Speedy Publishing

Juicer Recipes For Different Juicers

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the Juicing Ingredients Guide in the next chapter to get detailed nutritional information on a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs to help guide your juicing ingredient choices.


Table - Tips in benefits of juicing chapter

      Detox Juices

      These are the juices that help your body flush out toxins and restore vitality. Most of us do not do nearly enough regular cleansing to help our bodies stay clean on the inside. Increasing our clean water intake, regular exercise, stretching and a regular practice of receiving massages can all aid in getting our detoxification system back in order. You will see and feel these changes quickly if you give your body a chance to get clean. The fastest way to do that is to stop putting in food or anything else other than juices and clean water for a few days, or even a few weeks if you can do it. Otherwise, start by replacing your first meal of the day with these juices – your results will not be as quick to materialize, but they will be just as dramatic as they do.

      Greens and Cleansing Veggies:

      Barley Grass








      Swiss Chard




      Sweet Potato










      Balancing Veggies:


      Optional Extra Power Boosters:

      You can mix and match these ingredients for great detoxifying juices with the understanding that the main purpose of the detox juice is to get those greens and astringent veggies to work for you without too much sweet. Here are some standard combinations for detoxing juices.

Table - Detox Juices

      Feel free to add handfuls of any of the greens in the first list to any juice for added cleansing power.

      One of our favorite super boosting detox drinks is Food Babe’s Romaine, Cucumber, Turmeric and Lemon ‘Cooler’ – it’s very zippy and refreshing and the Turmeric is incredibly good for you.


      Losing-Weight Juices

      The easiest way to lose weight with juicing is to replace one meal a day with a fresh juice to start. See how that goes for you and, if you want to, increase to two meals a day. Drink plenty of clean water, and try to get out and move your body, even a simple daily walk can do the trick.

      Juices high in the cleansing greens like chard and parsley and mineral-rich body-supporting greens like spinach will help your body support the weight loss without fatigue or draining of your nutritional reserves. Another important thing to remember about weight gain in these modern times is that many doctors attribute excess weight to toxicity levels in the body tissues and blood, so a good cleansing detox juice is very supportive of weight loss juicing.












      Balancing Veggies:


      Pears, apples, lemons and greens are all great for helping the body cleanse and lose weight. Cucumbers and celery add a lightness and provide important nutrients to keep you healthy as you go. Kiwi, carrot and parsley boost your vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Table - losing weight juices parsley in juicer


      Looking-Younger Juices

      These are the ingredients which give your skin that super healthy glow, reduce wrinkles and give you the support within your whole body to energize and feel the power of your younger stronger self.





      Green Pepper






      Aloe Vera


      Optional Extra Power Boosters

      Cucumber has long been known as a skin rejuvenator, either directly on the skin or by drinking. When possible buy organic un-waxed cucumbers so that you can juice the skins as well. Carrot will provide UV protection as well as giving your skin a healthy beta-carotene glow. Tomatoes are high in lycopene which has also recently been shown to be important in bone health. Maintaining healthy bones helps you maintain good posture and balance, keeping you young.

cucumber on cutting board - small

      Here are some examples of how to mix and match to get you started:

Table - Looking younger juices

      Again, remember you can mix and match to taste as long as you keep a balance between fruits and vegetables. In the case of blueberries, their antioxidant properties are very high and they are less sweet than most berries. They also help improve memory, so you can remember how great you look!


      Immunity Booster Juices

      These are the juices to ward off colds and flu, increase stamina and give you that extra oomph, especially needed in the winter when people around you are sneezing and coughing and you do not want to join them. Some of them are pure Vitamin C bombs, others mix it up a bit. In any event, they will do the job of giving you the extra fire power you need to stay on your game and not go down for the count.


      Barley Grass











