Joseph Polansky

Aquarius 2014: Your Personal Horoscope

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that are current (transiting). For example, Natal Sun refers to where the Sun was when you were born; transiting Sun refers to where the Sun’s position is currently at any given moment – which usually doesn’t coincide with your birth, or Natal, Sun.

      Out of Bounds

      The planets move through the zodiac at various angles relative to the celestial equator (if you were to draw an imaginary extension of the Earth’s equator out into the universe, you would have an illustration of this celestial equator). The Sun – being the most dominant and powerful influence in the Solar system – is the measure astrologers use as a standard. The Sun never goes more than approximately 23 degrees north or south of the celestial equator. At the winter solstice the Sun reaches its maximum southern angle of orbit (declination); at the summer solstice it reaches its maximum northern angle. Any time a planet exceeds this Solar boundary – and occasionally planets do – it is said to be ‘out of bounds’. This means that the planet exceeds or trespasses into strange territory – beyond the limits allowed by the Sun, the Ruler of the Solar system. The planet in this condition becomes more emphasized and exceeds its authority, becoming an important influence in the forecast.

      Phases of the Moon

      After the full Moon, the Moon seems to shrink in size (as perceived from the Earth), gradually growing smaller until it is virtually invisible to the naked eye – at the time of the next new Moon. This is called the waning Moon phase, or the waning Moon.

      After the new Moon, the Moon gradually gets bigger in size (as perceived from the Earth) until it reaches its maximum size at the time of the full Moon. This period is called the waxing Moon phase, or waxing Moon.


      The planets move around the Sun at different speeds. Mercury and Venus move much faster than the Earth, while Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto move more slowly. Thus there are times when, relative to the Earth, the planets appear to be going backwards. In reality they are always going forward, but relative to our vantage point on Earth they seem to go backwards through the zodiac for a period of time. This is called ‘retrograde’ motion and tends to weaken the normal influence of a given planet.

      Short-term Planets

      The fast-moving planets move so quickly through a sign that their effects are generally of a short-term nature. They reflect the immediate, day-to-day trends in a horoscope.


      stays in a sign for only 2½ days


      20 to 30 days


      30 days


      approximately 1 month


      approximately 2 months


      A T-square differs from a Grand Square in that it is not a complete square. If you look at the pattern in a chart it appears as ‘half a complete square’, resembling the T-square tools used by architects and designers. If you cut a complete square in half, diagonally, you have a T-square. Many astrologers consider this more stressful than a Grand Square, as it creates tension that is difficult to resolve. T-squares bring learning experiences.


      This term refers to the movements or motions of the planets at any given time. Astrologers use the word ‘transit’ to make the distinction between a birth, or Natal, planet (see ‘Natal’) and the planet’s current movement in the heavens. For example, if at your birth Saturn was in the sign of Cancer in your 8th house, but is now moving through your 3rd house, it is said to be ‘transiting’ your 3rd house. Transits are one of the main tools with which astrologers forecast trends.


      Personality Profile


      Element – Air

      Ruling Planet – Uranus

      Career Planet – Pluto

      Love Planet – The Sun

      Money Planet – Neptune

      Planet of Health and Work – Moon

      Planet of Home and Family Life – Venus

      Planet of Spirituality – Saturn

      Colours – electric blue, grey, ultramarine blue

      Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony – gold, orange

      Colour that promotes earning power – aqua

      Gems – black pearl, obsidian, opal, sapphire

      Metal – lead

      Scents – azalea, gardenia

      Quality – fixed (= stability)

      Qualities most needed for balance – warmth, feeling and emotion

      Strongest virtues – great intellectual power, the ability to communicate and to form and understand abstract concepts, love for the new and avant-garde

      Deepest needs – to know and to bring in the new

      Characteristics to avoid – coldness, rebelliousness for its own sake, fixed ideas

      Signs of greatest overall compatibility – Gemini, Libra

      Signs of greatest overall incompatibility – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

      Sign most helpful to career – Scorpio

      Sign most helpful for emotional support – Taurus

      Sign most helpful financially – Pisces

      Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships – Leo

      Sign most helpful for creative projects – Gemini

      Best Sign to have fun with – Gemini

      Signs most helpful in spiritual matters – Libra, Capricorn

      Best day of the week – Saturday

      Understanding an Aquarius

      In the Aquarius-born, intellectual faculties are perhaps the most highly developed of any sign in the zodiac. Aquarians are clear, scientific thinkers. They have the ability to think abstractly and to formulate laws, theories and clear concepts from masses of observed facts. Geminis might be very good at gathering information, but Aquarians take this a step further, excelling at interpreting the information gathered.

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