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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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we, wi, wo, wy, (‘clear’ y), wy, (‘obscure’ y).


      Only those which differ from English need to be noted.

CH (following C in the alphabet), as Scottish loch.
DD (following D in the alphabet), as th in English this, breathe.
F as English v.
FF as English f.
G always as in English go.
NG (following G in the alphabet), as in English sing.
In some words (e.g. dangos), however, it is sounded ng-g, as in English longer. Alphabetically this follows after N.
LL produced by placing the tongue to pronounce l, then emitting breath without voice.
PH (following P in the alphabet), as English f.
TH always as th in English thin.


      Welsh words are generally accented on the last syllable but one. There are certain exceptions:

1 The reduplicated personal pronouns myfi, tydi, efe, efô, hyhi, nyni, chwychwi, hwynt-hwy, accented on the final syllable.
2 Verbs in -(h)au, -(h)oi, -eu, accented on the final syllable.
3 A few dissyllabic words beginning y + consonant, accented on the final syllable.
4 Certain polysyllabic words with a diphthong resulting in contraction in the final syllable, such as Cymraeg.
5 Some borrowed words accented as in the language of origin, generally English.

      Mutations, or letter changes, can occur at the beginning of Welsh words. Mutations are caused by the preceding word. There are three different mutations:

Llythyren wreiddiol Treiglad meddal Treiglad trwynol Treiglad llaes
Original letter Soft mutation Nasal mutation Aspirate mutation
changes to: changes to: changes to:
P b mh ph
t d nh th
c g ngh ch
b f m
d dd n
g - ng
ll l
m f
rh r


ei his
dy your
dau / dwy two (masculine / feminine)
pa which
neu or
rhy too
yn before an adjective
Adjectives which come before the noun: For example:
Mae’r hen ddyn yn byw yn y tŷ. The old man lives in the house.
Dyma fy hoff gân. This is my favourite song.
Some prepositions: For example:
Mae’r bws yn mynd i Gaerdydd. The bus is going to Cardiff.
Maen nhw’n chwarae dros dîm yr ysgol. They play for the school team.
Certain words which come before a feminine noun:
y and ’r the
un one
Mae castell yn y dref. There’s a castle in town.
Mae’r ddinas wedi gwella. The city has improved.
Dim ond un broblem sydd ar ôl. There’s only one problem left.
Any feminine noun which has an adjective immediately after it:
merch dda a good girl


fy my
yn in


a and
â as/to/with
chwe six
ei her
gyda with
tri three
tua approximately
abbreviation abbr byrfodd
adjective adj ansoddair
anatomy Anat anatomeg
automobile Aut moduro
auxiliary verb aux vb berf atodol
British English BRIT Saesneg Prydain
collective noun coll n enw torfol
computing Comput cyfrifiadureg
conjunction conj cysylltiad
contraction contr cywasgiad
cookery Culin coginio
definite article def art bannod bendant
demonstrative dem dangosol
emphatic emphat pwyslais
exclamation excl ebychiad
formal form ffurfiol
(phrasal verb) where fus (berf ymadroddol)
the particle is lle na all y
inseparable rhangymeriad gael
ei wahanu
imperative imper gorchmynnol
indefinite article indef art bannod amhendant
indeterminate indeter amhenderfynadwy
colloquial usage inf(!) defnydd llafar
(offensive) (anweddus)
grammar, Ling gramadeg,
linguistics ieithyddiaeth
masculine m gwrywaidd
mathematics Math mathemateg
medical term Med term meddygol
modal auxiliary verb mod aux vb berf atodol moddol
music Mus cerddoriaeth
noun n enw
noun dual nd enw deuol
number num rhif
old-fashioned old hen ffasiwn
derogatory, pej difrïol
plural pl lluosog
past participle pp rhangymeriad
politics Pol gwleidyddiaeth
prefix pref rhagddodiad
preposition prep arddodiad
pronoun pron rhagenw
past tense pt amser gorffennol
relative rel perthynol
singular sing unigol
Telecommunications Tel Telathrebu
American English US Saesneg America
verb vb berf
impersonal verb vb imper berf amhersonol
intransitive verb vi berf gyflawn
transitive verb vt berf anghyflawn