Myles Dungan

Irish Voices from the Great War

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packed in Basingstoke there now remained to us only what we had in our haversacks and pockets.’32 Most of the march was over exposed terrain where they were subjected to shelling. This was at its worst around the area known as ‘The Cut’ where the sea entered the lake itself.

      Capt Paddy Tobin was a popular young officer with D Company of the 7th Dublin Fusiliers. In a letter to his father he described the experience of running hard through heavy sand before reaching

      a little sheltered bank like the Alps at Dollymount, only not so high, where we rested. Here were collected great numbers of troops huddled together. Well across that neck of land I expected every minute to fall … Shrapnel and high explosives were bursting as frequently as the tick of a clock … I found myself under the bank in a paroxysm of fear, and chattering my prayers between my teeth.33

      The CO of the 7th Dublins, Colonel Downing, led by example, frequently exposing himself to shell and shrapnel fire while ushering men across the ‘Cut’. The relative lack of Turkish artillery came to their aid. The Turks did not have enough guns to maintain a constant barrage on one particular spot for any length of time. The shelling settled into a predictable rhythm, a measurable interval elapsing between blasts. Taking advantage of this the men were sent scurrying across in the gap between shell bursts. Some of the Dublin troops, in blackly humourous vein, unofficially renamed the area. ‘Owing to the many casualties this spot was cheerfully dubbed “Dunphy’s Corner” after the place of that name in Dublin where the many funerals of old and young pass on their way to Glasnevin.’34

      The bottleneck at ‘Dunphy’s Corner’ had caused a major delay in the movement of the three Irish battalions earmarked for the assault on Chocolate Hill. The hold-up did little to enchance the state of mind of tired, hungry, thirsty and inexperienced troops:

      Except for a cup of tea about 3 a.m., and a mouthful hastily swallowed before moving off, they were fasting, and already many of the more improvident had emptied their water-bottles. In addition, these young soldiers who had never seen war before, had been since four in the morning exposed to shrapnel fire, with but little chance either of taking cover or of retaliating. They had seen their comrades fall stricken at their sides without the consolation of knowing that the enemy was suffering to an equal extent.35

      This was true, up to a point, but the Turks, with access to the wells in that sector, were not suffering from thirst. The shower of rain at about one o’clock in the afternoon had cooled the area down and provided some short-term relief but the soldiers advancing on Chocolate Hill were already thoroughly dehydrated.

      The Turks were well entrenched on Chocolate Hill, which although a mere 160 feet high, rose steeply from the surrounding plain and commanded an excellent view of the advancing Irish battalions. At the outset of their movement, closer to the beach a German officer noted that they had marched ‘bolt upright as though on parade without using cover’.36 As they neared their objective intense rifle and shell fire made this unwise.

      The rushes were by platoon after platoon. They had to cross ground which was very open and exposed to machine-gun and rifle fire from Chocolate Hill. It was uncultivated, with a few bushes here and there affording no substantial cover. The troops on the left, however, were able to advance over better ground, as it was much more closely covered with rocks and scrub, resembling the lower slopes of Ticknock.37

      It was heavy going for inexperienced troops who had gone rather soft after five weeks on board transport ships or awaiting orders on the Aegean islands.

      Frank Laird was not involved in the charge that finally took Chocolate Hill but he was still required to inch his way across the plain towards the outcrop where, ‘we heard for the first time the gentle whisper of enemy bullets over our heads … A young Dublin chap near me at one stopping-place gave a sudden choke, stiffened, and lay dead, shot through the throat.’ Laird had made an agreement with Charles Frederick Ball, Assistant Keeper of the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, that they would stick together. They managed to keep the compact. Others, however, got separated from their units. As the ‘Pals’ dived in and out of gullies and ditches to avoid shrapnel bursts one of their number, identified only as ‘John Willie’ by Laird, was knocked unconscious. When he came to he dutifully continued to advance on his own, in a straight line. His battalion, however, had wheeled right while he was unconscious so he found himself between the British and Turkish lines. He didn’t manage to extricate himself until after dark!38

      Among the officers ducking and diving through the scrub was Major Tippet of the 7th Dublins, a man who had served for years in the old Dublin City Militia and who, latterly, had been employed as a political agent in an English constituency. Alongside him was Paddy Tobin who was slowed down by a bullet in the triceps. ‘I had to stop for a minute or two to put on my field dressing, and here I’m sorry to say the Major went on ahead, and I lost him pro tem.’39 As Tobin found out later he had, in fact, lost Tippet permanently. The latter was killed as he went forward, shot in the head. Another significant casualty was Lt Ernest Julian, the Reid Professor of Law at Trinity College. He died on 8 August, of wounds received in the Chocolate Hill assault.

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