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Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary

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       to take

      des plats à emporter take-away meals

      l’ empreinte FEM NOUN


      une empreinte digitale a fingerprint

      emprunter VERB

       to borrow

      Je peux emprunter ta gomme? Can I borrow your rubber?


      en can be a preposition or a pronoun.


      1 in

      Il habite en France. He lives in France.

      2 to

      Je vais en France cet été. I’m going to France this summer.

      3 by

      en vélo by bike C’est plus rapide en voiture. It’s quicker by car.

      4 made of

      C’est en verre. It’s made of glass. un bracelet en or a gold bracelet

      5 while

      Il s’est coupé le doigt en ouvrant une boîte de conserve. He cut his finger while opening a tin.


      of it Il a un beau jardin et il en est très fier. He’s got a beautiful garden and is very proud of it. Si tu as un problème, tu peux m’en parler. If you’ve got a problem, you can talk to me about it. Tu peux me rendre ce livre? J’en ai besoin. Can you give me back that book? I need it.

       Language tip

      When en is used with avoir and il y a, it is not translated in English. Please see below for an example.

      Tu as un dictionnaire? — Oui, j’en ai un. Have you got a dictionary? — Yes, I’ve got one. Il y a combien d’élèves dans ta classe? — Il y en a trente. How many pupils are there in your class? — There are 30.

      J’en ai assez. I’ve had enough.

      enceinte FEM ADJECTIVE


      Ma tante est enceinte de six mois. My aunt is six months pregnant.

      enchanté MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM enchantée)


      Ma mère est enchantée de sa nouvelle voiture. My mother’s delighted with her new car.

      Enchanté! Pleased to meet you!

      encore ADVERB

      1 still

      Il est encore au travail. He’s still at work. Il reste encore deux morceaux de gâteau. There are two bits of cake left.

      2 even

      C’est encore mieux. That’s even better.

      3 again

      Nous allons encore en Espagne cet été. We’re going to Spain again this summer.

      encore une fois once again pas encore not yet Je n’ai pas encore fini. I haven’t finished yet.

      l’ encre FEM NOUN


      l’ encyclopédie FEM NOUN


      l’ endive FEM NOUN


       Did you know…?

      endive is a leafy vegetable which is eaten raw in a salad, boiled, or baked with ham and cheese.

      s’ endormir VERB

       to go to sleep

      Je m’endors vers neuf heures du soir. I go to sleep at about nine o’clock.

      l’ endroit MASC NOUN


      C’est un endroit très tranquille. It’s a very quiet place. à l’endroit the right way out/the right way up

       Language tip

      à l’endroit has two translations. Look at the examples.

      Remets ton pull à l’endroit. Turn your jumper the right way out. Tu ne tiens pas le livre à l’endroit. You’re not holding the book the right way up.

      l’ énergie FEM NOUN


      énerver VERB

       to get on someone’s nerves

      Il m’énerve! He gets on my nerves! Ne t’énerve pas! Take it easy!

      l’ enfant MASC/FEM NOUN


      Ils ont trois enfants. They’ve got three children.

      l’ enfer MASC NOUN


      enfin ADVERB

       at last

      Tu arrives enfin! Here you are at last!

      enflé MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM enflée)


      J’ai la cheville enflée. I have a swollen ankle.

      enlever VERB

       to take off

      Enlève ton manteau! Take off your coat!

      enneigé MASC ADJECTIVE (FEM enneigée)

       blocked with snow

      Les routes sont encore enneigées. The roads are still blocked with snow.

      l’ ennemi MASC NOUN

      l’ ennemie FEM NOUN


      ennuyer VERB

      J’espère que ça ne t’ennuie pas. I hope this isn’t a problem for you. Ça t’ennuie? Do you mind?