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Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary

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He’s like his father. comme ça like this Ça se plie comme ça. You fold it like this. C’était un poisson grand comme ça. The fish was this big.

      2 for

      Qu’est-ce que tu veux comme dessert? What would you like for pudding?

      3 as

      Elle travaille comme serveuse. She works as a waitress. Fais comme tu veux. Do as you like.

      4 how

      Comme tu as grandi! How you’ve grown! Regarde comme c’est beau! Look, isn’t it lovely!

      Comment ça va? — Comme ci comme ça. How are you? — Okay, I suppose.

      commencer VERB

       to start

      comment ADVERB


      Comment dit-on ‘apple’ en français? How do you say ‘apple’ in French?

      Comment tu t’appelles? What’s your name? Comment s’appelle-t-il? What’s his name? Comment ça va? How are you? Comment? What did you say? Comment ça s’écrit? How do you spell it?

      le commerce MASC NOUN


      Il fait des études de commerce. He’s studying business.

      commercial MASC ADJECTIVE

      un centre commercial a shopping centre

      le commissariat MASC NOUN

       police station

      les commissions FEM PL NOUN


      J’ai quelques commissions à faire. I’ve got some shopping to do.

      commode FEM NOUN

       chest of drawers

      commun MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM commune)

      en commun in common Ils n’ont rien en commun. They’ve got nothing in common. les transports en commun public transport

      compact MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM compacte)


      un disque compact a compact disc

      la compagnie FEM NOUN


      une compagnie aérienne an airline

      comparer VERB

       to compare

      le compartiment MASC NOUN


      le compas MASC NOUN


      Je peux emprunter ton compas? Can I borrow your compasses?

      la compétition FEM NOUN


      une compétition de natation a swimming competition

      complet MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM complète)


      L’hôtel est complet. The hotel is full. ‘complet’ ‘no vacancies’ le pain complet wholemeal bread

      complètement ADVERB


      compléter VERB

       to complete

      compliqué MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM compliquée)


      composter VERB

       to punch

      Tu as composté ton billet? Have you punched your ticket?

       Did you know…?

       In France, you have to punch your ticket before you get on the train. If you don’t you might get a fine.

      la compote FEM NOUN

       stewed fruit

      la compote de pommes stewed apple

      comprendre VERB

       to understand

      Tu comprends? Do you understand?

      Je ne comprends pas! I don’t understand!

      le comprimé MASC NOUN



      compris can be part of a verb or an adjective.

      A VERB

see comprendre

      Je n’ai pas compris. I don’t understand.

      B MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM comprise)

      included Le service n’est pas compris. Service is not included.

      le/la comptable MASC/FEM NOUN


      le compte MASC NOUN


      un compte bancaire a bank account Ma mère travaille à son compte. My mum is self-employed.

      compter VERB

       to count

      se concentrer VERB

       to concentrate

      Il faut te concentrer! You’ve got to concentrate!

      le concert MASC NOUN


      le/la concierge MASC/FEM NOUN


      le concombre MASC NOUN


      le concours MASC NOUN


      un concours de chant a singing