Karin Baine

French Fling To Forever

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the last minutes caught up with her.

      Unable to speak, she flashed him a grateful smile and made her way out of the resuscitation room. The less frantic corridor outside was a welcome respite from the drama, and Lola took a minute to catch her breath. Only now did the reality hit her that she had played a part in saving a man’s life. With no time to worry over who was watching as she administered the adrenaline, she had acted on pure instinct and skill.

      A hand rested on her shoulder and forced Lola to concentrate on not collapsing onto the polished floor.

      ‘Are you okay?’

      Henri’s brown eyes bored into hers until she felt her feet gradually slipping from under her.

      He directed her to a seat. ‘Here, sit down.’

      ‘I’m fine. Really,’ she insisted, wanting him to disappear as quickly as he’d arrived and leave her to stew in her own embarrassment.

      ‘It is okay to have a little wobble.’

      His pronunciation of that last word sounded so ridiculous for the sophisticated doctor she felt better already.

      ‘These things—they are intense and difficult to handle at the beginning, but you did your job. You were part of the team that brought him back and you should be proud of yourself, Lola. Now, take five minutes and get yourself a cup of tea whilst it’s quiet.’

      As he left her Lola couldn’t be sure if it was the first sign of compassion from him or his continued use of her first name that had sent another bolt of adrenaline to bring her own body back to life.

      On doctor’s orders she soon found herself in the canteen, paying for a cure-all cuppa. Her first time as part of the resus team had left her a little shaky on her feet, so she couldn’t wait to sit down and take a time-out.

      A ‘Bonjour!’ much too cheery for it to have come from her superior greeted her in the seating area. The familiar figure of her burlesque instructor waved her over to a table in the corner.

      ‘Come and join us. I didn’t know you worked here. I take it you and Henri know each other?’

      Angelique, dressed more conservatively than the last time Lola had seen her, directed her to a seat. She was accompanied by a teenage girl who bore an uncanny resemblance to Henri and his other half. It was unfair that one family had hogged all the would-look-good-in-a-bin-bag genes.

      Naturally any child with that combination of DNA in her genetic make-up was bound to be a beauty, but she’d clearly been in the wars. Her otherwise clear skin was marred by a series of angry red abrasions across her cheek, whilst the beginnings of a purple bruise ringed her right eye.

      ‘You could say that. I’ve just started my placement in A&E. I’m Lola, by the way.’ She introduced herself to the Benoit mini-me as she sat down with her tea.

      ‘Gabrielle,’ the girl mumbled, in that barely comprehensible manner all teenagers used in the presence of strangers.

      ‘Are you here to see Henri?’

      ‘Yes, but they told us he’s busy with a patient. We’ll just have to wait until he comes home to speak to him.’ Angelique shifted restlessly in her seat, clearly more bothered about not seeing him than she was willing to let on.

      ‘We were dealing with an emergency admission downstairs, but I’m sure he’ll be free soon. Is there anything I can help you with in the meantime? If you want I can take you down after this and take a look at those cuts on your face?’

      Lola turned her attention to the young girl, with her head bowed as she played with the food on her plate, a curtain of raven hair now falling over her face to hide the marks from view.

      ‘That won’t be necessary, thanks. The school nurse cleaned Gabrielle up before they phoned me to collect her. It’s nothing serious, but they don’t take any chances these days.’

      Angelique’s fidgety hands on the table gave away her real concern, and Lola thought perhaps she was simply being polite and didn’t want to bother her.

      ‘It’s no trouble. As you say, it’s better to be safe than sorry.’ Besides, she was sure Henri wouldn’t take too kindly to finding out his daughter had been sent away without some sort of examination.

      ‘I’m fine. I tripped and fell in the playground—it’s not a big deal.’ The surly teen rested back on her chair, arms folded across her chest, practically daring Lola to disagree.

      ‘Honestly, that’s not even why we’re here. We have a cake emergency that requires immediate attention. So, unless you know someone who can whip up a dinosaur-themed birthday cake in twenty-four hours, I’m afraid you can’t help.’

      A diplomatic Angelique stepped in to change the subject to one even closer to Lola’s heart than her job.

      ‘Whose birthday is it?’

      ‘My son’s. Bastien will be six tomorrow, and he’s decided at the last minute that the only thing he wants is a dinosaur cake. I can’t find one in the supermarkets, and bakeries need more notice than I can give. I was hoping to brainstorm with Henri—or get him to take a crash course in baking.’

      The stressed mother let out a sigh as she planted an image in Lola’s brain of the usually suave doctor up to his elbows in flour.

      ‘I’ve been known to do a bit of baking myself.’

      That was like saying Beyoncé did a bit of singing. The kitchen was Lola’s natural habitat, and where she went to unwind at the end of the day. She didn’t usually do commissions, but she’d made all manner of themed cakes for her brothers over the years. Where money had been scarce, imagination had been plentiful. A dinosaur might be fun.

      ‘Are you saying you could do it?’ This time Gabrielle appeared to be totally enamoured by her new acquaintance, her dark eyes shining with excitement.

      Lola understood the love a sister had for a brother, and the need to see him happy even when he could be a royal pain in the butt at times.

      ‘Maybe…I mean, I’m no expert or anything…’ She knew she was capable of doing it, but those doubts crept in that her standards mightn’t be good enough for a third party.

      ‘I don’t care if it’s nothing more than a blob with eyes and scales, as long as I have something to give him. You’re a lifesaver. Now, if you could have it ready by tonight, I can send Henri to get it. How much do you need for supplies, et cetera?’

      Angelique began to rifle in her handbag, immediately dampening Lola’s spirit. She baked out of love—not for financial gain.

      ‘Whoa! I haven’t agreed to do it yet. What if Henri doesn’t want me involved? He sees enough of me here.’

      There was also the matter of Lola not being thrilled with the idea of crossing paths with him again outside of work. She’d only just sorted out the last mess she’d made—with Jake’s help. He’d stepped in and dealt with the aftermath of the fender bender so she didn’t have to.

      ‘It’s not Henri’s call.’

      Lola didn’t want to end up in the middle of a domestic dispute, especially when she really didn’t know these people.

      She drained her cup and stood to leave, hoping they would follow suit. ‘Why don’t we check with him anyway, before we make any definite plans?’

      Henri probably wouldn’t deny the child his birthday wish, but Lola couldn’t afford to stuff things up again. As far as she was concerned this was his call.

      Henri might have broken his vow to keep his distance from the pink princess after his lapse at the club, but it was worth it if his interference today had boosted her confidence even a fraction.

      He knew Lola’s capabilities were there, if she could just stop overthinking her every move. Whilst her job meant being able to assess a situation, it also meant being decisive. Aside