Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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of the major headlines this year is Uranus’s move out of your sign (where he has been for the past seven years) into Taurus. This happens on March 7. You’ve been dealing with sudden personal changes for many years. You’ve been reinventing yourself and upgrading your image constantly. You’ve been breaking free of old relationships and personal limitations. These lessons have been learned, and now – from March 7 onwards – you’re going to be financially more experimental. The financial life will become exciting, but insecure and unstable. More on this later.

      Jupiter will spend almost all year in your 9th house. This is a strong position for him as he will be in his own sign and house. Thus this is a year for foreign travel. It is especially good for those either applying to college or already there. It shows success in these endeavours. Those of you involved in legal issues – lawsuits and the like – should also have successful outcomes.

      With both Saturn and Pluto in your 10th house of career all year (and with Jupiter entering the 10th house on December 3), you’re in a very strong career year. You’ll be working hard and be very serious about it. And, if you put in the work there will be success. There’s more details on this later on.

      Neptune, your spiritual planet (and also the generic spiritual planet) spends the year in his own sign and house – your 12th house. He is powerful there and thus the year ahead is also very spiritual. This has been the case for some years and the trend continues. More later.

      Mars and Venus – two very important planets in your chart – will be moving forward all year, showing good forward progress in love, finance and in personal matters. It shows confidence in these areas.

      Usually in a given year there are two solar eclipses. This year we will have three, impacting on your children or the children figures in your life and indicating more change and drama in their lives than usual.

      Your most important interests this year will be the body and image (until March 7); finance (from March 7 onwards – and for many years to come); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until December 3); career; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be home and family; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until December 3); and career (after December 3).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Your 6th house of health is not a house of power this year, and so the tendency will be to take good health for granted or to ignore things. This would be a mistake. Two powerful long-term planets – Saturn and Pluto – are in stressful alignment with you, and on December 3 Jupiter will join them in that alignment. So you need to pay more attention.

      The good news is that there is much you can do to enhance your health and prevent problems from developing. Give more attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your Horoscope (the reflexology points are shown in the chart above):

      Important foot reflexology points for the year ahead

      Try to massage all of the foot on a regular basis – the top of the foot as well as the bottom – but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’ as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and below them.


       The head, face and scalp. These are always important for Aries and this year is no exception. Regular scalp and face massage should be part of your health regime, and craniosacral therapy is said to be good for the head too.

       The musculature – another important area for you, Aries. While you don’t need to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, you do need good muscle tone. Weak or flabby muscles can knock the spine and skeleton out of alignment and this will cause all kinds of other problems. So vigorous physical exercise (according to your age and stage in life) is a good thing.

       The adrenals. With the adrenals it is important to avoid anger and fear, the two emotions that stress them out. Ginseng is said to be good for the adrenals.

       The heart has become important in recent years, and will become even more so after December 3. Most spiritual healers affirm that worry and anxiety are the major root causes of heart problems. So try to avoid these; replace them with faith.

       The lungs, arms, shoulders, small intestine and respiratory system. These are always important for you, Aries, as Mercury, the planet that rules these areas, is your health planet. (The reflexes to the lungs are shown above.) Regular arm and shoulder massage, especially the shoulders, is beneficial as tension tends to collect there and needs to be released.

      With Mercury as your health planet, good health also means good mental health. It is good to exercise your body, as was mentioned above, but it’s just as important to exercise your mind and to give it proper care and feeding. The intellect needs food – ideas of wisdom and truth – exercise, digestion and expression. So read good books by good writers. Digest them and then express them – either by the spoken or written word. Keeping a journal is good for mental health.

      Intellectual purity is a good thing in its own right, but with you, Aries, it can be a health issue. The best cure for error is light. Invoke it often. Learn to turn the mind off when not in use. A hyperactive mind burns energy that the body needs for other things. Meditation is a big help for this.

      As our regular readers know, the first line of defence is always high energy – a strong auric field. This is our spiritual immune system. A strong aura will repel germs, microbes and other opportunistic invaders. So make sure to get enough rest.

      Mercury is a very fast-moving planet, and in a given year will move through all the signs and houses of your chart (this year he will visit some twice). So there are therapies that will work that depend on where he is at a given time. These things are best discussed in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Normally when the 4th house is not strong, there’s not much going on on the home or family front: they tend to the status quo. But with you things are different. There will be two lunar eclipses this year, each of which will shake up things at home in various ways. In addition there will be a solar eclipse on July 2 that will occur in your 4th house. This too is going to shake things up. Often there are dramas in the lives of family members, and often hidden flaws in the home come to light and repairs are needed. We will deal with this in more detail in the monthly reports.

      A move is not very likely this year – though there’s nothing in your Horoscope that signals against it.

      This is much more a career year than a family year. Most of the long-term planets are in the upper, day side of your Horoscope, and the night side of your Horoscope will never totally dominate your chart (though there will be periods where it is stronger than it normally is this year). Thus if problems arise they will be due to inattention – lack of focus. If problems arise pay more attention here.

      There will be dramas in the lives of parents and parent figures this year. If they are married, the marriage is being severely tested. If they are in a relationship, this too will get tested. They could also be having surgery or near-death kinds of experiences. There are three eclipses in your 10th house, which rules one of your parent figures. (If you are a woman, it rules the mother; if you are a man, the father.) So there is a lot of drama going on in their lives. The overall health of this parent or parent figure needs watching too.

      One of the parents or parent figures in your life has excellent job prospects in the year ahead. And, towards the end of the year, will have a better social life. Moves don’t seem likely for either of them.
