Rebecca Winters

How To Propose To A Princess

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woman alive.”


      “Sorry, Mia. It’s late. I’ll see you on Monday. If you can make it, let’s meet in the cafeteria on your lunch hour before we both go on duty and we’ll talk.”

      “That sounds good. But do yourself a favor. Don’t assume anything. To him you have to be the most fascinating female on earth.”

      “You think?”

      “I know.”

      If only that were true. Tonight he’d revealed he didn’t have a clue about his origins. But there was one thing she understood above all else. Whoever his parents were, he’d inherited qualities and genes that put him head and shoulders above other men. She adored him.

      “Ciao, Mia.


      Fausta hung up. Tuesday evening couldn’t come fast enough for her.


      SINCE THE DINNER with Fausta on Sunday evening, Nico had been out of sorts. She had everything to do with his restlessness, but it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about with anyone, not even Felipe.

      The women he dated knew nothing concerning his background. When or if the right one came along, that would be different. However, Fausta had been such a good listener, she’d drawn him out.

      Their conversation at Prospero’s had caused him to open up about his life in a way he’d never done since moving to Domodossola. He decided it was because in the end, nothing could come of his association with her. That’s why he’d felt comfortable telling her certain facts. Maybe he even enjoyed shocking her a little about his work on a pig farm, but she didn’t act shocked.

      In truth, he was the one who’d been stunned when she’d invited him in to her apartment at the palace. There was nothing he’d wanted more than to get closer to her. He knew she wouldn’t have asked him inside if she hadn’t wanted it too. But it wouldn’t have been a good idea because he desired her in all the ways a man could want a woman.

      It was one thing to enjoy a few meals at or near the hospital with her. But to take her to Prospero’s before returning her to the palace had opened the floodgates for him. Now he’d invited her to a movie.

      Little by little he was fanning the flames with a royal princess whose life had been mapped out from birth. Though she wished she were a commoner and insisted she would never marry a prince, Fausta had admitted that her parents were constantly pressuring her. Of course he believed her, but Nico didn’t feel…worthy of her.

      He was a child who’d grown up abandoned by his parents and had become a realist. Though Fausta might not be in a relationship right now, she’d just told him her parents had royal plans for her. All he could imagine would be an affair with her, which would be impossible to hush up, something he couldn’t let happen.

      There was another factor too. It wouldn’t be fair to go on seeing her when he might not stay in Domodossola much longer. That all depended on finding his parents, and he was expecting some news of them soon. For that reason, he hadn’t bought a home and settled down here.

      The small Italian-speaking country of Domodossola was only two hours away from Biella on the northwestern Italian border. His parents could have lived within that radius before he was taken to the orphanage. But so far a thorough investigation here in this country as well as the region around Biella hadn’t turned up any information. At this point he’d been investigating elsewhere.

      When or if he did find his parents, or discover his origins or where he belonged, and he discovered it was in another country, hopefully one or both his parents would want to get acquainted with him. It might be that he’d make a permanent move to be with them.

      Then again, they might not want anything to do with him. Though he was taking a huge risk, he’d nursed the hope of a reunion for years. Certainly he wouldn’t expect a woman he was involved with, especially the princess, to deal with a future as uncertain as his.

      All this was on his mind as he and Fausta exited the theatre. She looked gorgeous in a summery print dress. “Let’s get some gelato around the corner before I take you home.”

      Their bodies brushed as they made their way through the crowds. The warm, beautiful early summer night brought out his longing to find a private place and kiss her into oblivion. So far he hadn’t touched her. He didn’t dare, or he wouldn’t want to stop.

      They both chose strawberry gelato and made their way back to his car. On the drive to the palace his mind flew ahead to the next time they would be together. Right now, he couldn’t imagine his life without seeing her every day. He decided it would be safer to continue to be with her in public places where they would be around other people.

      Nico drew the car around to the side entrance before turning to her. “I enjoyed being with you tonight more than you know. Thanks for sitting through that action film. It wasn’t as good as it was purported to be.” He took her empty gelato cup and put it in the bag.

      “I agree, but I didn’t care because I had a wonderful time. Since you probably have to go, will you wait long enough for me to run inside? I have something I want to give you.”

      She had something for him? He couldn’t imagine. “Of course I’ll wait.”

      “Be right back.”

      Within five minutes she’d returned carrying a white Lagotto hunting dog, the same kind she’d given Gina. After opening the passenger door, she placed it on its backside and put the seat belt around it.

      She grinned. “You said you’d like one. His name is Giorgio. He works on a local pig farm. Now you won’t be lonesome on your drive home because you’ll both have a lot to talk about. Buona notte, Nico.”

      He burst into deep laughter as she shut the door and disappeared inside the palace. No one had a personality like Fausta’s. Everything about her had enamored him to the point he wanted to take her home with him and throw away the key.

       Barsotti? You’re in huge trouble.

      After he reached his apartment, he phoned her, hoping she’d pick up.

      “Nico? Is Giorgio giving you problems already?” she teased.

      He closed his eyes for a moment. “I’m calling because you ran inside the palace before I could thank you. Your gift has special meaning for me.

      “When I first started working on the farm, people came who didn’t know me and just called me Giorgio. I asked Angelo about it and he said it meant ‘farmer.’ Trust you to know that. Thank you again. See you tomorrow after your shift is over?”


      When Wednesday evening rolled around, Nico didn’t have a patient in the hospital, so he had no excuse to visit the pediatric ward. But that didn’t stop him from racing over there after hours to find Fausta. The long overnight wait to see her again had been deadly.

      She came walking down the hall ten minutes later and broke into a smile to see him by the nursing station. “Ehi—how’s Giorgio?” Her hair shone like a pot of gold in the sunlight.

      “We’ve become best friends. I’ve made him my guard dog while I’m at work.”

      “I’m glad you like him.”

      “I hope you realize I like the woman who gave him to me.” He heard her breath catch. “Shall we head for the cafeteria for dinner?”

      “I have a better idea. I brought a picnic for us and thought we could eat it on the grass behind the hospital.”

      She’d planned a picnic?

      Today she was dressed in a yellow