Юрий Слёзкин

Эра Меркурия

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о еврейском участии в различных экономических элитах см.: в Niall Ferguson. The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700–2000. London: Allen Lane, 2001, 378; Wistrich, Socialism and the Jews, 59–61, 180–181; о Ротшильдах см. в: Ferguson, The World’s Banker, 3, 1034–1036.


      Ruppin, The Jews in the Modern World, 151–153. Цитата из Гейне взята из: Jacobs, Jewish Contributions, 239–240; Janos, The Politics of Backwardness, Ch. 3; Ferguson, The World’s Banker, 7–11, 505–507 and passim, в особенности 147 и 173; Fritz Stern. Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichroder, and the Building of the German Empire. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977; Александр Герцен. Былое и думы. М.: Художественная литература, 1969, 1: 643–651.


      Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 52–67. Efron, Medicine and the German Jews, 236–237. Cf. Lengyel, Hungarian Banking and Business Leaders. Среди еврейских отцов-предпринимателей Венгрии доля самостоятельно добившихся успеха людей, не имевших формального светского образования, была гораздо выше, чем среди неевреев. О непропорционально высоком представительстве евреев среди учащихся гимназий см.: Goldscheider and Zuckеrman, The Transformation of the Jews, 86; и Victor Karady, Les juifs de Hongrie sous les lois antisémites // Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, № 56 (March 1985): 28.


      Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 33–34; Goldscheider and Zuckerman, The Transformation of the Jews, 85–87; Efron, Medicine and the German Jews, 236; Maria M. Kovâcs. Liberal Professions and Illiberal Politics: Hungary from the Habsburgs to the Holocaust. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 18; Mendelsohn, The Jews of East Central Europe, 237.


      Goldscheider and Zuckerman, The Transformation of the Jews, 90; Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 38–39; Mendelsohn, The Jews of East Central Europe, 27, 101. См. также: Kovâcs, Liberal Professions, 17–19; and Katzburg, Hungary and the Jews, 30–31.


      Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 38–40 (цитата взята со с. 40); Friedlduider, Nazi Germany and the Jews, 79–80; Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar Germany, 36–38; Kaznelson, Juden im deutschen Kulturbereich, 131–146; Wistrich, Socialism and the Jews, 182–183.


      John Murray Cuddihy. The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi Strauss, and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity. New York: Basic Books, 1974, 8; Milton Himmelfarb. The Jews of Modernity. New York: Basic Books, 1973, 23; Katz, Out of the Ghetto, 42–56 (the quote is on p. 45), 84; Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 40–41; Hannah Arendt. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973, 59–62; Kaznelson, Juden im deutschen Kulturbereich, 862–914; Friedländer, Nazi Germany and the Jews, 79–80; Zygmunt Bauman. Exit Visas and Entry Tickets: Paradoxes of Jewish Assimilation // Telos, vol. 77 (1988): 52–53; Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar Germany, 33–41; István Deák. Weimar Germany’s Left-Wing Intellectuals: A Political History of the Weltbühne and Its Circle. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968, 27–28; Frederic V. Grunfeld. Prophets – without Honour: A Background to Freud, Kafka, Einstein and their World. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979, 26–29 and passim.


      Beller, Vienna and the Jews, 14–32; Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar Germany, 33–41; Kaznelson, Juden im deutschen Kulturbereich, passim; McCagg, Jewish Nobles and Geniuses, 15–16 and passim; David Nachmansohn, German-Jewish Pioneers in Science 1900–1933: Highlights in Atomic Physics, Chemistry, and Biochemistry. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979. Гундольф цитируется no: Himmelfarb, The Jews of Modernity, 44; см. также: Cuddihy, The Ordeal of Civility, 8. О ротшильдовском мифе см.: Ferguson, The World’s Banker, 11–28.


      Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, vol. 1. New York: John Lane, 1912, 574, 492–493, 330, 238, 232, 254, 391.


      Jacobs, Jewish Contributions to Civilization, 10, 56–57.


      Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, 321, 343, 209, 226–227.


      Там же, 237–238.


      Matthew Arnold. Culture and Anarchy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966, 129–144.


      Friedrich Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, section 195, in Basic Writings of Nietzsche, trans. and ed. by Walter Kaufmann. New York: Modern Library, 1968, 298.


      Там же, section 11; Max Weber. The Protestant Ethic and the Sprit of Capitalism, trans. Talcott Parsons. London and New York: Routledge, 1995, 180–182.


      Madison C. Peters. Justice to the Jew: The Story of What He Has Done for the World. New York: Trow Press, 1910, 24, 14, 29, 44, 66, 214, 207.


      John Foster Fraser, The Conquering Jew (London: Cassell, 1915), 30–31, 43, 35. О евреях и рационализме см. превосходную работу Steven Beller “«Pride and Prejudice» or «Sense and Sensibility»? How Reasonable Was Anti-Semitism in Vienna, 1880–1939? in Chirot and Reid, Essential Outsiders, 99–124.


      Sombart, The Jews and Modem Capitalism, 254; L. B. Namier, Introduction, in Ruppin, The Jews in the Modern World, xx – xxi; Fraser, The Conquering Jew, 213.


      Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu. Israël chez les nations. Paris: Calmann Lfivy, 1893, 221.


      Chamberlain, Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 1: 482–483; Leroy-Beaulieu, Israël chez les nations, 341–342.


      Thorstein Veblen. The Intellectual Pre-Eminence of Jews in Modern Europe // Political Science Quarterly 34, № 1 (March 1919): 33–42. См. также: David Hollinger. Why Are Jews Preeminent in Science and Scholarship? The Veblen Thesis Reconsidered // Aleph 2 (2002): 145–163.


      A. Jussawalla,