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adj understanding, intelligent

      deallusion npl intelligentsia

      deallusrwydd nm intelligence

      deau adj, nf right ▶ nm south

      debentur (-on) nm debenture

      debyd (-au) nm debit

      debydu vb to debit

      dec (-iau, -s) nm deck

      decilitr (-au) nm decilitre

      decimetr (-au) nm decimetre

      decstros nm dextrose

      dectant nm ten-stringed instrument, psaltery

      dechrau vb to begin ▶ nm beginning

      dechreuad (-au) nm beginning

      dechreunos nf nightfall, dusk

      dechreuol adj initial

      dechreuwr (-wyr) nm beginner

      dedfryd (-au) nf verdict; sentence

      dedfrydu vb to sentence

      dedlein (-s) nf deadline

      dedwydd adj happy, blessed

      dedwyddwch, dedwyddyd nm happiness, bliss

      deddf (-au) nf law, statute, act

      deddfeg nf jurisprudence

      deddfegwr (-wyr) nm jurist

      deddfol adj legal, lawful

      deddfu vb to legislate, to enact

      deddfwr (-wyr) nm legislator

      deddfwriaeth nf legislation, legislature

      deddfwriaethol adj legislative

      deddlyfr (-au) nm statute book

      de-ddwyrain nm southeast

      defni vb to drip, to trickle

      defnydd (-iau) nm material, stuff; use

      defnyddio vb to use, to utilize, to employ; defnyddio’r cwbl o, defnyddio’r cyfan o use up

      defnyddiol adj useful

      defnyddioldeb nm usefulness, utility

      defnyddiwr (-wyr) nm user, consumer

      defnyn (-nau) nm drop

      defnynnu vb to drop, to drip, to dribble, to distil

      defod (-au) nf custom; rite, ceremony

      defodaeth nf ritualism

      defodol adj ritualistic

      defosiwn (-ynau) nm devotion

      defosiynol adj devotional, devout

      deffro, deffroi vb to rouse; to wake

      deffroad (-au) nm awakening

      deg adj ten ▶ nm (-au) ten

      degaidd adj denary

      degawd (-au) nm decade

      degiad (-au) nm decimal

      degol (-ion) nm, adj decimal

      degoli vb to decimalise

      degoliad nm decimalisation

      degolyn (degolion) nm decimal

      degwm (-ymau) nm tenth, tithe

      degymu vb to tithe

      dehau, deheu see deau

      deheubarth, deheudir nm southern region, south

      deheuig adj dexterous, skilful

      deheulaw nf right hand

      deheuol adj southern

      deheurwydd nm dexterity, skill

      deheuwr (-wyr) nm southerner

      deheuwynt nm south wind

      dehongli vb to interpret

      dehongliad (-au) nm interpretation

      dehonglwr (-wyr), dehonglydd (-ion) nm interpreter

      dehydrad (-au) nm dehydration

      dehydru vb to dehydrate

      deial (-au) nm dial

      deialog (-au) nmf dialogue

      deialu vb to dial

      deifio vb to singe, to scorch; to blast; to dive

      deifiol adj scorching, scathing

      deifiwr (-wyr) nm diver

      deigryn (dagrau) nm tear

      deilbridd nm humus

      deildy (-dai) nm bower, arbour

      deilen (dail) nf leaf

      deilgoll adj deciduous

      deiliad (-on, deiliaid) nm tenant; subject

      deiliant (-nnau) nm foliage

      deilio vb to leaf

      deiliog adj leafy

      deillio vb to proceed, to emanate, to issue

      deinameg nf dynamics

      deinamig adj dynamic

      deinamo (-s, -au) nm dynamo

      deincod nm teeth on edge

      deincryd nm chattering or gnashing of teeth

      deintio vb