Glynna Kaye

Pine Country Cowboy

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      Didn’t the man have anything better to do than to torment her? Okay, maybe torment was too strong a word. But it seemed clear he wasn’t satisfied having the bevy of young mothers eating out of his hand. He needed assurance that the newcomer’s adoration was secured, as well.

      Don’t hold your breath, cowboy.

      She started off to get Davy, but less than half a dozen yards into her journey Brett joined her, his eyes still smiling almost as if holding on to an unshared secret.

      “So Joe has a little sister.”

      Reluctantly, she drew to a halt. “That’s me.”

      For a moment she thought he was going to say “Why didn’t he ever mention you?” She couldn’t take offense if he did. Family usually talked about family. But there would be no reason for her brother to mention her in casual conversation. Five years apart in age, they’d barely been in contact after Mom took off with her when Joe was fifteen. Nevertheless, her little-girl heart had missed him and he’d told her a few days ago that he’d missed her, too.

      “Are you in town for long, ma’am?” Brett’s voice drew her back to the present.

      “No. I’m leaving as soon as I drop Davy off at home.”

      “That’s a shame.”

      Why? Because he wouldn’t have an opportunity to weave his charming wiles around another susceptible female heart?

      She glanced again toward her nephew, who was still talking with Trey. Come on, Davy, let’s go.

      Brett motioned in their direction. “A bright boy, that one, and he has a natural way with horses. You may have an accomplished horseman in the family one of these days.”

      “He wants a horse. Bad.” She smiled inwardly at the remembrance of her own childhood demands. What kid doesn’t think they want a pony? “Joe thought it might be good to let him try it out. Kids often lose interest when they discover an imagined event, toy or pet isn’t as advertised.”

      The cowboy nodded. “You can say the same thing of adults, I imagine.”

      Where was he coming from with that comment? But he sure nailed it on the head. The shallowness of commitment on the part of her fiancé had been nothing short of deplorable. “I guess so.”

      “Is your brother harboring any other pretty siblings?” Brett quirked a smile. “I may have to talk with him about holding out on friends.”

      He’s a flirt. The women warned you. Don’t take his flattery to heart. Nevertheless, her breath came more quickly at the approving sparkle in his eyes.

      “There’s one other...” She couldn’t help but toy, noticing with gratification how a brow lifted in surprised interest. “But our brother, Ed, might take exception to being termed pretty.”

      Brett’s amused gaze pinned her just as her cell phone vibrated silently in the purse resting against her hip. Please don’t let it be Gene again. Since Sunday evening her ex-fiancé had been calling. Emailing. Texting. His messages were brief, only that he needed to talk to her. With each attempt to make contact, her hopes—and outrage—rose in unison.

      Brett cocked his head to the side. “Is something wrong, ma’am?”

      She wished he’d stop calling her that. It made her sound as old as dirt. “My phone’s vibrating.” She patted the purse at her side. “Incoming call.”

      “Don’t mind me. Go ahead. Take it.”

      With a grimace of apology, she pulled out the phone. Not Gene, thank goodness, but her older brother, Davy’s dad.

      It was already nice getting more frequent calls from Joe. While they’d kept in contact sporadically through the years, they had a long way to go to rebond. Maybe they never fully would. But despite him not being around much the past few days, he was making an effort to reconnect, which was more than Dad seemed to be doing.

      “Hey, Joe, what’s up?”

      “Meg’s being air-vacced to the hospital at Show Low.”

      Her throat tightened at his flat tone, recognizing he’d shifted into paramedic mode. The levelheaded corpsman pattern from his navy days divorced emotion from the situation at hand, conveying that the air transport was more serious than Meg merely going into a much-anticipated labor.

      “Is she—”

      “I’m on my way there now. She says you have Davy.”

      Abby quickly confirmed the boy was still deep in conversation with Trey. “I do. He’s right here.”

      “Can you keep him for a while? Stay with him at the house if we don’t get back by tonight?”

      “Maybe...” Dad could take care of Davy, couldn’t he? Or Olivia, Joe and Abby’s cousin who’d married Meg’s brother? But no, Joe needed immediate assurance that things were under control on the home front. “Sure. No problem.”

      “Davy has a key.”


      “Thanks, sis. You’re an answered prayer. I’ll call you when I know more.”

      Heart still pounding, she gripped the phone as her gaze met Brett’s troubled one. “Wait— Joe? Will Meg— Is the baby— Are they going to be okay?”

      Chapter Two

      Gut-punched at the implications of the one-sided conversation, Brett watched as Abby slipped the phone back into her purse with trembling fingers.

      “The baby’s on its way?”

      “Maybe.” Abby’s dark eyes, wide with alarm, met his. “Meg’s not due for two more weeks, but she’s being air-vacced to Show Low. Joe will call again after he gets there and has more details.”

      “But he thinks she and the baby are going to be okay?” He’d heard her ask that question.

      She bit gently down on her lower lip. “He doesn’t know. He says to keep them in our prayers.”

      Brett gave a confirming nod, a prayer already pumping through his being along with the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Babies. Moms. He knew what was at stake. “You can count on me.”

      Something in Abby’s eyes flickered. Surprise? Doubt?

      “Thank you.” She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The baby... It’s a girl. Jorelle. Jo. After her daddy, except without the e.”

      “I imagine everybody will be calling her Jori before she’s even out of diapers.”

      “Jori. I like that.” An ever-so-faint smile touched the woman’s lips, then she turned to watch as Davy and Trey headed in their direction, her nephew proudly leading Trey’s horse, Taco. “I’d better round up Davy and get him back home.”

      “You’ll be lucky if you can drag him out of here with a tractor. Looks like he and ol’ Taco are buds now.”

      “It does, doesn’t it?” She took a strengthening breath and he intuitively knew where her thoughts had headed—to what she’d tell Davy about his stepmother’s situation.

      He lightly touched her arm and, as she turned uncertainly toward him, he clearly read concern for her family in her eyes.

      “Don’t worry, ma’am. You’ll be given the words to explain his mom’s absence. To reassure him. He’ll be fine.”

      She blinked rapidly, hugging her arms to herself in an almost protective gesture.

      “But he hardly knows me. What if—” She compressed her lips together, her dark eyes challenging him for answers to questions she dared not utter. What if something was wrong with the baby? What if his mommy... What if she was all alone with Davy should she get such a