Ed Pavlic

Visiting Hours at the Color Line

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       The National Poetry Series was established in 1978 to ensure the publication of five poetry books annually through five participating publishers. Publication is funded by the Lannan Foundation; Stephen Graham; Joyce & Seward Johnson Foundation; Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds; The Poetry Foundation; and, Olafur Olafsson.

       2012 Competition Winners

      the meatgirl whatever, by Kristin Hatch of San Francisco, CA

      Chosen by K. Silem Mohammad, to be published by Fence Books

      The Narrow Circle, by Nathan Hoks of Chicago, IL

      Chosen by Dean Young, to be published by Penguin Books

      The Cloud that Contained the Lightning, by Cynthia Lowen of Brooklyn, NY

      Chosen by Nikky Finney, to be published by University of Georgia Press

      Visiting Hours at the Color Line, by Ed Pavlić of Athens, GA

      Chosen by Dan Beachy-Quick, to be published by Milkweed Editions

      Failure and I Bury the Body, by Sasha West of Austin, TX

      Chosen by D. Nurkse, to be published by HarperCollins Publishers

      visiting hours at the color line

      More by Ed Pavlić

       But Here Are Small Clear Refractions

       Winners Have Yet to Be Announced: A Song for Donny Hathaway

       Labors Lost Left Unfinished

       Crossroads Modernism: Descent and Emergence in African American Literary Culture

       Paraph of Bone & Other Kinds of Blue



      Ed Pavlić



      © 2013, Text by Ed Pavlić

      All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher: Milkweed Editions, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415.

      (800) 520-6455


      Published 2013 by Milkweed Editions

      Cover design by Jeenee Lee

      Cover art © Henry Jackson, “Untitled #26-10”

      Author photo by Sunčana Pavlić

      13 14 15 16 17 5 4 3 2 1

       First Edition

      Milkweed Editions, an independent nonprofit publisher, gratefully acknowledges sustaining support from the Bush Foundation; the Patrick and Aimee Butler Foundation; the Dougherty Family Foundation; the Driscoll Foundation; the Jerome Foundation; the Lindquist & Vennum Foundation; the McKnight Foundation; the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund; the National Endowment for the Arts; the Target Foundation; and other generous contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. For a full listing of Milkweed Editions supporters, please visit www.milkweed.org.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Pavlic, Edward M. (Edward Michael).

      [Poems. Selections]

      Visiting hours at the color line : poems / Ed Pavlic. -- First edition.

      pages cm

      Includes bibliographical references.

      ISBN 978-1-57131-901-2

      I. Title.

      PS3616.A9575V57 2013



      Milkweed Editions is committed to ecological stewardship. We strive to align our book production practices with this principle, and to reduce the impact of our operations in the environment. We are a member of the Green Press Initiative, a nonprofit coalition of publishers, manufacturers, and authors working to protect the world’s endangered forests and conserve natural resources. Visiting Hours at the Color Line was printed on acid-free 30% postconsumer-waste paper by Versa Press, Inc.

      For Stacey. For Adrienne, in continued presence. And, for Glo.

      “There’s always a ‘more,’ always a ‘soon’.”


       Verbatim II


       Written in Oakland, Written Down

       Bright Blindness October 8, 1871 : A Chant

       “Out” : June 11, 2011 2:24 a.m.—A Translation in Approaching Sonnets

       Call It in the Air

       And, But And : Decaying Sonnets


       Verbatim III


       Basso Ostinato

       Soul Music and Firearms and the Blue Light on My Stoop That’s S’posed to Cool Motherfuckers Out but Maybe It Doesn’t Work

       63rd Street Station and / or a Quiz : Pronounce the Word Spelled : Close

       Give and Go Gave and Gone

       It’s a Dream Wherein Finally—and by that I mean right away, which is to say, just in time—I Understand Circular Breathing

       Verbatim IV


       Visiting Hours at the Color Line

       Ornette Coleman’s Out-of-Office Reply

       From : Arachnida Speak

       Alibis for the Heavy Part of Rain That Stays in the Sky

       Verbatim V : You Two Talk or In Flew Itity : Epilogue