business going down. I still think that prostitutes wear panties better than those many wives who just donât mind panties that come near boxer shorts in terms of appeal. Prostitutes join gyms when wives assume stress will help them lose weight. Prostitutes open thighs when you have been refusing to have sex with him the whole week. Prostitutes smile when you let hours go by just sulking swallowed in your self-importance and playing hard to get. Itâs wives who are marketing prostitutes, but that aside, some men are just plainly greedy no matter how wonderful a wife can be. They are to blame for this wicked industry that has spread the virus like an atomic bomb. They think they are bulls whose appetite cannot be handled by having one woman. They donât know that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Eves. They believe all sorts of fables to condone their animal like behavior. They are finished. People like that are just death walking on two legs. Itâs only a matter of time before we sing sad hymns and bury them. Thereâs no way one can be dipping their penis into every vagina and dream of living a long life. Not in this sick world!
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