Beth Andrews

A Not-So-Perfect Past

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and wanting to get this conversation over with, he hadn’t taken the time to shave. “Listen, this…thing between us—”

      She tossed the towel on the bar. “I knew this would happen.”


      She pushed up the sleeves of her dark green sweater. “This.” She gestured between them. “Us working together every day. It got to be too much for you. The tension. The attraction. And now, you’ve fallen for me. Why must I be so irresistible?” she asked the heavens. She squeezed his arm. “It’ll never work out between us. You have to see that. I’m not what you need.”

      What a smart-ass. God, he was going to miss her. “What I need is for you to swallow your ego and be serious for a minute.”

      “Why?” She leaned on her elbows, her face in her hands. “You’re being serious enough for both of us.”

      “Allie…” He slid to his feet. “I’m leaving.”

      She swatted him on the arm as she straightened. “Don’t be such a drama queen. I’ll stop. I promise I’ll be good.”

      “No. I mean I’m leaving Serenity Springs.”

      “What?” Her smile disappeared. “But why?”

      “It’s time I moved on. And now that I’ve been evicted—”

      “Nina evicted you? No way.”

      He nodded. “She said she wanted to expand. I figure she’d just been biding her time after buying the building to kick me out. Can’t say I blame her for not wanting a murderer living above her place of business.”

      Allie’s eyes flashed. “She can’t refuse to rent to you because you were in prison. We’ll take her to court. I can’t believe she would pull something like this. And to think, she used to be so…so nice.”

      “Put away your law degree. We’re not taking anyone to court for anything. And Nina hasn’t changed. She told me—very nicely—that I was evicted. It’s no big deal.”

      He didn’t want Allie and her high ideals to go after Nina. The ex-lawyer would smash the cupcake into crumbs.

      He hadn’t been lying when he’d said Nina was nice. Too nice. And she’d seemed so…lost last night. Fragile. She’d acted as if she wanted to take charge, but just didn’t know how or what to do first.

      Allie hurried out from behind the bar. “But what about the rest of the work here?”

      “There is no more work here. And after the false accusation of Shannon’s murder, Serenity Springs just isn’t the place for me.”

      “It could be,” she said softly. “You could have a second chance. And if you need a place to stay, why not move in upstairs—”

      “No.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m leaving after the wedding. I’ll get my tools out of here today.”

      She crossed her arms. “But I don’t want you to go.” She pouted. “I’ll miss you.”

      He smiled. “Last week you told me I was a bigger pain in your ass than your brother.”

      “So? Doesn’t mean I don’t like having you around.”

      He chuckled. “You’ll be fine.” Before he could change his mind, he squeezed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “Thanks for being a good friend.”

      She patted his waist, sniffed and walked away. Dillon tipped his head back and exhaled. Leaving was for the best. He just hoped the next two weeks flew by.


      IF ONE MORE PERSON told her how sorry they were for her, she’d shove a stale Danish down their throat.

      And it would be even more effective and surprising because it came from sweet, easygoing, good-girl Nina Carlson.

      She kicked the table leg. Pain shot up her foot. Ouch. She hobbled over to lean against the counter. See why she never bothered to get angry? All it did was leave her feeling empty and guilty.

      And in pain.

      She picked up the contractor’s estimate and crumpled it in her fist. No, anger wouldn’t help. It was past time she took control.

      Headlights illuminated the kitchen as a truck pulled into the parking lot. Finally.

      Nina shoved the wadded paper into her pocket and hurried across the room, ignoring the ache in her toes. She yanked the door open and dashed out into the cold air. “Dillon!”

      Getting out of his truck, he stopped and looked over his shoulder at her before closing the driver’s side door.

      She crossed her arms and lowered her head against the stinging wind as she jogged across the parking lot. It had stopped snowing but the wicked cold blew through her threadbare Harvard sweatshirt, and snow soaked her sneakers.

      Two feet from him, she slipped, her arms windmilling as she started to fall.

      “Easy,” he murmured, stepping forward and taking a hold of her upper arms.

      She clutched him until she found her balance. At least the embarrassment heating her face eased the tingle of cold in her cheeks.

      He scowled at her. “Where’s your coat?”

      “Inside.” Her breath came out in bursts of frost. She inhaled and forced herself to meet his eyes. “Dillon, I…I need you.”

      He let go of her and stepped back. “I’m flattered.”

      She blew on her frozen hands—spring couldn’t come soon enough. “Look, I’ve had a really rotten day and I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t have the time or inclination for innuendos right now, okay?”

      “My mistake.”

      Ack. Did he have to be so…unflappable? Especially when she was always so flustered.

      “What can I do for you?” he asked, but there was no curiosity on his face. Merely patience.

      “I…are you almost done at The Summit?”

      He raised an eyebrow. “I finished up today.”

      “That’s great.” Her teeth chattered. “Can…can we go inside? I have fresh coffee.”

      He was going to refuse. She could see it on his face. What could she do to change his mind? To persuade him to hear her out? Kelsey would make some wise remark and bait him. Nina’s older sister Blaire used her stunning looks to manipulate men.

      Since she didn’t have Kelsey’s nerve or Blaire’s looks, Nina silently prayed.

      “I have a few minutes to spare,” he said.

      She smiled, relieved, noticing the way his eyes narrowed slightly before she trudged back toward the bakery. But at least he was following her.

      Inside, she poured two cups of coffee, took a moment to doctor hers with a heavy dollop of cream and preceded him into the dining area. A chill racked her and she wrapped her fingers around her warm mug.

      He sat and nodded toward the plywood covering the hole in the exterior wall. “Looks like you have things under control here.”

      She choked on her coffee. Coughed so hard, her eyes watered. Once her vision cleared, she studied him. The man had the emotionless thing down pat.

      “I wouldn’t say things are under control.” She rapped a staccato beat on her cup with her fingernails before setting it on an empty table. “As a matter of fact, I don’t have anything under control.”

      “That so?”

      “My father asked Jim Arturo, you know, from Arturo and Sons Builders?” He inclined his head. She took that as a yes. “Anyway, Dad asked Jim to meet us here earlier today.” She took out the paper,