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Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition

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ever," she said, thrusting her hand beneath me to feel how I was--"there, I must serve you out!"

       "Ah-r-r-re, oh, you're biting me, Gertie--oh, pray don't--pray don't bite my bottom like that, or I shall scream."

       "I feel I must bite you, Percy I can't make it be good, and there's only one way to make your instrument lay down, but you must wait

       till I come to bed, then I will see to it, as I did last night."

       This little game, and the want of sufficient rest on the previous night, made me very sleepy, and when she was gone I dropped off into a beautiful slumber, and was only awakened by her kissing me. Opening my eyes, there she stood by my bedside as naked as she was born, exposing all the beauties of her figure to my enraptured gaze, but what attracted me was not the sight of the ivory globes of her swelling breast, but lower down, where the mount of Venus was shaded by a profusion of curly reddish golden hair, just beneath which I knew was concealed the warm cleft which had afforded me such infinite joy the previous night.

       "Oh, Gertie let me kiss you all over, what a love you look, just like the picture of Eve in your big bible, only she has not got any hair

       there. Do tell me has my Mamma got the same colored hair as you, and is she like you all over?"

       "Of course she has, Percy, why do you think so much of Mamma, when you have me?" she said, with quite a jealous little tone.

       "What you told me about her wanting me, my own mother has made me feel so alloverish all day, your plaything has been sticking up so often, and when Mamma kissed me, I wanted her so, and you noticed it. Now I will strip too, and when you take it in that lovely place between your thighs, let me fancy it is Mamma; and I shall love you, oh, so much."

       "Very well, have your own way, you funny boy; so, I'm to be nobody, and Mamma everything; never mind I shall have the pleasure," as she playfully pulled my night shirt over my head, and not being unfastened at the neck, she had me prisoner, my head and arms being confined as she pulled me off the bed.

       "Now, I've got you, my boy, you can't help yourself; I'm Mamma, am I?" and in a trifle she was whipping me with something which

       cut and stung me dreadfully, this I afterwards found was a long thin bunch of green birch twigs she had slyly got ready for me.

       I did not resist much, for every thing she did seemed only to tend to the most delightful pleasure, but I wanted to look at and enjoy the sight of her charms, which was exactly what she did not intend just at the moment; she wanted to torture me and enjoy the idea of my pain and humiliation, and not to let me see the exultation shown in her face and eyes.

       Her cuts made me plunge about in order to disentangle myself from the embarrassing night robe, but it took me several minutes to effect my escape, my tender buttocks suffering every moment more and more under her strokes. At length I was free, and catching her round the waist almost lifted her on to the bed, and as she was pushed back with her legs hanging over the side, and her feet still resting on the floor, I slipped down on my knees, to explore that divine spot:--"Now, Gertie, I mean to look and know all about where I was last night."

       She suddenly became passive and permitted me to do as I pleased, so my explorations of the regions of love were easy.

       Gently parting the abundance of reddish golden hair, I found the slightly gaping lips of her vagina bedewed with pearly drops of creamy love juice, which she must have emitted in the excitement of whipping me.

       "Ah, cheat," I exclaimed. "You have given me the pain, and had the pleasure to yourself."

       "Kiss me there, Percy dear, and forgive me; it was all love, as you will soon understand, I whipped you both for my own pleasure and

       also to make you still more ardent and fierce when shove into me."

       I was an apt pupil, so parting those vermilion lips, found a little fleshly button just above the entrance I could see lower down; my fingers touched it. "There--there--that's the spot. Kiss it, you dear boy--just a little, and then make haste to push into me."

       Curious to know the effect, I at once complied by sucking that little button between my lips, and also working the tip of my tongue softly over it, gently biting with my teeth now and then.

       "Put your fingers into me, dear," she said, in a low voice, "and I shall soon come--Go on--go on--you darling love;" and just then


       my hand was inundated with a copious flow of her creamy essence, which so excited me, I could not wait any longer; I was ready

       to burst myself, so jumping up, I took one leg under each arm and rammed into her with all the strength I was capable of; my God, how she heaved to meet my attack! Her vagina seemed as stiff as my pintle, closing upon it with an extraordinary grasp, such as few women are capable of, nipping and squeezing the head of my affair each time it reached to the bottom of her womb.

       We spent ourselves in a mutually copious ejaculation, and she kept heaving and wriggling, still insatiable for more, keeping me as stiff as exer, making me, boy as I was then, overflow three times before she finished me, whilst as to herself it was one continuous emission as long as I could go on pushing into her. At length we lay on the bed palpitating and breathless.

       Presently she took my face between her two hands and drawing in to her lips, kissed me in the most impassioned manner.--"Percy, what a champion you are, if your Mamma did but know it; but don't be in a hurry to desert me; you will have enough of her when the time comes and even then, I don't believe she can; Papa says I'm a long way the best of the two. Now. I've smuggled a bottle of the finest Madeira up stairs, and will give my boy a couple of glasses; then we will have a new sort of, game, which you will be sure to like, and after that to sleep; we must not do too much."

       I think that wine was the most invigorating I ever tasted. Unused as I was to more than a singe glass of claret at luncheon or dinner, the generous Madeira fired all the blood in my system, making me palpitate with desire to renew those love games which I had so recently learned, and still wished to know more about.

       "Gertie, how kind of you to think of that. It makes me feel more of a man than ever. How stiff it is, but do give me another glass

       just to drink the health of your--what do you call it--you know under the hair there."

       "Oh Percy, you'll be inebriated, my dear. Only this once, and if affects you much, I shall refuse a third glass another time," she said, refilling my glass.

       "Now, what do you call it, Gertie? Tell me it's proper name."

       "Mine," she said, slapping her hand on her lovely mount--is a C-U-N-T

       (Cunt) but when girls talk together about it they call their "Fanny"--but I like the word Cunt--always call it that, Percy, when alone with me--and, your's, dear, what do boys their affairs?"

       "You know I have never been to school and have been so much at home with Mamma, you, and Mary, that I hardly know the right

       name for my thing; but what does Papa call his?"

       "Papa calls it his Prick--Mamma calls it a glorious Cock--and I, I use either name. Here Percy, we will drink to Cock and Cunt, and may they never get tired of love; a stiff Standing Prick, and a Cunt ready for it." We emptied our glasses and she placed them on the table, then getting on the bed, stretched herself by my side, and kissed me ardently, darting her velvety tongue between my lips, till I could endure it no longer, and wanted to mount up as before.

       "No, not that way this time, we will try a new pleasure; I want to taste and swallow the very essence of your being."

       Reversing herself upside down by my side, and taking my stiff machine in her mouth, began to suck and roll her tongue round its head, in the most delicious manner. At the same time she pressed her mount against my face, as a challenge for me to reciprocate her attentions to my prick. Words were not required. I knew instinctively what I ought to do, so my fingers parted the lips of her luscious Cunt, and my tongue was at once busy about La Rose d'Amour, the little spot where the slightest titillations of a tongue will arouse even in the coldest temperament the most ardent sensations of desire, and at once dispel any ideas of resistance to the due course of pleasure.
