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Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary

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capitaine MASC NOUN


      la capitale FEM NOUN


      Paris est la capitale de la France. Paris is the capital of France.

      la capuche FEM NOUN




      coach On va en France en car. We’re going to France by coach.

       Language tip

      The French car holds a lot more people than the English car.


      because Écoutez, car c’est très important. Listen, because it’s very important.

      le caractère MASC NOUN


      Il a le même caractère que son père. He’s got the same personality as his father. Il a bon caractère. He’s good-natured. Elle a mauvais caractère. She’s bad-tempered.

      la carafe FEM NOUN


      les Caraïbes FEM PL NOUN

       Caribbean Islands

      le caramel MASC NOUN


      la caravane FEM NOUN


      le carême MASC NOUN


      la caresse FEM NOUN

      faire des caresses to stroke Elle fait des caresses au chat. She’s stroking the cat.

      caresser VERB

       to stroke

      la carie FEM NOUN

      J’ai une carie. I’ve got a hole in my tooth.

      le carnaval MASC NOUN


       Did you know…?

      French children usually celebrate carnaval on Shrove Tuesday, when they often go to school in fancy dress. There is a procession in the streets, and at the end of the day, a man made of papier mâché, called bonhomme carnaval is burnt on a bonfire.

      le carnet MASC NOUN

      1 notebook

      2 book

      un carnet d’adresses an address book un carnet de timbres a book of stamps un carnet de tickets a book of tickets

       Did you know…?

       It is cheaper to buy tickets for the Paris Metro in a book of ten.

      un carnet de notes a school report

      la carotte FEM NOUN



      carré can be an adjective or a noun.

      A MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM carrée)

      square un mètre carré a square metre


      un carré de chocolat a square of chocolate

      le carreau MASC NOUN

      (PL les carreaux)

      1 check

      une chemise à carreaux a checked shirt

      2 window

      Maxime a cassé un carreau. Maxime has broken a window.

      3 diamonds

      l’as de carreau the ace of diamonds

      le carrefour MASC NOUN


      Tournez à gauche au carrefour. Turn left at the junction.

      le cartable MASC NOUN


       Did you know…?

      un cartable is a large, rigid kind of satchel school children carry on their backs.

      la carte FEM NOUN

      1 card

      une carte d’anniversaire a birthday card

      une carte postale a postcard une carte de vœux a Christmas card

       Did you know…?

      In France, people send greetings cards (les cartes de vœux) in January rather than at Christmas, with best wishes for the New Year.

      une carte de crédit a credit card une carte d’identité an identity card une carte téléphonique a phonecard un jeu de cartes a pack of cards/a card game

       Language tip

      un jeu de cartes has two translations. Look at the examples.

      J’ai acheté un nouveau jeu de cartes. I’ve bought a new pack of cards. Tu connais ce jeu de cartes? Do you know this card game?

      2 map

      une carte de France a map of France une carte routière a road map

      3 menu

      Je voudrais la carte, s’il vous plaît. I’d like the menu, please.

      le carton MASC NOUN

      1 cardboard

      un morceau de carton a piece of cardboard

      2 cardboard box

      un carton à chaussures a shoe box

      le cas MASC NOUN (PL les cas)
