John Wilson

Canadian Adventurers and Explorers Bundle

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death, 148

       James, Richard (brother), 1,37,78,142; death, 159

       Jones Lake, 73

      Kain, Conrad (guide), xv, xvi, xviii,xix,59,84-91, 140, 143, 144,150, 153

       Kamloops, 96

       Klinaklini River, Ill, 151

       King's Road (Vancouver), 93

       knickerbockers. See Munday,Phyllis, clothing for hiking and climbing

       Knight Inlet, 107, Ill, 151

       Kootenay Lake, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 142

       Kootenay Mountains, 2-5, 143

      Ladies' Alpine Club (England),133

       Lady Peak (named after Phyl), 74,149

       Laidlaw, 73

       Lake, Mrs. T.P., 61

       Lake Kinney Camp (Mt. Robson),91

       Leigh, Amy, 22, 25, 144

       Lewis, Margaret, 40

       The Lions, 38, 39, 108, 145

       Lonsdale Ave. (North Vancouver),8,19,38,44,79,108

       Lucky Four Peaks, 73, 74, 149

       Lynn Creek, 20

       Lynn Valley, 38, 72

       Lynx Mountain, 59, 147

      Manitoba (province of), 2, 141, 142

       McPhee, James, 106

       mines (on Kootenay Lake), 2,4

       Mosquito Creek, 80

       "Mountain Memories"(manuscript), 117

       Mountain Wildflowers of Canada(book), 130

       Munday, Bert (brother-in-law), 57,106, 113

       Munday, Don (husband), xvi, xvii,42,45-53,54,55-65,68,71-77,78,79-83,85-89,92,97,99-108,111,113-119,121-123,128,134,137; death, 129, 156; 136, 141,145-147

       Munday, Edith (daughter), xi, 6265,66,68,71-76,78,80-83,93,101,106,108,109,118,137;

       marriage, 128, 155; 129, 148,149, 154; death, 160

       Munday, Mount, 122, 129, 138,152, 156

      Munday, Phyllis abilities, 116

       ascent of Mount Blanshard, 50, 51

       ascent of Mount Robson, xii,xvii-xix, 77, 84-92, 150

       awards and honours, 76, 102,131, 135, 149, 150, 154, 156, 159

       birth, 2, 147

       camping equipment, 26, 70, 71,72,120,137

       childhood and adolescence, 1-9,11-17, 20-28

       clothing for hiking and climbing,xiv, xx, 21, 32, 42, 43-44, 69-71,141

       death, 135, 160

       diaries, xi, xiii, 65

       discovery of Mystery Mountain,105-106, 150

       early love of nature, 7, 8

       first aid training, 16, 35, 99, 125,127, 144

       First Company of Lone Guides,94-96, 109, 149, 151

       food preparation for camping and climbing, 26, 123-124

       Girl Guide leader, 12, 13, 15-17,18,19-30,35,40,61,62,68,93-96, 109, 128, 130, 131, 143,144, 148, 150, 152, 153, 155,157,158,164

       lectures and slide shows, xi, 122,123

       mapping activities, 68, 104, 115,116, 118, 152

       marriage, 57, 58, 147

       mine prospecting activities, 74,75

       natural history work, 68, 115,116, 118, 122, 152

       photographs of: xii, xiv, xx, 10,18,32,42,54,66,78,120,126,134, 137, 164

       photography work, xi, 20, 51, 59,67,68,74,104,117,122,123,160

       pregnancy, 62, 148

       Provincial Supervisor of Nursing

       Divisions, 127, 156

       Provincial Woodcraft and

       Nature Advisor, 109, 131, 158

       snowblindness episode, 107, 151

       stenographer, 33-35, 45, 67, 146

       Superintendent of 68th Nursing

       Division, 125-127, 154

       tennis, 6-8, 20

       war work, 23, 24, 125, 127, 145,146

       Mystery Mountain. See Mount




       Nelson, 1,2,4

       Newcombe, Herbert, 90

       New Westminster, 22, 34, 52

       New Zealand, 4, 143, 147

       North Shore Mountains, 39

       North Vancouver, 19, 38, 58, 80,94, 101, 125, 128, 131, 142, 147,150-153, 155-157

      Orford Bay, 106

       Overlord Mountain, 73, 149

      Pacific Great Eastern Railway Line(PGE), 73, 144, 146, 157

       paddlewheelers, 2, 24

       Passchendaele (Battle of), 45, 49,128, 146

       Phyl Munday Environmental Fund, 160

       Phyl Munday Nature House, 131,159

       Point Grey, 39, 40

       Pollard, Bert, xviii, xix

       Prince of Wales, 40, 147

       Prospect Point (Stanley Park), 6

       Provincial Museum (Victoria), 68

       puttees. See Munday, Phyllis,clothing for hiking and climbing

      Quebec City, 34

       Queen Bess, Mount, 134, 155

      Rangers (Girl Guides), 62,109,155

       Reliance, Mount, 138, 155

       Resplendent Mountain, 59, 147

       Revelstoke, 2, 4


       Robson, Mount, xii, xvi-xix, 77,84-92, 113, 144, 150

       Robson Pass, xvii, 91

       Rocky Mountains, xvi, xviii, 37,58-61,67,76,77,84,91,104,128, 141, 143, 144, 150

       Rodney, Mount, 106, 151

       Royal Columbian Hospital, 34, 35,49, 146

      St. John Ambulance Brigade, 15,16, 125, 127, 128, 133, 140, 154,156, 159

       Saladana, Joe (guide), 84

       Second World War, 125, 127, 128

       Selkirk Mountains, 1, 64, 76, 137

       Service, Robert W., 38

       Seymour Creek, 20

       Seymour Lake, 72

       Seymour, Mount, 20, 39, 43

       Seymour Valley, 64

       Silverthrone Mountain, 121, 153

       Sir John Thompson, Mount, 103,150

       Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mount, 103,150

       Slesse, Mount, 39

       Slocan Lake, 1, 143

       South Vancouver, 80

       Spearman Range, 72

       Squamish, 73, 146

       Squamish River, 39

       Stanley Park (Vancouver), 6,7

       Stawamus Valley, 64

       Stewart, Mount, 73, 74, 149

       Strachan, Mount, 72, 148

       Stupendous Mountain, 118, 121,154

      Tantalus, Mount, 39

       Tantalus Range, 65, 104, 108
