
The First Boke of Moses called Genesis

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which runneth on the easte syde of the assyryans And the fourth river is Euphrates.

      ¶ And the LORde God toke Adam and put him in the garden of Eden/ to dresse it and to kepe it: and the LORde God cõmaunded Adã saynge: of all the trees of the gardẽ se thoũ eate. But of the tre of knowlege of good and badd se that thou eate not: for even ye same daye thou eatest of it/ thou shalt surely dye.

      ¶ And the LORde God sayd: it is not good that man shulde be alone/ I will make hym an helper to beare him company: And after yt the LORde God had make of the erth all maner beastes of the felde/ and all maner foules of the ayre/ he brought them vnto Adam to see what he wold call them. And as Adã called all maner livynge beastes: evẽ so are their names. And Adam gave names vnto all maner catell/ and vnto the foules of the ayre/ and vnto all maner beastes of the felde. But there was no helpe founde vnto Adam to beare him companye

      Then the LORde God cast a slomber on Adam/ and he slepte. And then he toke out one of his rybbes/ and in stede ther of he fylled vp the place with flesh. And the LORde God made of the rybbe which he toke out of Adam/ a womã and brought her vnto Adam. Then sayd Adã this is once bone of my boones/ and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman: because she was take of the man. For this cause shall a man leve father and mother & cleve vnto his wyfe/ & they shall be one flesh. And they were ether of them naked/ both Adam and hys wyfe/ ãd were not ashamed:

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      BUt the serpent was sotyller than all the beastes of the felde which ye LORde God had made/ and sayd vnto the woman. Ah syr/ that God hath sayd/ ye shall not eate of all maner trees in the garden. And the woman sayd vnto the serpent/ of the frute of the trees in the garden we may eate/ but of the frute of the tree yt is in the myddes of the garden (sayd God) se that ye eate not/ and se that ye touch it not: lest ye dye.

      Then sayd the serpent vnto the woman: tush ye shall not dye: But God doth knowe/ that whensoever ye shulde eate of it/ youre eyes shuld be opened and ye shulde be as God and knowe both good and evell. And the woman sawe that it was a good tree to eate of and lustie vnto the eyes and a pleasant tre for to make wyse. And toke of the frute of it and ate/ and gaue vnto hir husband also with her/ and he ate. And the eyes of both of them were opened/ that they vnderstode how that they were naked. Than they sowed fygge leves togedder and made them apurns.

      And they herd the voyce of the LORde God as he walked in the gardẽ in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd hymselfe and his wyfe also from the face of the LORde God/ amonge the trees of the garden. And the LORde God called Adam and sayd vnto him where art thou? And he answered. Thy voyce I harde in the garden/ but I was afrayd because I was naked/ and therfore hyd myselfe. And he sayd: who told the that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten of the tree/ of which I bade the that thou shuldest not eate? And Adam answered. The woman which thou gavest to bere me company she toke me of the tree/ ãd I ate. And the LORde God sayd vnto the woman: wherfore didest thou so? And the woman answered/ the serpent deceaved me and I ate.

      ¶ And the LORde God sayd vnto the serpẽt because thou haste so done moste cursed be thou of all catell and of all beastes of the feld: vppõ thy bely shalt thou goo: and erth shalt thou eate all dayes of thy lyfe. Morover I will put hatred betwene the and the woman/ and betwene thy seed and hyr seed. And that seed shall tread the on the heed/ ãd thou shalt tread hit on the hele.

      And vnto the woman he sayd: I will suerly encrease thy sorow ãd make the oft with child/ and with payne shalt thou be deleverd: And thy lustes shall pertayne vnto thy husbond and he shall rule the.

      And vnto Adã he sayd: for as moch as thou hast obeyed the voyce of thy wyfe/ and hast eaten of the tree of which I commaunded the saynge: se thou eate not therof: cursed be the erth for thy sake. In sorow shalt thou eate therof all dayes of thy lyfe/ And it shall beare thornes ãd thystels vnto the. And thou shalt eate the herbes of ye feld: In the swete of thy face shalt thou eate brede/ vntill thou returne vnto the erth whẽce thou wast takẽ: for erth thou art/ ãd vnto erth shalt thou returne.

      And Adã called his wyfe Heua/ because she was the mother of all that lyveth. And the LORde God made Adam and hys wyfe garmentes of skynnes/ and put them on them. And the LORde God sayd: loo/ Adam is become as it were one of vs/ in knowlege of good and evell. But now lest he strech forth his hand and take also of the tree of lyfe and eate and lyve ever.

      And the LORde God cast him out of the garden of Eden/ to tylle the erth whẽce he was taken. And he cast Adã out/ and sette at ye enteringe of the garden Eden/ Cherubin with a naked swerde movinge in and out/ to kepe the way to the tree of lyfe.

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      ANd Adam lay wyth Heua ys wyfe/ which conceaved and bare Cain/ and sayd: I haue goten a mã of the LORde. And she proceded forth and bare hys brother Abell: And Abell became a sheperde/ And Cain became a ploweman.

      And it fortuned in processe of tyme/ that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde. And Abell/ he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his offeynge: but vnto Cain and vnto his offrynge/ looked he not. And Cain was wroth exceadingly/ and loured. And the LORde sayd vnto Cain: why art thou angry/ and why loureste thou? Wotest thou not yf thou dost well thou shalt receave it? But & if thou dost evell/ by & by thy synne lyeth open in the dore. Not withstondyng let it be subdued vnto the/ ãd see thou rule it. And Cain talked wyth Abell his brother.

      And as soone as they were in the feldes/ Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym And ye LORde sayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother? And he sayd: I can not tell/ am I my brothers keper? And he sayd: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers bloud cryeth vnto me out of the erth. And now cursed be thou as pertaynyng to the erth/ which opened hyr mouth to receaue thy brothers bloud of thyne hande. For when thou tyllest the grounde she shall hẽceforth not geve hyr power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon the erth.

      * Of this place no doute ye pope which in all thinges maketh hĩ self equal with God toke an occasion to marke all his creatures: and to forbid vnder payne of excõmunicatiõ yt no mã (whether he were kĩge or emperowre) be so hardy to punishe them for what so euer myschef they doo. The crowne is to thẽ a licence to do what they wyste a protectiõ & a sure sentuarye.

      And Cain sayd vnto the LORde: my synne is greater/ then that it may be forgeven. Beholde thou castest me out thys day from of the face of the erth/ and frõ thy syghte must I hyde my selfe ãd I must be wandrynge and a vagabunde vpon the erth: Morover whosoever fyndeth me/ wyll kyll me. And the LORde sayd vnto hĩ Not so/ but whosoever sleyth Cain shalbe punyshed .vij. folde. And ye LORde put * a marke vpõ Cain that no mã yt founde hym shulde kyll hym. And Cain went out frõ the face of the LORde and dwelt in the lande Nod/ on the east syde of Eden.

      And Cain laye wyth hys wyfe/ which conceaved and bare Henoch. And he was buyldinge a cyte and called the name of it after the name of hys sonne/ Henoch. And Henoch begat Irad. And Irad begat Mahuiael. And Mahuiael begat Mathusael. And Mathusael begat Lamech.

      And Lamech toke hym two wyves: the one was called Ada/ and the other Zilla. And Ada bare Iabal/ of whome came they that dwell in tentes ãd possesse catell. And hys brothers name was Iubal: of hym came all that excercyse them selves on the harpe and on the organs And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain a worker in metall and a father of all that grave in brasse and yeron. And Tubalcains syster was called Naema.

      Then sayd Lamech vnto hys wyves Ada