Dermot Meleady

John Redmond

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critical account of the later years by Stephen Gwynn – the publication of Denis Gwynn’s major biography of Redmond in 1932 went some way to rehabilitate his reputation in newly independent Ireland. Its documenting of his robust exchanges with British leaders, his refusal to yield more than the initial offer of temporary Home Rule exclusion to Ulster or to make any concessions over Tyrone and Fermanagh at the Buckingham Palace Conference, his concern to save the lives of and win amnesty for the 1916 prisoners, together with its recall of Catholic nationalist outrage at the news of German war crimes in Belgium in 1914, all helped to generate a second, kinder perspective on Redmond as a well-intentioned patriot who had tried according to his lights to advance the cause of his country.

      In placing the blame for the demise of the Home Rule project solely on external agents, both prevailing nationalist views of Redmond engaged in a certain amount of scapegoating, thus avoiding looking within the political culture of Irish nationalism itself. The attitude reflects, in particular, a failure over many years to take Ulster unionism seriously, to understand its origins or genuinely to engage with its sentiments. Redmond shared in these failures: the statesmanship he manifested in his treatment of the Anglo-Irish relationship as a whole deserted him in his approach to Ulster, although, in fairness, he was anxious to do everything possible to conciliate it. The nationalist press, almost to the end of the Home Rule crisis, dismissed and ridiculed the unionist threats to resist the imposition of Home Rule. When it became clear that unionist Ulster had armed itself sufficiently to do so, it ascribed the resistance solely to the machinations of British reactionary politicians or complained of British reluctance to repress it.

      This biography proposes a view of Redmond’s tragedy as due primarily neither to his own shortcomings as nationalist leader nor to the muddles or stratagems of British politicians – though these factors undoubtedly increased his difficulties – but rather to structural factors beyond his control rooted in the existence of two distinct national communities in Ireland. Far from betraying Redmond, the Asquith Government held to its undertaking to legislate for all-Ireland Home Rule and, in the face of Ulster’s well-signalled opposition, stood by it well beyond the point at which it might have been expected to make some concession to the pressure. Redmond’s lack of an Ulster policy in 1912 perfectly complemented the procrastinatory ‘wait and see’ approach for which Asquith was famous. Only when the threat of civil war had grown in early 1914 did the Government, with Redmond following reluctantly in tow, concede a time-limited exclusion by plebiscite of Ulster counties from Home Rule. From that point on, all realistic proposals to bring self-government schemes into effect had to include partition in some form. The advent of the Coalition Government in 1915, seen as another betrayal of Home Rule, was a necessary response to war exigencies. Tory members of that cabinet supported Lloyd George’s attempt to bring Home Rule into immediate operation in the summer of 1916, subject to the exclusion of Ulster. What ‘betrayed’ Redmond was not British leaders, but inescapable realities.

      Redmond would have responded that such a move by him at that moment would spell instant death for his leadership. Nationalist opinion knew and thought little about the Ulster Protestant community, and had simply not been prepared for the possibility that a territorial division of the island might be necessary. Four months later, however, Redmond was preparing to make just such a concession, in a speech for a Commons debate that would anticipate the imminent placing of the Home Rule Act on the statute book. Events had undoubtedly changed his mind since the initial concession of March: the impracticability of British military coercion of Ulster as made clear by the Curragh ‘mutiny’, the qualitative enhancement of unionist Ulster’s capacity for military self-defence by the Larne gunrunning and the mushrooming growth of the nationalist Volunteer movement in response made civil war on the island a looming and horrifying probability. Resisting the demand for en bloc exclusion, and holding fast to the principle of individual county option, he was yet ready to drop the six-year time limit on exclusion, so that there would be ‘no coercion of any Ulster county’ either into or out of Home Rule. Aside from the likely responses from within Ulster unionism to his new concession, his chief concern must have been whether he could keep the bulk of his supporters with him. He would gamble on the resonances of the moment of victory as providing the appropriate setting for a display of magnanimity to Ulster, an effort at ensuring a peaceful birth for Home Rule. Unfortunately, his mistake was to have left it until too late. The scheduled debate never took place, having been overtaken by the onset of the Great War on 3 August.

      Bad luck, or more particularly the interposition of the war and the Easter 1916 insurrection, is often said