Joseph Polansky

Libra 2013: Your Personal Horoscope

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      Sign most helpful financially: Scorpio

      Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Aries

      Sign most helpful for creative projects: Aquarius

      Best Sign to have fun with: Aquarius

      Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Gemini, Virgo

      Best day of the week: Friday

      In the sign of Libra the universal mind – the soul – expresses its genius for relationships, that is, its power to harmonize diverse elements in a unified, organic way. Libra is the soul’s power to express beauty in all of its forms. And where is beauty if not within relationships? Beauty does not exist in isolation. Beauty arises out of comparison – out of the just relationship between different parts. Without a fair and harmonious relationship there is no beauty, whether it is in art, manners, ideas or the social or political forum.

      There are two faculties humans have that exalt them above the animal kingdom: their rational faculty (expressed in the signs of Gemini and Aquarius) and their aesthetic faculty, exemplified by Libra. Without an aesthetic sense we would be little more than intelligent barbarians. Libra is the civilizing instinct or urge of the soul.

      Beauty is the essence of what Librans are all about. They are here to beautify the world. One could discuss Librans’ social grace, their sense of balance and fair play, their ability to see and love another person’s point of view – but this would be to miss their central asset: their desire for beauty.

      No one – no matter how alone he or she seems to be – exists in isolation. The universe is one vast collaboration of beings. Librans, more than most, understand this and understand the spiritual laws that make relationships bearable and enjoyable.

      A Libra is always the unconscious (and in some cases conscious) civilizer, harmonizer and artist. This is a Libra’s deepest urge and greatest genius. Librans love instinctively to bring people together, and they are uniquely qualified to do so. They have a knack for seeing what unites people – the things that attract and bind rather than separate individuals.


      In financial matters Librans can seem frivolous and illogical to others. This is because Librans appear to be more concerned with earning money for others than for themselves. But there is a logic to this financial attitude. Librans know that everything and everyone is connected and that it is impossible to help another to prosper without also prospering yourself. Since enhancing their partner’s income and position tends to strengthen their relationship, Librans choose to do so. What could be more fun than building a relationship? You will rarely find a Libra enriching him-or herself at someone else’s expense.

      Scorpio is the ruler of Libra’s solar 2nd house of money, giving Libra unusual insight into financial matters – and the power to focus on these matters in a way that disguises a seeming indifference. In fact, many other signs come to Librans for financial advice and guidance.

      Given their social grace, Librans often spend great sums of money on entertaining and organizing social events. They also like to help others when they are in need. Librans would go out of their way to help a friend in dire straits, even if they have to borrow from others to do so. However, Librans are also very careful to pay back any debts they owe, and like to make sure they never have to be reminded to do so.

      Career and Public Image

      Publicly, Librans like to appear as nurturers. Their friends and acquaintances are their family and they wield political power in parental ways. They also like bosses who are paternal or maternal.

      The sign of Cancer is on Libra’s 10th house (of career) cusp; the Moon is Libra’s career planet. The Moon is by far the speediest, most changeable planet in the horoscope. It alone among all the planets travels through the entire zodiac – all 12 signs and houses – every month. This is an important key to the way in which Librans approach their careers, and also to what they need to do to maximize their career potential. The Moon is the planet of moods and feelings – Librans need a career in which their emotions can have free expression. This is why so many Librans are involved in the creative arts. Libra’s ambitions wax and wane with the Moon. They tend to wield power according to their mood.

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