Lynne Banks Reid

The Dungeon

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A long, long journey,’ replied McLennan drily. He glanced at the master builder at his side. ‘And that’ll please you, Master Douglas, I dunna doubt! Ye’ll have a free hand, without me here to nag and interfere with ye. As for you, Foreman,’ he added, ‘dunna think because the cat’s away, the mice can play. I’ve engaged some overseers to make sure no one slacks.’

      The foreman bit back a retort. It irked him sometimes that this man, as lowborn as himself, and lower, should have such power over him. Especially now, since he was so sorely changed from the man he had been once. Not that that was to be wondered at, after what had happened to him.

      ‘Will ye afford a wall around this – this township, m’laird?’

      McLennan thought for a moment. ‘There’s no need for a stone wall. A wooden palisade with earth ramparts within will suffice.’

      ‘And if there should be a raid or any trouble while ye’re away, what then?’

      ‘We’re too far from the border for the English to come at us.’

      ‘I was thinking of a closer enemy,’ the foreman said under his breath.

      There was a bad moment of silence. Then McLennan said, in an unnaturally quiet voice, ‘Lightning doesna strike the same place twice.’

      The man had the sense to say no more on that subject. Instead he said respectfully, ‘I trust ye’ll no’ run into danger yourself, sir.’

      ‘I trust I will,’ returned McLennan obscurely.

      The foreman thought he had misheard.

      ‘How long will ye be away, sir?’

      McLennan lost patience and roared at him. ‘How the blazes d’ye expect me to know that? My plan is to travel to the far ends of the earth. Whatever I find there, I’m planning to see plenty of it, before I turn around and come back!’

      The foreman looked at the plans again. When his laird flew into these sudden rages, it was better not to meet his eyes.

      ‘Sir?’ he ventured timidly.


      ‘I see no chapel on the plans.’

      ‘That’s because there will be none.’

      Now the man’s head did come up, and he looked at his master. Bruce McLennan towered over him. He had flaming red hair and a bushy red beard. His strong, bare legs below his kilt were planted apart; his arms, brawny and hairy as a pig’s flanks, were folded across his chest, compressing his plaid which blew back in the wind. He looked a mighty man indeed. Not one to cross – every man present knew that.

      ‘No – place of worship, m’laird?’

      ‘Not in my castle. If, outside it, ye feel the need for a church, ye can build one, but in your ain time and with your ain money.’

      There was a tense silence. Was there a touch of blasphemy here? Many eyes went to Master Douglas, who was reputed to be a devout Christian; but if he had felt scandalised on first learning of this unheard-of omission, he showed nothing now.

      ‘How long have we to complete the work?’

      ‘Here is the only answer I’ll give ye,’ said the master. ‘When I choose to come back, my castle had better be standing up against yon sky, and my dungeon had better be below it. If not, I’ll hang the lot o’ ye from whatever ye have built. Do I make myself understood?’

      There was a cowed silence around the dungeon pit. There was hostility in that silence, too, but it was lost on their master. Though once he had been different, now he cared nothing for their good opinion so long as they obeyed him. And obey him they must, for he was their liege-laird, and they his tenant-serfs, not much better than slaves.

      Half an hour after the last workman had left the site, and McLennan had retired to his house to prepare for his journey, a young boy called Finlay McLean climbed up the disturbed and treacherous slope. The sun had set beyond the river and the lad had to grope his way forward and upward over the shifting ground in deepening twilight. Several times he lost his footing and slipped and slithered down several feet, and once he fell forward on his belly and had to dig his fingers into the loose soil and stones to stop himself sliding to the bottom of the crag.

      Once he had gained the levelled top, he doubled up and ran to the edge of the dungeon pit. He feared the master might be watching from his window at the foot of the hill and see his silhouette. But when he reached the pit’s edge he knew he would be hidden from below, and he straightened up and stared downward into the darkening depths.

      He couldn’t rightly see through the shadows to the bottom. He thought he might as well be looking down into The Pit as described by the priest in the course of his many warning sermons. Fin fancied if he stumbled over the edge, he would fall and go on falling till he reached that furiously burning region in the middle of the earth, where the damned were subject to unending torment.

      Yet the curiosity that had brought him up here, held him.

      He knew who this dungeon had been dug for. His name was Archibald McInnes, a name Fin had never heard spoken aloud, even by his father in his own home – a farmhouse two miles away – from where he came to work in the master’s stables. In whispers they spoke that name, and that name’s crimes, crimes that had changed a good man, a good laird, into one to be feared. The whispers told how the whole feud had begun, with a dispute over the border between the lands of the two lairds who were neighbours. How there had been a skirmish in which the neighbour’s nephew had been killed. And what followed, a tale too terrible to be told before a child; but Fin had heard it anyway, as children do who have their ears open on the brink of sleep when adults think they are over that brink, and speak more freely than they should.

      A terrible tale. A dreadful happening, dark with blood and cruelty, a crime crying out for vengeance. Yes, thought Fin, shivering as he peered into the blackening depths as the sky darkened over him. If his master captured McInnes and brought him back here – as clearly he meant to, one day, when his castle was built and he had enough men owing him allegiance to be sure of success – the villain would deserve to be hurled down there, down, down, into the pitchy gloom, however deep it went, and never to be seen on the warm bright surface-earth again.

      Fin was in the stables of the manor house a week later, on the day Bruce McLennan set off on his travels. He had not had the honour of grooming and saddling his horse. Robert the head groom did that. Nor was it Fin who led the animal out and handed the reins to the master. But it was Fin’s job to hold the opposing stirrup as the laird mounted. He had almost to swing on it to balance the master’s weight and keep the saddle from slipping.

      McLennan didn’t notice the young tow-headed lad level with his heel as he swung himself into the saddle. He couldn’t know, as he scraped the boy’s knuckles with his boot, what a fateful role this grubby nondescript boy, staring up at him in awe, would play in his future. He left him behind as he left everything behind, and rode away without a glance back.

      He’d had no one to say goodbye to. He had handed the keys of his house to Master Douglas. It was full of appalling memories and he was glad to be shot of it for ever. He wouldn’t need it when he came back. He’d have a castle to live in by then – a castle with a dungeon. The idea of it was like balm spread over a wound, in a place in his soul even deeper than the dungeon pit.

      ‘Do unto others!’ he thought fiercely as he rode. So said the scriptures. Aye. Do unto others as they have done unto you.

      He rode down the length of the northern island that comprises Scotland, England and Wales, to its south coast. This took days – and several horses, for he was a hard rider. He put up at wayside inns when he found them, and when he didn’t he would camp outdoors. When there was a reasonable road (the best had been built by the Romans ten centuries before) and some moonlight, he would ride far into the night to put off having to sleep alone under the sky, or eat and drink without company to distract his mind.

      Sometimes when he was sitting