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      crocbont (-ydd) nf suspension bridge

      crocbren (-ni) nmf gallows, gibbet

      crocbris (-iau) nm exorbitant price

      croch adj loud, vehement

      crochan (-au) nm pot, cauldron

      crochanaid (-eidiau) nm potful

      crochenwaith (-weithiau) nm pottery

      crochenydd (-ion) nm potter

      croen (crwyn) nm skin; hide; peel, rind

      croendenau adj thin-skinned

      croeni, croenio vb to form skin, to skin over

      croes1 (-au) nf cross ▶ nm transept

      croes2 (-ion) adj cross, contrary

      croesair (-eiriau) nm crossword

      croesawgar adj hospitable

      croesawiad nm welcome, reception

      croesawu vb to welcome

      croesawus adj hospitable

      croesbren (-nau) nmf cross

      croes-ddweud vb to contradict

      croesfan (-nau) nf crossing; croesfan sebra zebra crossing

      croesffordd (-ffyrdd) nf crossroads

      croesgad (-au) nf crusade

      croesgadwr (-wyr) nm crusader

      croeshoeliad nm crucifixion

      croeshoelio vb to crucify

      croesholi vb to cross-examine

      croesholiad (-au) nm cross-examination

      croesi vb to cross

      croeslinol adj diagonal

      croeso nm welcome

      croestorri vb to intersect

      croesymgroes adj criss-cross; vice-versa

      crofen (-nau, -ni) nf rind, crust

      crog (-au) nf cross, rood ▶ adj hanging

      crogi vb to hang, to suspend

      croglath (-au) nf springe, snare, gibbet

      Croglith nfm: Dydd Gwener y Groglith Good Friday

      croglofft (-ydd, -au) nf garret; rood-loft

      crogwr (-wyr) nm hangman

      cronglwyd (-ydd) nf: tan fy nghronglwyd under my roof

      crombil (-iau) nf crop; gizzard; bowels

      cromen (-ni, -nau) nf dome

      cromfach (-au) nf bracket, parenthesis

      cromlech (-au, -i) nf cromlech

      cromlin nf curve

      cromosom (-au) nm chromosome

      cron adj f of crwn

      cronfa (-feydd) nf reservoir; fund; cronfa ddata database

      cronicl (-au) nm chronicle

      croniclo vb to chronicle

      cronnell (cronellau) nf sphere, globe

      cronni vb to collect, to hoard; to dam

      cronolegol adj chronological

      cropian vb to creep, to crawl, to grope

      crosiet (-au, -i) nm crotchet

      croth (-au) nf womb; calf (of leg)

      croyw adj clear, plain, distinct; fresh

      croywder nm clearness; freshness

      croywi vb to clear; to freshen

      crud (-au) nm cradle

      crug (-iau) nm hillock; tumulus; heap; multitude; abscess, blister

      cruglwyth (-i) nm heap, pile

      cruglwytho vb to heap, to pile up; to overload

      crugo vb to fester, to vex, to plague

      crwban (-od) nm tortoise, turtle

      crwca adj crooked, bowed, bent

      crwm (f crom) adj convex, curved, bowed

      crwn (f cron) adj round; complete

      crwner (-iaid) nm coroner

      crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade

      crwst (crystiau) nm crust

      crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad

      crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump

      crwybr nm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost

      crwydr nm wandering; ar grwydr astray

      crwydro vb to wander, to stray, to roam

      crwydrol, crwydrus adj wandering

      crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover

      crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp

      crwys nf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial

      crybwyll vb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention

      crybwylliad nm mention, notice

      crych adj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle

      crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo