Cecelia Ahern

Where Rainbows End

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      To Alex

      My birthday party is on Tuesday not Wednesday. You can’t bring sandy to the party because mum says so. She is a smelly dog.

      From Rosie

      To Rosie

      I do not care wot your stupid mum says sandy wants to come.

      Form Alex

      To Alex

      My mum is not stupid you are. You are not aloud to bring the dog. She will brust the baloons.

      From Rosie

      To Rosie

      Then I am not going.

      Form Alex

      To Alex


      From Rosie

      Dear Mrs. Stewart,

      I just called by to have a word with you about my daughter Rosie’s birthday on the 8th of April. Sorry you weren’t in, but I’ll drop by again later this afternoon and maybe we can talk then.

      There seems to be some sort of little problem with Alex and Rosie lately. I think they’re not quite on talking terms. I hope you can fill me in on the situation when we meet. Rosie would really love if he came to her birthday party.

      I’m looking forward to meeting the mother of this charming young man!

      See you then,

      Alice Dunne

      To Rosie

      I would be happy to go to your brithday party next week. Thank you fro inviting me and sandy.

      Form Alex your frend

      To Rosie

      Thanks for the great day at the party. I am sorry sandy brust the baloons and ate your cake. She was hungry because mum says dad eats all our leftovers. See you at skool tomorrow.


      To Alex

      Thanks for the present. Its ok about what sandy did. Mum says she needed a new carpet anyway. Dad is a bit mad though. He said the old one was fine but mum thinks the house smells of poo now, and its not baby Kevin.

      Look at Miss Casey’s nose. It is the biggest nose I have ever seen. Ha ha ha.


      To Rosie

      I no and she has a big snot hanging down too. She is the ugliest alien I have ever seen. I think we should tell the police we have an alien as a teacher who has a really smelly breath and—

      Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stewart,

      I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss how Alex is progressing at school. Specifically, I would like to talk about the recent change in his behaviour along with the problem of his note writing during class. I would appreciate it if you called the school to arrange a suitable time to meet.

      Yours sincerely,

      Miss Casey

      To Alex

      I hate that we dont sit together anymore in class. I’m stuck beside stinky Steven who picks his nose and eats it. It is gross. What did your mum and dad say about Miss Big nose?

      From Rosie

      To Rosie

      Mum did not say much because she kept laffing. I dont no why. It is really boring up the front of the class. Smelly breath Miss Casey keeps on lucking at me. Have to go.


      To Alex

      You always spell know wrong. It is KNOW not NO.

      From Rosie

      To Rosie

      Sorry miss prefect. I no how to spell it.

      Form Alex

      Hello form Spain! The weather is really nice. It is hot and sunny. There is a swimming pool with a big slide. It is cool. Met a freind called John. He is nice. See you in 2 weeks. I broke my arm coming down the slide. I went to the hopsital. I would like to work in a hopsital like the man that fixed my arm because he wore a white coat and had a chart in his hand and was really nice and he helped me to feel better. I would like to make people feel better and wear a white coat. My freind john signed my cast. You can too when I get home if you like. Alex

      To Alex. Hello from Lundin. My hotel is the one in the picture on the front. My room is the one that is 7 up from the ground but you cant see me in the post card. I would like to work in a hotel when I grow up because you get free chocolates everyday and people are so nice that they tidy your room for you. The buses here are all red like the toy ones you got last Christmas. Everyone talks with a funny voice but are nice. Have met a frend called Jane. We go swimming together. Bye. Love from Rosie

      To Alex

      Why amnt I invited to your birthday party this year? I know all the boys from the class are going. Are you fighting with me?


      Dear Alice,

      I’m sorry about Alex’s behaviour this week. I know that Rosie is upset about not going to the party and she doesn’t understand why she hasn’t been invited. To be honest I can’t quite understand it myself; I have tried to talk to Alex but I’m afraid I can’t get inside the mind of a ten-year-old boy!

      I think it’s just a case of his not being able to invite her because the other boys don’t want a girl to go. Unfortunately, he seems to be at that age … Please give my love to Rosie. It seems so unfair and when I spoke to her last week after school I could see how hurt she was.

      Perhaps George and I can take the two of them out some other evening during the week.

      Best wishes,

      Sandra Stewart

      To Rosie

      The party was not very good. You did not miss anything. The boys are stupid. Brian threw his pizza in Jameses sleeping bag and when James woke up he had tomato and cheese stuck in his hair and everything and my mum tried to wash it and it would not go away and then Jameses mum gave out to Brians mum and my mum went real red and my dad said something I didn’t here and Jameses mum started to cry and then everyone went home. Do you want to go to the cimena on Friday and go to McDonalds after? My mum and dad will bring us.


      To Alex

      Sorry about your party. Brian is a weirdo anyway. I hate him. Brian the Whine is his name. I will ask my mum and dad about the cinema. Look at Miss Casey’s skirt it looks like my grannys. Or it looks like sandy puked up all over it and the—

      Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dunne,

      I was hoping to arrange a meeting with you to discuss Rosie’s recent behaviour in school and her note writing during class. How does Thursday at 3 p.m. sound?

      Miss Casey


      My mum and dad won’t let me go to the cinema tonight. I hate not sitting beside you. It’s so boring. Frizzy Lizzys hair is blocking my view of the blackboard. Why does this happen to us all the time?


      TO ALEX


      To Rosie

      You wrote that card didn’t you?

      From Alex

      To Alex

      What card?
