Patricia Rowell Frances

A Perilous Attraction

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he gazed at her for several breaths. “Yes,” he said finally, “they are just the color of your eyes.” He stroked her slim shoulders, pushing the silk of the negligee off onto her arms. “And breathtaking against your exquisite skin.” He drew her toward him.

      Catherine could not see that his lordship’s breath had been taken, but hers certainly had. She opened her mouth for air just as his came over it. His hands tightened on her arms as he flicked his tongue over her lips. Without taking his mouth from hers, he shifted and pulled her across his lap, thrusting his tongue into her and pressing her body against the growing bulge at his groin.

      The room lurched for Catherine. Sensation poured through her lower body as never before. All of it mingled with the feel of his hand pushing her negligee off her arms, and slipping her gown down to reveal one high, firm breast. He took his mouth from hers to gaze intently as his fingers circled the nipple.

      “Ah.” As the rosy crest tightened, he leaned down to cover it with his mouth. His tongue made lazy circles, and Catherine moaned, arching upward. Caldbeck’s hand slid down her, across her stomach to the joining of her legs, and applied a gentle pressure. Her head dropped back, and instinctively she lifted her hips against his hand. All at once he stood, scooping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed. Her robe fell unnoticed to the floor.

      Caldbeck set her upright long enough for the gown to follow, and then lifted her onto the bed. Still breathless, she watched as he stripped off his clothes. His erection sprang outward from the thick, night-black curls spreading across his groin. The same dark hair covered his broad chest in a black veil and ran in a V down his stomach. His warm, male scent washed over her.

      He lay down beside her, propping his head on his hand so that he could see the length of her body. He touched the sapphires briefly, tasting the skin around them with small kisses. He began to lightly stroke her breasts, her belly and the inside of her thighs, brushing them with his fingertips.

      Catherine had never felt anything like this. Every muscle in her body tightened. Heat and sensation throbbed at the apex of her legs. She sighed and stretched her arms over her head against the pillow.

      “So beautiful. So much fire.” Caldbeck trailed his tongue over her breasts and kissed one taut nipple. Catherine’s whole body quivered. His mouth moved over her, to her waist, her navel.

      Now his hand was doing something between her legs, while his lips tantalized her nipple. Darkness closed in around the edges of her vision, and her world narrowed to the touch of his hand, the warmth of his mouth and the rush of feeling they were creating. Desire grew in her until she thought she must explode.

      Suddenly, she did explode.

      The world went dark. Myriad tiny lights sparkled across her vision, and every inch of her skin tingled and throbbed. She could hear her own voice gasping and crying out as the flood of sensation engulfed her. She writhed in his arms.

      His weight came down on her, and he joined his body with hers while she yet fought for breath. She was dimly aware of pain and pressure and the rhythm of his movements. The world still whirled around her as she heard his hoarse cry, felt his powerful hips pumping his seed into her. Gradually he quieted, and with him, the world settled back into its accustomed place.

      Withdrawing, Caldbeck rolled to one side, taking her with him so that her head rested on his shoulder, and his arms clasped her tightly against him. Catherine lay relaxed and drowsy, listening as his breathing and heartbeat slowed.

      After several minutes he asked, “Are you in pain?”

      Catherine shook her head. She ached and stung a little, but not enough to disturb her lassitude. “No,” she answered, “not to signify.”

      “Did you find the experience satisfactory?”

      Catherine pulled back enough to smile at him. “Well, my lord, I have nothing against which to judge it, but I should say that I found it entirely satisfactory.” His eyes did not change, but his lips softened a little, and for a moment she thought he would smile.

      Then he pressed her close again. “Your passion is quite as wonderful as I imagined.”

      Catherine waited for more words—an endearment, perhaps?—but none were forthcoming. She sighed. At least, thus far, the earl seemed pleased with his bargain. She was foolish to wish for more.

      Another woman. Now his lordship had brought one into the dale. He had seen her. The earl had lifted her out of the carriage, his hands on her body. Her body! A shudder convulsed him. The hateful warmth spread across his loins, and he struck at it with his fist, wailing his anguish. Pain burst over him, but the heat was not cast out. She glowed in his memory. Burned like a flame against the black sky. Like a demon, screaming in his soul. He could endure the evil no longer! It was claiming him. He must drive it out! Out of all of them!

      Chapter Four

      Catherine wakened in the curtained bed to the sound of hot water cans scraping against the hearth, and the refreshing smell of lavender. Apparently Sally was preparing a bath for her. That was strange. Catherine hadn’t ordered one. She rolled over and winced, every part of her stiff and aching. Little wonder! She had spent several hours, with very short periods of rest, either twisting and moaning in ecstasy under his lordship’s expert hands and mouth, or caught up in the rhythm of his hard body against hers. A small, delicious shiver of remembrance took her. However icy his features and manner, the frost clearly did not extend to his blood!

      She was no longer curious.

      She sat up and cautiously peeked under the covers. Oh, yes. A largish red smear definitely stained the bedding. She groaned silently. Now there was no doubt at all that the whole staff would shortly be apprised of the change in status of their lord’s and lady’s relationship. How could she look Sally in the eye?

      And what had happened to her nightgown?

      She found it lying across the foot of the bed. Caldbeck must have placed it there when he arose, leaving her to sleep on. She gathered up his empty pillow and buried her face in it. Yes, she could still smell the smoky, masculine fragrance. It sent another shiver through her.

      She pulled the gown over her head and slipped her feet out of the covers. Sally turned as she heard the rustle of the drapes, and hurried to help Catherine pull them back. The maid was all cheery nonchalance.

      “Good morning, my lady. Hardraw gave me your message to prepare your bath.”

      Hardraw? Oh, yes, Caldbeck’s valet. That explained the bath—the earl’s instructions, no doubt. A twinge of annoyance swept through Catherine. What did he think he was doing, ordering her bath? She pushed the irritation aside and decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. She needed that bath.

      “I hope you slept well, miss. It’s another lovely day.”

      Sally bustled about pouring hot water into the copper tub. When the temperature satisfied her, she motioned to Catherine, who stepped into it. Ahh! She slid down until the hot water lapped at her chin.

      “Mrs. Hawes suggested I steep the lavender first. So refreshing it is.” Sally handed her a face cloth.

      Catherine resisted making an unladylike grimace. Another person minding her business. She replied with noncommittal murmurs until the warm water and soothing herbs had soaked away her discomfort.

      An hour later, feeling quite renewed, Catherine made her way to the breakfast parlor and found her husband—yes, truly her husband now—finishing his breakfast. He stood as she entered the room.

      “Good morning. I trust you rested well?” Caldbeck’s cool gaze took in the flush that Catherine could feel burning in her face.

      “Uh…yes.” She decided to be gracious. “Thank you for ordering the bath. You are very considerate.”

      “The mark of a gentleman.” His eyes never flickered, but this time Catherine was sure she detected the slightest change in his voice. Was he teasing her? It seemed so unlikely,