Cassandra Austin

The Unlikely Wife

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without her, and she may be right.”

      “Let’s wait in the parlor,” Alicia suggested. “It’s so warm in here we’re liable to wilt. We want the curls to last until the fourth dance.”

      “Ah, yes,” Rebecca agreed, slipping her arm through Alicia’s and leaving the kitchen with her. “And anyone who is still in perfect order by the fourth dance hasn’t been dancing and will remain a wallflower the rest of the night”

      Alicia sighed dramatically. “Do you know how often I’ve had to run out during the fourth dance to splash a little water in my face and tug at my curls?”

      Rebecca shook her head. “Never, I’d wager, unless you were turning the poor boys away. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, cousin? You’re beautiful!”

      To Rebecca’s frustration Alicia shook her head, the pink blush that came to her cheeks making her all the more appealing. “I’m serious, Alicia. You could have all the men falling at your feet with the least bit of flirting. It works for me, and I’m too tall and too skinny and my hair’s impossibly ordinary.”

      “And those dimples in your cheeks are just horrid, too.”

      Rebecca grinned. “So I have one overworked asset. Men give you more attention than you want, and I have to work so hard to get any.” She gave an exaggerated and unconvincing sigh.

      “I saw how hard you worked on the lieutenant. One smile and he would have followed you…well, he did follow you.”

      “I know I shouldn’t do it,” Rebecca said, feeling unrepentant in spite of her words. “But they are so nice to touch and…kiss.”

      “They? Men in general? Don’t you believe in love?”

      “Oh, Lord, I hope not!”

      Alicia gave a startled laugh. “Rebecca! All women want to fall in love.”

      Rebecca shook her head. “Not me. I think it’s wonderful fun to…to…dazzle a man. It’d be hard to do that with a husband around.”

      Alicia looked truly shocked. “You’re awful!”

      They heard footsteps on the stairs and knew the others were finally ready. Rebecca leaned close to Alicia and whispered. “True. And I’m willing to teach you everything I know.”

      They had to take a carriage to the dance so the ladies wouldn’t ruin their slippers on the way. Alicia was almost giddy, and Rebecca guessed she was torn between wanting to flirt with the men and wanting to hide behind a potted plant. The girl really was shy.

      “This is just lovely,” Myrtle said for the fifth time. “We get so few guests.”

      “The hall was decorated this afternoon,” Hale said. “My wife called in an entire troop of officers’ wives.”

      Myrtle nudged her husband with her elbow. “Don’t you dare make any remark about them being at my command. They all volunteered to help when I told them about our guests.”

      The moment the general entered the hall a small band struck up a waltz. Hale escorted his wife to the center of the floor. Myrtle smiled regally as her husband danced her around the room, and in a few minutes a few others joined them on the floor.

      “You’d think she was the queen,” Alicia whispered.

      “In this society, she is,” Rebecca answered.

      “And you will be when you get to Hays. The commanding officer’s daughter.”

      Rebecca moved her cousin away from the door to a spot where they could better watch the crowd. “I hadn’t thought of that,” she said. Her eyes scanned the faces, looking for a particular lieutenant.

      “The social leader,” Alicia added near her ear. “The standard for propriety.”

      “I think I’ll abdicate.”

      “There he is.”

      “Who?” Rebecca asked innocently, though her eyes had fallen on Forrester at the moment her cousin had spoken.

      “Your lieutenant. Will he ask you to dance?”

      “I doubt it. If he does, he’ll probably step on my toes—on purpose.”

      Before Alicia could reply she was claimed by a young officer. Rebecca smiled as her cousin was whirled away. Soon she was asked as well. After three dances with six different partners, she pleaded exhaustion and sought out the refreshment table.

      After a moment Alicia joined her. “I believe I’m adequately wilted, don’t you?”

      “In the loveliest sense,” Rebecca said. “Are you having fun?”

      Alicia nodded, sipping her punch daintily. “I haven’t dazzled anyone, though.”

      Rebecca was about to answer when a decidedly wilted Aunt Belle huffed up beside them. “I’m nearly done in. I’m sure I shouldn’t dance, but Mrs. Hale said it would be cruel not to, there being so few women. How are you girls faring?”

      “Quite well, Aunt Belle,” Rebecca answered. “Aren’t the decorations lovely?”

      When Belle turned to look around her, Rebecca tipped her head at Alicia indicating her desire to move father from the refreshments.

      “They look like leftover Independence Day banners.”

      “Yes, I suppose,” Rebecca agreed with a grin. “But they go so well with the gold buttons, don’t you think?”

      Beside her Alicia muffled a giggle. Aunt Belle didn’t seem amused. “They’re brass,” she said, pointedly.

      Rebecca looked out across the room, taking in the host of blue uniforms, buttons, bars, and braid. “It’s all in how you look at it,” she murmured. “Oh, Aunt Belle, you look absolutely drained. You had better get some punch.”

      “Yes, I suppose.”

      As soon as the older woman turned away, Rebecca steered her cousin toward an unoccupied corner, leaning close to whisper, “Who would you like to dazzle?”

      “Besides your young lieutenant?”

      Rebecca glanced up and caught him watching her. She had been at least half aware of where he was all evening. Alicia noticed the slip and the gleam in her blue eyes was positively wicked. Rebecca was almost tempted to turn her loose on him, just to show her she wouldn’t be jealous. Almost. Considering it made her want to grit her teeth. Lord, she would be jealous! Hoping to hide her feelings from her cousin she said lightly, “We better leave him alone. He’s been dazzled recently. It’s a little like being burned.”

      “That’s awful, Rebecca. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

      Rebecca shushed her cousin, looking quickly around to be sure they hadn’t been overheard. “I didn’t hurt him,” she whispered emphatically. “He’s just not thrilled that we’re going with him tomorrow, and he thinks I’d use the…uh…encounter on the train against him if he refused.”

      “But wouldn’t that reflect as badly on you as him?”

      “Not the way he thinks I’d tell it. Oh, Alicia it gets complicated. Take my word, and pick out somebody else.”

      While Alicia was making her choice, Rebecca glanced again in Forrester’s direction. Lord, he was still watching her!

      “That one,” Alicia whispered, “with the mustache.”

      “Ah, a colonel! Very good, Alicia! Now, you need to watch him until he looks in your direction. Make eye contact, then give him a smile.”

      “All right,” Alicia whispered. “But don’t you look at him at all, or he’ll ask you to dance instead.”

      “I’ll plead exhaustion and push you into his arms.”
