Carrie Stone

Kate & Alf

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now, tonight – two years later, on her thirty-second birthday – if Alf was true to his word, Kate was about to fulfil her deepest wish – accepting his engagement proposal. Her heart fluttered at the thought.

      She was more than ready to become Mrs Alf Stafford.

      Alf drove eagerly out of their suburban housing estate as Kate gazed quietly out of the passenger window, scanning the rows of identical red-brick terraced houses. She’d never given much thought to their mid-terrace property until lately. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy living in Ramsley Way – they’d bought the rendered white two-bed home six years previously and had been more than happy living there. Yet, looking at the mass of similar houses, she realised she was yearning to become more individual. They’d never planned to live there long term. It was supposed to be a starter home, but that idea had seemed to have fallen by the wayside…

      She noticed that the detached pointed-roof house that sat on the corner of Worthington Road had recently been renovated. Its fresh coat of white exterior paint, potted shrubs either side of the green door and new sweeping brick driveway made her spirits lift even further. She’d been fixated on that particular property for some time now. It seemed so grandiose in comparison to their own home. It was idyllic – the type of marital home that she hoped to one day share with Alf and their children.

      ‘What are you smiling at?’ Alf asked, glancing sideways.

      Kate grinned excitedly. ‘I’m just happy – it’s not often a girl gets to celebrate turning thirty-two with a handsome man by her side.’ She rubbed her hand on his leg and returned to looking out of the window.

      Alf smiled at the comment and stared ahead. His spirits were high, but he hoped Megan hadn’t taken it upon herself to interfere and let Kate know the finer details of the surprise he’d planned. Their close friendship puzzled him. Kate’s ways were so different from those of the showy and attention-seeking Megan. She wasn’t anything but troublesome in his opinion – always filling Kate’s head with silly ideas and notions of riches and glamour. Kate was gentle, grounded; it bothered him that Megan couldn’t appreciate that.

      ‘So, am I allowed to know where we are going?’ Kate asked with a sparkle of anticipation in her eyes.

      Alf grinned, feeling himself swelling with pride. Arranging surprises wasn’t his forte, but even he had surpassed his own expectations with what he’d organised. He was certain Kate was going to be impressed with the thought behind his idea.

      Tapping his nose cheekily, he narrowly missed the left turn needed for the venue and just managed to pull the car onto a verge before hitting the A road ahead. Kate reached out for the dashboard to brace herself as the car came to a sharp, abrupt stop.

      ‘Sorry – I should have taken a left back there.’ Putting the car into reverse gear, he cursed under his breath as he waited for the traffic to ease to make his U-turn.

      Trying to hide her mild confusion, she remained silent. She had been so certain that they’d been going to the small country pub venue she’d discreetly found bookmarked on his laptop. It hadn’t helped that Megan had remained uncharacte‌ristically tight-lipped on the subject. Yet it made sense; the country pub was the typical type of event venue that Alf would go for. It looked cosy, quaint and welcoming. She’d already envisioned herself walking into the pretty beamed entrance to the cheers of her nearest and dearest. Perhaps a DJ playing in the corner…

      Why then, was Alf heading in the direction of a nearby town? She tried to think rationally – could the venue have been changed at the last moment? She felt her stomach flutter with nerves and was relieved she’d opted for her trusty black dress – thankful that she wouldn’t be dealing with unsightly sweat marks.

      She was so looking forward to seeing who’d be there. Familiar faces danced through her mind and she mentally made a note of who she wanted to spend time catching up with. She didn’t often get to see those closest to her, what with her long working hours at Oak Park Care Home, especially over the past nine months since she’d taken on more responsibility. She wanted to make the most of it. Thinking of work made her mind drift to Vivian, one of the residents. She hadn’t been looking her perky self of late and Kate was a little worried that there was more to it than was meeting the eye.

      ‘I hope you’re ready for some fun tonight’ Alf said, suddenly animated and fiddling with his top shirt button. He stole a sideward glance at Kate and was happy to see her radiant expression. These days it was rare these days to see her being spirited about life. It hadn’t gone unnoticed, either, that she’d seemed distracted over the past month and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. He was hoping the evening would be the key to bringing her back out of her shell.

      They’d been driving through country lanes for a while when Kate observed that the car was slowing just as Alf hit the right-side indicator. Her stomach somersaulted. She recognised the road that they were heading into. Pearmont Manor Road. Pearmont Manor was one of the area’s most exclusive wedding venues. She’d only seen the stately home in various magazine articles, but its breathtaking exterior surrounded by exquisite landscaped greenery had provided a backdrop for stunning photographic memories. Remembering the various interior event rooms, her heart skipped a beat.

      Surely not? Hardly able to contain her nerves and excitement she swallowed back a squeak.

      ‘Everything okay?’ Alf asked, eyeing her in amusement as the car smoothly made its approach into the wide tree-lined road. Pearmont Manor growing bigger on the left side of them as they travelled parallel to it.

      Kate suppressed a grin and tried to calm her racing heart. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought Alf would arrange something so special. She wanted to fling her arms around him and kiss him passionately – but it would have to wait. Soon she could do as she wished – hopefully in front of their guests whilst Alf was down on one knee. Just the thought made her giddy and lightheaded.

      The car slowed as the Pearmont entrance came into view. ‘Here we are,’ Alf said, clicking his left indicator. As the last of the tall hedging bushes and conifers cleared, the full magnificence of the stately home made it presence known, causing both of them to inhale sharply – for completely different reasons. The car shuddered and stalled as Alf fumbled with the ignition.

      ‘Oh, sorry, wrong entrance. This isn’t the one.’ With a panicked stance, he flicked off his indicator and quickly restarted the engine. Feeling Kate’s confused stare burning into him, he tried not to let his tension show. He was well aware that the mishap could well have set him on a fast track to failure.

      ‘It’s not?’ Kate asked, trying to keep her voice steady as the car gradually picked up pace and the Manor slowly faded behind them. Was there another entrance around the back? It was, after all, a very big venue. There was undoubtedly more than one entrance, she told herself. Trees and conifers clouded her view as the road narrowed in front of them. Minutes seemed to pass before the car slowed for a second time and Alf once again flicked on the left indicator.

      Kate clenched her fists in anxiety as the hedging cleared once again and a sign came into view. She could see the word ‘Pearmont’ and relief washed over her. Thank goodness, another entrance.

      ‘We’re here’ Alf said, slightly dubious and wondering if he’d chosen correctly after all. What if she hated it?

      The car approached a paved entrance and turned slowly left onto a gravel driveway. Kate looked up at the large sign that had given her fresh hope only moments earlier and tried not to gasp as Alf’s hand squeezed hers encouragingly.

      Pulling the car to a stop he switched off the engine and gently kissed her hand, pushing aside his doubts and beginning to feel more zealous.

      ‘Welcome to Pearmont Greyhound Stadium, babe.’

      He broke into an excited grin; one that made Kate’s heart plummet to even further depths, for she could see it was no humorous joke on his part – only genuine enthusiasm.

      ‘You’re probably wondering why I chose here?’ He looked at her intently and squeezed her knee. ‘I thought