Liz Ireland

Prim And Improper

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an honest trade.”

      Ty laughed. “I never understood how you could dignify that ramshackle booze shed of yours with a name like ‘saloon.’”

      By the way Louise reacted—jerking back as if she’d been slapped—Ty sensed his insult had exploded right on target. “Booze shed!” She fairly shook with rage. “A grown man who spends years panning for gold and then decides to fritter away his life chasing cows shouldn’t criticize those of us who actually put in a hard day’s work!”

      His eyes narrowed dangerously and he took a step forward over a mud hole. “I don’t take to women telling men their business.”

      She didn’t back away, he noticed with irritation. “I wouldn’t have bothered, except you butted into mine.”

      They faced off stiffly, separated by mere inches. Both of them were breathing heavily, and the flush of red in Louise’s high cheekbones had only been heightened by their heated exchange. Strands of her sable brown hair blew in the breeze as it began to dry, making her appear far from the civilized creature she claimed to be. For a moment, Ty had the absurd, insane urge to kiss the pout right off her ruby lips.

      But that would only prove that he was the beast she said he was. He took a step backward.

      “I want you to promise not to have anything to do with Sally ever again,” Louise said, looking relieved that he had retreated.

      Ty still didn’t understand how the woman had come up with the crazy notion that he was sweet on her sister, but he wasn’t in the mood to be accommodating to Louise Livingston today. No matter how silly and unnecessary her demands were. The uppity woman could leave with whatever impression irritated her most, as far as he cared.


      She stared at him for a moment, uncomprehending. “Are you saying you refuse to abide by my wishes?” The shock in her voice indicated that few people dared to do so.

      He grinned. “I sure am.”

      “But you don’t even love her! You said so yourself!”

      “Still, a man likes to keep his options open.”

      Her face twisted in revulsion. “I can’t believe you would even say such a thing.”

      “Why not? You seem to have a pretty low opinion of the Saunders family.”

      “And it’s still sinking,” she said wryly.

      He laughed. He’d always admired a woman with spirit. It was a pity this one’s energies were all focused on insulting him.

      “Well, if you won’t keep away from Sally, I’ll just make sure to keep Sally away from you,” Louise said.

      “Better keep her under lock and key then,” he warned. “You know what a ruffian I am. I just might steal into your house one night, clunk her on the head and drag her off by her hair.”

      Louise lifted her chin. “After I tell my sister about your behavior toward me today, she wouldn’t have you on a bet. I can’t imagine that any woman would!”

      “Oh no?”

      “Any decent woman, that is,” Louise corrected primly.

      He inched closer. “Funny…I’ve never had any trouble finding women—decent, as you say, or otherwise.”

      “Keep away from me,” she warned as he lurched closer to her, his eyebrows wriggling seductively.

      “You said I was only supposed to stay away from your sister,” he said, darting up an eyebrow suggestively. “But, as you know, I have a weakness for all the Livingston women.”

      Louise took a tripping step backward, catching herself from falling with a down-stretched arm. Ty watched with amusement as she scooped up a handful of gloppy clay and palmed it menacingly.

      “Don’t you dare come a step farther,” she warned.

      “Or what?” he taunted. “Are you going to toss that little mud ball my way?”

      She quaked with anger, and with surprising speed the wet ball of clay came whizzing toward his face. He ducked in time, but the projectile sped past him and smacked Zeus right on the nose. The spirited animal let out a sharp whinny of protest and reared threateningly.

      Louise’s eyes widened at the sight of the impressive animal rising to its full height, and she watched silently as Ty grabbed for the bridle and tried to soothe the animal.

      “Nice shot,” he said accusingly.

      “You drove me to it,” Louise argued.

      Ty felt his blood heating up for another fight just as a door slammed and Caleb came running out of the house, probably beckoned by Zeus’s whinnies.

      Louise began to pick her way toward her horse. “Just don’t be surprised when you don’t see Sally anymore, Mr. Saunders.”

      “I won’t. I have no doubt you’ll succeed in scaring her away from men.”

      “M-Miss Livingston!” Cal sputtered anxiously. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

      “Or maybe you’ll teach Sally to follow your example,” Ty continued bitterly, “and she’ll learn how to simply scare men away.”

      Louise’s hands balled into fists at her side. “If I could just scare you away I would count it as a victory!”

      Cal looked from her to his brother in confusion and alarm. “Wait!” he said, darting after Louise. “Please, Miss Livingston, let me—” His string bean body hopped awkwardly over a puddle and he jutted out his hand, offering assistance to Louise.

      “No, don’t,” she pleaded, obviously having had enough of being rushed at by Saunders men.

      But Cal was determined to help the lady, and he grabbed her arm just as he lost his footing.

      First Cal slipped, then, tugged by his movement, Louise lost her balance, too. Her free arm twisted in a loopy circle as she tried to regain her equilibrium, but Cal’s unsteadying hand was still gripping her arm, and when he collided with the brown-red mud, she followed.

      Louise Livingston hit the ground with a definitely unladylike splat, Ty noted with unabashed pleasure.

      Wearing an expression of pure astonishment on her mud-splattered face, Louise wallowed on the wet ground for a moment before she gathered her wits and started to pull herself up.

      Cal. with his knobby knees poking up out of the mud, glanced over at her in panic. “Wait, Miss Livingston, let me help you!”

      Alarmed by the idea of more of Caleb’s help, Louise flailed away from the young man. “No, please!” she cried, trying to push herself up before Cal could do any more harm.

      A wide, generous smile tugging at his lips, Ty strode over, quickly looped an arm about her dirty waist and hoisted her to her feet.

      “Oh!” she exclaimed as he lifted her effortlessly. She turned to look at him and he graced her with a broad, taunting smile. “Let me go, both of you!” She scurried away, slipping and sliding to her horse, and quickly mounted, “Thank heavens I learned about Sally’s unwise affections before it was too late!”

      Cal shot to his feet. “Sally’s what?”

      “Unwise affections,” Louise repeated as the mare pranced in a restless circle beneath her. The horse looked almost as anxious to get away from the Saunders ranch as Louise herself did.

      “Wait! S-surely you’re not leaving! Not yet!” Cal cried, scrambling across a puddle toward her. “Don’t you want to come inside and change clothes? You look terrible!”

      Louise scowled.

      “Terribly wet, I mean,” Cal corrected nervously.

      “I’d be glad to lend you a pair of those pants