Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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your usual haunts.

      Venus travels with Jupiter almost all month, and especially from the 22nd to the 24th. This is a happy transit. It brings success at the job and perhaps a happy job opportunity. It also brings love and sexual opportunity. It brings good news on the health front.

      You’re still in a yearly love and social peak until the 22nd. And you will still be active socially after that date. Mercury will be in your 7th house all month and on the 19th Mars enters here. Mars’s entrance into your house of love indicates socializing with spiritual-type people. Wealth and family connections are important, but there is a yearning for spiritual connection. Being on the same page spiritually – in your ideals and practice – will be a big help in love. Spiritual-type venues or charity events will also be places of romantic opportunity.

      The upper, day side of your Horoscope is very dominant now. At least 80 per cent (and sometimes 90 per cent) of the planets are in the upper half of the chart. So, this is a time for moving forward in your career and outer ambitions. Your career planet is still retrograde, but it won’t stop your progress, only slow things down a bit.

      Finances are more complicated this month. Mercury, your financial planet, is retrograde from the 2nd to the 20th. So more care is needed when making important purchases or investments. (You shop for groceries and minor items, obviously, but we’re talking about the big things.) Your normally good financial judgement is not up to its usual standards. So, use Mercury’s retrograde period to attain mental clarity on your finances. When this happens, you’ll be ready to move forward with confidence.


      Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29

      Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29

      Best Days for Money: 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26

      Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 8, 17, 26, 28, 29

      In spite of the solar eclipse on the 26th the month ahead seems happy and eventful. This eclipse, the third of the year in your 9th house (it has really taken a pounding) once again affects college-level students. There are more shake-ups in their schools and more changes in educational plans. (The eclipses will not leave you alone until you get it right.) There are more shake-ups in your place of worship too. Religious beliefs have been severely tested by the previous two eclipses and this continues. This is basically good – though not pleasant. Some of these things are little more than superstitions and should be ditched. Others might just need some modification. Changes in the belief system will have dramatic effects on every other aspect of life. Our lives are controlled by our beliefs. Jupiter, the planet of religion and philosophy, is also directly impacted here, reinforcing all the above.

      It will not be sensible to travel during this period – though the urge is strong. If you can avoid it, wonderful. If not, schedule your flights around the eclipse period (a few days before or after it). The impact on Jupiter signals that the spouse, partner or current love is having a financial disturbance and this will lead to important changes. Siblings and sibling figures also have to make important financial changes. Every solar eclipse affects the home, family and one of the parents or parent figures in your life. So there are dramas happening here too. The good news is that health is good. You have plenty of energy to handle the challenges.

      Jupiter makes an important move into your 9th house on the 3rd, and he will remain here well into next year. College students might make changes in their subjects and courses, but the changes will be fortunate. There is success in their studies.

      Your powerful 9th house this month (and it’s been strong all year) gives an intense interest in religion, philosophy, theology and higher education. You will find a juicy theological discussion more interesting than a night out on the town; a sermon more interesting than a rock concert. This will be the trend for 2020 as well. This month well over half of the planets are either in the 9th house or moving through there. So these interests are unusually strong.

      The career is also going well. Yes, you need to tread carefully and there are many things that are not yet clear, but good progress is happening. Venus crosses your Mid-heaven, for the second time this year on the 20th. This indicates personal success. You are at the top of your world. Everyone else looks up to you. It also shows that your good work ethic is appreciated by your superiors.

      Your spiritual planet, Mars, is still in the 7th house of love this month. So, you need someone spiritual in your life. Good spiritual compatibility is ultra-important.

      Personality Profile


      Element – Air

      Ruling Planet – Mercury

      Career Planet – Neptune

      Love Planet – Jupiter

      Money Planet – Moon

      Planet of Health and Work – Pluto

      Planet of Home and Family Life – Mercury

      Colours – blue, yellow, yellow-orange

      Colour that promotes love, romance and social harmony – sky blue

      Colours that promote earning power – grey, silver

      Gems – agate, aquamarine

      Metal – quicksilver

      Scents – lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax

      Quality – mutable (= flexibility)

      Quality most needed for balance – thought that is deep rather than superficial

      Strongest virtues – great communication skills, quickness and agility of thought, ability to learn quickly

      Deepest need – communication

      Characteristics to avoid – gossiping, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality, using words to mislead or misinform

      Signs of greatest overall compatibility – Libra, Aquarius

      Signs of greatest overall incompatibility – Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

      Sign most helpful to career – Pisces

      Sign most helpful for emotional support – Virgo

      Sign most helpful financially – Cancer

      Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships – Sagittarius

      Sign most helpful for creative projects – Libra

      Best Sign to have fun with – Libra

      Signs most helpful in spiritual matters – Taurus, Aquarius

      Best day of the week – Wednesday

      Gemini is to society what the nervous system is to the body. It does not introduce any new information but is a vital transmitter of impulses from the senses to the brain and vice versa. The nervous system does not judge or weigh these impulses – it only conveys information. And it does so perfectly.

      This analogy should give you an indication of a Gemini’s role in