
Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking

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large head cabbage

      ¼ lb. dried beef

      1½ cups white sauce

      ½ cup buttered crumbs

      Chop cabbage coarsely and cook in salted water until tender, then drain. Chop the dried beef and soak in a little warm water for 10 minutes. Grease a casserole and in it place alternate layers of cabbage and dried beef. Pour the white sauce over it and top with buttered bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350-f) 25 minutes.


      1 cup egg noodles

      3 tblsp. butter

      3 tblsp. flour

      ½ tsp. salt

      ½ tsp. paprika

      1½ cups milk

      2 eggs, well beaten

      Swiss cheese (¼ to ½ lb.)

      Boil noodles in salted water until tender. Drain and place in well-greased ring mold. Melt the butter, add flour and blend smooth. Stir in milk and cook, stirring constantly until it thickens. Add seasoning and cheese cut in small pieces. Cook until cheese melts. To ½ of the sauce add the well-beaten eggs and mix well. Pour this over the noodles. Set mold in pan of hot water and bake in moderate (350-f) oven 45 minutes. Unmold on large platter, pour over the remaining hot cheese sauce. Fill center with peas, and carrots or spinach.


      2 cups mashed potatoes

      1 egg, beaten

      1 qt. stale bread, cubed

      2 tblsp. butter

      1 onion, minced

      ½ cup celery, diced

      1 tblsp. minced parsley

      1 tsp. salt

      pinch of pepper

      Put the beaten egg into the mashed potatoes and mix well. Melt the butter in a large skillet and saute the onion and celery. Stir in the bread crumbs to toast for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Add all the other ingredients, combine with the potatoes and mix thoroughly.


      1 lb. ground beef

      ⅓ cup rice, uncooked

      1 egg

      1 onion, chopped fine

      2 tblsp. shortening

      Juice of 1 lemon

      1 can tomato soup

      ½ cup celery, chopped

      1 tsp. sugar

      1 tsp. parsley, minced

      6 cabbage leaves

      salt and pepper

      Combine meat, salt, pepper, rice and egg, mix well. For the sauce: saute onion in the butter until soft. Add tomato soup and equal amount of water to onion, also celery, parsley, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Cook for 10 minutes. Wash the cabbage leaves and boil until tender. Put equal amounts of the meat mixture into cabbage leaves, roll tightly and secure with toothpicks. Place rolls in sauce pan, pour sauce over them, cover pan and cook very slowly for 3 hours.


      Prepare a young duck for roasting. Place in a roasting pan and add 2 quarts of sauerkraut, 1 cup of water and 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Cover and bake until duck is tender and golden brown. Serve with creamy mashed potatoes.


      8 loin pork chops

      2 qts. water

      1 dumpling recipe

      4 medium potatoes

      1 lb. sausage in casing

      Boil the pork chops in water for ½ hour. Then add the potatoes cut in half and the sausage cut in 1 inch pieces. Cook until potatoes are almost done. Drop well-beaten dumpling dough into the boiling meat mixture, cover and cook 10 minutes.


      2 inch thick piece of chuck, pot roast or tender boiling beef. Place in dish or bowl and cover with solution of half vinegar and half water, put in two large onions sliced. Do this two or three days before the meat is wanted. On the day before it is to be cooked cut 3 or 4 slices of bacon into 1" pieces and chop fine 1 tablespoon of the onion which has been soaking in the vinegar. Cut holes in the meat 1 or 2 inches apart and stuff bits of the bacon and chopped onion into the holes. Put the meat back into the solution, add 1 tablespoon whole cloves and 1 teaspoon whole allspice. Bake the meat as a pot roast in part of the solution, until tender. Use more of the solution, adding sugar to taste, in making the gravy which will be almost black.


      For Boiled beef or Corned beef

      2 tblsp. butter

      2 tblsp. flour

      1 cup milk

      ¼ cup grated horseradish

      ¼ tsp. dry mustard

      salt and pepper

      Melt butter, remove from heat and stir in flour. Add the milk gradually, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Add salt and pepper and cook for 3 minutes more. Add the grated horseradish and dry mustard and blend well. Keep hot in double boiler. Serve on slices of boiled beef or corned beef.


      1½ lbs. veal steak cut in cubes

      2 tblsp. shortening

      2 tblsp. flour

      1 cup tomato juice

      2 carrots, diced

      1 small onion, chopped fine.

      Salt and pepper


      Dredge meat with flour and season. Melt shortening (preferably bacon fat) and brown the meat in it. Remove meat from the pan, stir in the flour and blend. Add the tomato juice and stir well until mixture thickens. Add meat, carrots and onion. Cover closely and simmer for 45 minutes.

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