger, back in middle school, he’d been tall, all arms and legs, but now he’d filled out in every way, with muscles on muscles and sculpting that rivaled Greek marble statues. Years of playing football would do that to a body, I imagined.

      Sebastian wasn’t simply the cute boy who lived next door anymore.

      We’d been doing this for years, ever since he figured out it was easier than going to my front door. He’d head out his back door and come into our backyard through a gate, and then it was a short walk up the steps that led to the balcony deck.

      Our parents knew he could get to my bedroom this way, but we’d grown up together. To them—and to Sebastian—we were like brother and sister.

      I also suspected they didn’t know the visits occurred at night. That hadn’t started until we were both thirteen, the first night my Dad was gone.

      I leaned against the door, biting the inside of my cheek.

      Sebastian Harwell was one of the most popular guys in school, but that wasn’t surprising. Not when he was gorgeous. Talented. Funny. Smart. Nice. He was in his own league.

      He was also one of my best friends.

      For reasons I didn’t want to examine too closely, he made my bedroom appear smaller when he was in it, the bed too tiny and the air too thick.

      “What in the hell are you watching?” he asked, keeping his voice low as he stared at the TV.

      I looked at the screen. There was a guy with bushy, crazy-looking brown hair waving his hands around. “Um...Ancient Aliens reruns.”

      “All righty, then. Guess it’s less morbid than the forensics show you watch. Sometimes I worry...” Sebastian trailed off as he faced me. His head tilted to the side. “Is shirt?”

      Oh. Oh my God.

      My eyes widened as I remembered what I was wearing: his old freshman practice shirt. A couple of years ago he left it over here for some reason or another, and I kept it.

      Like a stalker.

      My cheeks flushed, and the blush raced down the front of my body. And there was a whole lot of body on display. The shirt hung off one shoulder, I had no bra, and I fought the urge to tug on the hem of the shirt.

      I told myself not to freak out, because he’d seen me in bathing suits a million times. This was no different.

      But it was.

      “It is my shirt.” Thick lashes lowered, shielding his eyes as he sat on my bed. “Wondered where that went.”

      I didn’t know what to say. I was suddenly petrified, plastered to the door. Did he think my wearing his shirt to sleep was weird? Because yeah, it was kind of weird. I couldn’t deny that.

      He threw himself down on the bed, then immediately sat up. “Ow. What the hell?” Rubbing his back, he twisted at the waist. “Jesus.” He picked up my book and held it out. “You’re reading this?”

      My eyes narrowed. “Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

      “This thing could double as a weapon. You could hit me over the head with this thing, kill me and then end up on one of those shows you watch on Investigation Discovery.”

      I rolled my eyes. “That’s a bit excessive.”

      “Whatever.” He tossed the book to the other side of the bed. “Were you getting ready for bed?”

      “I was getting ready to read before I was rudely interrupted,” I joked. Forcing myself away from the door, I slowly dragged my way over to where he was now stretched out on his side, lying there like it was his bed, cheek resting on his fist. “But someone, no names mentioned, is now here.”

      His lips kicked up at the sides. “Want me to leave?”


      “Didn’t think so.” He patted the spot next to him. “Come talk with me. Tell me everything I’ve missed.”

      Ordering myself not to act like a complete dork, I sat on the bed, which wasn’t easy because of the shirt. I so did not want to flash him. Or maybe I did want to flash him. But he probably didn’t want that.

      “You haven’t missed much,” I said, glancing at my bedroom door. Thank God I’d closed it already. “Keith’s thrown a couple of parties—”

      “You went to them without me?” He pressed his hand to his chest. “My heart. It hurts.”

      I grinned at him as I stretched my legs out, crossing them at the ankles. “I went with the girls. I didn’t go by myself. And so what if I did?”

      The grin went up a notch. “Did he have any down by the lake?”

      Shaking my head, I tugged on the hem of my shirt as I wiggled my toes. “No. Just at his place.”

      “Cool.” When I looked over at him, his lashes were lowered. His free hand rested on the bed between us. His fingers were long and slender, skin tan from being outside all the time. “You do anything else? Go out with anyone?”

      I stopped moving my toes, and my head swung back toward him. That was a random question. “Not really.”

      An eyebrow rose as his gaze lifted to mine.

      I quickly changed the subject. “By the way, guess who stopped in at Joanna’s tonight, asking about you?”

      “Who wouldn’t stop by asking about me?”

      I shot him a bland look.

      He grinned. “Who?”

      “Skylar. Apparently she’s been messaging you and you’ve been ignoring her.”

      “I haven’t been ignoring her.” He reached up, knocking the flop of hair off his forehead. “I just haven’t been responding.”

      A frown turned down the corners of my lips. “Isn’t that the same thing?”