Cecelia Ahern

Where Rainbows End

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Where I come from, it’s all about the money. Probably because I don’t have any. Working part time at Randy Andy Paperclip Co. isn’t really as financially rewarding as it sounds.

      Alex: Well, in my world it’s all about the lives you save. So what do you really think? Do you approve of my choice of employment?

      Rosie: Hmmm … my best friend, the heart doctor. You have my approval.

      From Alex

      To Rosie

      Subject Thank you!

      The last time we spoke I forgot to thank you for the congrats card you and Katie sent me. It’s about the only thing I actually have here in the new apartment. Sally and I just moved in a few weeks ago. You and Katie are very welcome to come over and see it whenever you like. It can be Katie’s first time on a plane to visit her godfather in Boston! There’s a nice park directly across the road and it’s got a playground for kids. Katie would love it.

      The apartment is small but because I’ve such long shifts at the hospital, I hardly get to be here anyway. I’ve got another life-long sentence here at Boston Central Hospital before I can actually call myself a heart surgeon. In the meantime I’m being paid a pittance and slaving away till all hours.

      Anyway, that’s enough about me. I seem to be just talking about myself these days. Please write to me and let me no how things are going for you. I don’t want there to be any awkwardness between us, Rosie.

      Keep in touch,


      To Alex

      Merry Christmas!

      May the festive season be filled with love and joy for you and your loved ones.

      Love Rosie & kAtIe

      Rosie and Katie,


      May this year bring you lots of fun, love, and happiness!


      Alex and Sally

      Dear Stephanie,

      You will not believe the card that just arrived through my door this morning. I was almost sick. I was just cleaning up the mess Mum and Dad made after their annual New Year party when it made its grand entrance on the doormat. I’m surprised the sound of trumpets didn’t accompany it! ‘Da da da! Announcing the arrival of the extremely sad coupley card!’ (Our wonderful Uncle Brendan was at the party, by the way, and was looking down my top as usual. He was asking for you … lots. God, he’s so creepy.) There was about ten million bottles of wine rolling around the floor when I came downstairs and I nearly tripped over a game of Trivial Pursuit (yes, it was one of those nights). There were those stupid paper hats strewn around the living room, hanging from the light bulbs, dangling in the gravy dish, looking extremely unappealing. There were Christmas crackers pulled apart with their crappy little miniature toys falling out that no one could possibly ever use, like little torches the size of your thumbnail and jigsaws with about two pieces, lying in the leftover food. The place was a mess!

      Honestly, Steph, whenever Mum and Dad went away we held the craziest parties, but at least we still managed not to behave like farmyard animals. Plus they were screaming and singing (well, trying to sing) and dancing (or stamping their feet in some sort of crazy people ritual) all night. Poor Katie was terrified of all the noise (she obviously can’t be my daughter!), and she spent the night in tears so I let her share my bed and she elbowed me in the face about ten times. Eventually everyone started to leave the house at about 6 or 7 a.m., and I was starting to fall asleep when I was jerked awake by a little monster jumping on me and demanding food.

      So anyway, I think what I’m trying to say is that I wasn’t in the greatest mood for what arrived on my doorstep. I had a pounding headache, I was so tired and after cleaning the mess downstairs (which is fine because it is Mum and Dad’s house, after all, and they are kindly letting me stay rent free so I’m not complaining about them) I just wanted peace and quiet and a bit of sleep.

      But the card came.

      On the front was a lovely little picture of Alex and Sally all wrapped up warmly in their winter coats and hats and gloves, etc. They were standing outside in a park that was covered in snow with their arms wrapped around … a snowman. A bloody snowman.

      They looked so sickeningly happy. Two little happy Harvard-heads. Uugh. How sad is it to send a photo of yourself and your boyfriend building a snowman??? Very, very, very sad. That’s how sad. And to send it to me, especially!! The cheek! I should have sent them a photo of me and … me and … George (the lollipop man and the only fellow I seem to speak to these days), standing outside in the freezing cold, jumping in puddles. That’s how pointless that would have been to them!

      Oh God, I’m rambling. Sorry. I have to go before Katie finishes the last of that red wine in the bottle on the floor.

      Oh, by the way, it was great to meet Pierre after all this time. He’s a really nice guy. You two should come home more often. It was fun speaking to people closer to my age for a change.

      Happy New Year. Whoever thought of that expression?

      Love, your festive and extremely joyous younger sister, Rosie

      To Rosie

      Happy Birthday, my friend!

      Welcome to the world of twenty-six-year-olds! We are getting old, Rosie!

      Write to me more often!

      Love, Alex

      TO ALEX



      Dear Katie,

      I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party. The magician sounds like he will be lots of fun. You will have so many friends you won’t even no I’m not there!

      I have to work at the hospital so they won’t let me take a holiday. I told them it was your birthday but they still wouldn’t listen!

      However, I have sent you a little something so I hope you like it. Happy Birthday, Katie, and take care of your mummy for me. She is very special.

      Lots of love to you and Mum,


      To Alex

      Thank you for my brithday present. My mummy cried when I opened it. I never had a locket before. The photographs of you and Mummy are very small.

      The majicin was good but my best freind Toby said he new he was cheating and showed everyone where the man hid the cards. The man was not very happy and he got mad at Toby. Mummy laffed so loud I do not think the majic man liked her eether. Toby likes Mum.

      I got lots of nice presents but Avril and Sinead got me the same notepad. Mummy and me are moving howse soon. I will miss Grandma and Granddad so much and I no Mummy is sad because I heard her crying last night in bed.

      But we are not moving too far away. You can get the bus form Grandma and Granddad to our new house. It does not take too long and we are nearer to all the shops in town so we can walk.

      It is much smaller than the howse we are in now. Mummy is funny she calls it a shoe box! There are 2 bedrooms and the kitchen is tiny. Just a place to eat and watch telly. We have a balcony and it’s nice but Mum wont let me stand on it on my own.

      I can see the park. Mummy says the park is our garden and that we have the biggest garden in the world.

      Mummy said that I can paint my room whatever colour I want. I think I’ll paint it pink or purple or blue. Toby says we should paint it black. He is funny.

      Mummy has a new job. She works only a few days a week so sometimes she can collect me from skool and other times she