James Bartleman

James Bartleman's Seasons of Hope 3-Book Bundle

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once felt toward the people who expelled my people from Obagawanung. I discovered that the best way Indians can survive in the world of the white man is to fit in and wait for better days. I sent your mother to residential school so she would learn to fit in; I joined the army and fought the white man’s war so I would fit in; and to fit in today, I smile and say nothing when youngsters half my age call me Chief at the guest house. That’s why I think you should say nothing when the white children give you a hard time at school. Just remember: keep your heart free from anger, fit in, and wait for a better day and all will be well.”

      Oscar would never forget his grandfather’s words, but as he grew older and listened to Old Mary’s stories about the deeds of the ancestors in past wars, and to the veterans talking in the evenings around the campfires at the Indian Camp about their exploits in the Great War, he grew more and more ashamed of his grandfather for not coming to his defence. If his father were alive, Oscar was sure that he wouldn’t have let anyone push his son around. And he vowed to get even, not just with the two white boys and Gloria Sunderland, but with everyone in the village, no matter how long it took.

      Chapter 2



      In the dark of the early morning before sunrise, Stella pushed open the door of the shack, stepped across the sill, and stood for a minute just inside, a lit cigarette dangling from her lips. Although she couldn’t see her father and son in the black interior, she could hear their calm, regular breathing. Good! They were asleep, and if she was careful, they wouldn’t wake up as she went to bed. Not that she cared what either one of them thought, especially Oscar, who would say nothing but stare at her reproachfully for coming in so late. Her father, however, would be sure to take her to task for spending the night drinking, and she didn’t want to waste her time arguing with him.

      But despite her best effort to cross the room to her bed quietly, she bumped into the cook stove and hurt her leg. Swearing softly under her breath, she bent over in pain before straightening up and hobbling over to the table in front of the window facing the bay and collapsing noisily into a chair.

      “Are you all right?” asked Jacob, getting out of bed and lighting a coal-oil lamp.

      “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said, stubbing out her cigarette in a saucer and massaging her aching leg.

      “Looks like someone hit you a good one,” he said, holding up the lamp and taking a close look at her. “It was Clem, wasn’t it? That drunk was hanging around the Indian Camp all week until I told him to go away. He laughed like a madman as usual when caught in the wrong but he wandered off just the same.”

      “Leave me alone,” she replied, taking another cigarette from its package and lighting it. “I don’t need an old hypocrite like you to tell me how to live my life.”


      Just after supper the day before, Stella had arrived on the steamer from the reserve in a bad mood. Her breath smelled of wine and she was carrying two suitcases filled with beaded moccasins lined with rabbit fur, porcupine quill boxes, souvenir toy tomahawks, and miniature birchbark canoes to sell to the tourists over the summer. When Jacob asked her how Old Mary’s family was coping after her death, she didn’t bother to reply but sat impatiently chain-smoking cigarettes at the table, looking out the window across the bay. Oscar had then taken a seat beside her and quietly mentioned that he had beat out the class-brain and won a book as a prize for being top student in the graduating class at the Port Carling elementary school. But his hope that she might say something nice to him, or perhaps look at him with an approving smile, was not to be. Shrugging her shoulders and frowning, she had blown out a mouthful of smoke and resumed her vigil without even glancing at him. Finally, late in the evening when it was already dark, and after muttering to no one in particular that she had “something to do,” she had gone out and headed up the path in the direction of the public wharf.

      Oscar had slept fitfully throughout the ensuing night, bitten by the mosquitoes that came in through the screenless windows left open to provide some relief from the early summer heat, and worried that his mother would come to harm roaming around in the dark without her father or son to protect her. He now lay on his bed, his blanket pushed to one side, watching the shadows cast by the coal-oil lamp off the arguing adults flicker on the ceiling. His mother and grandfather were the two most important people in his life, and when they hurt each other, they made him feel that he was in some way responsible.

      As he dressed on the shore, he thought of the way his mother had ignored him when he told her he had won the book prize. She must have known she was hurting his feelings but didn’t care. But then again, he shouldn’t have been surprised. She had been nasty to him for as long as he could remember, even though he always made a big effort to please her. He had often wondered why that was so. Sometimes he thought the death of his father had unhinged her mind and made her incapable of thinking straight. Other times, he suspected she somehow blamed him for his death. There were even times when he believed she still loved his father so much she was afraid to betray him by showing affection to her son. The possibilities were endless. The result was, however, that she drank too much and had affairs with men like Clem who beat her up.

      In fact, Stella loved her son in her own way but was unable to express her true feelings to him. And for that, she blamed her father for turning her into a hardened and coarse human being. She had never forgiven him for leaving her in a residential school when she was a child of six, for not coming to see her, for not letting her go home for the summers, and for not answering the letters she sent him. She blamed him for the beatings and rapes she suffered at the hands of her supposed caregivers, for turning her into a classroom bully, and for the assault she suffered at the hands of the passing motorist when she finally fled the school. She blamed him for making her turn to the streets for her living, for making her stand outside in snow, rain, and scorching heat, her face garishly painted, smiling grotesquely at men cruising by looking over the women as if they were sides of beef. She blamed him for making her haggle with the johns who wanted to pay her fifty cents rather than the going rate for her services. She blamed him for the hangovers that greeted her in the mornings after drinking into the night to forget. She blamed him for having to accommodate the crooked cops who demanded her services for nothing. And most of all she blamed him for inducing her to marry someone she scarcely knew by telling her she would get a widow’s pension should he be killed in action.

      But as much as she blamed her father for all the harm he had caused her, she blamed herself even more. Not long after the birth of Oscar, a sergeant in dress uniform accompanied by the local Presbyterian minister knocked at Jacob’s house on the reserve and handed her a telegram. “His Majesty’s Canadian government regrets to inform you,” she read, “that your husband, Private First Class Amos Wolf, was killed in action somewhere in northwestern France on August 16, 1917. God save the King.”

      “Can I come in and pray with you for the soul of your husband,” the minister asked. But Stella slammed the door in his face. Several weeks later, the postman brought a letter informing her that she would receive a pension for life. Rather than being happy, she felt dirty and was filled with guilt for profiting from her husband’s death. Afterward, every time she looked at her baby, she saw herself in her son, and since she deserved to be hurt, he deserved to be hurt, and it was all she could do to prevent herself from picking him up and bashing him against a wall. Her attitude made no sense, but afraid of what she might do to him, she handed him over to Old Mary to look after as often as she could and went to Toronto to forget her troubles by drinking and partying with her old friends from the streets. It had been a relief when her father undertook to raise him for her.


      Looking out across the bay, lost in thought, Oscar noticed in the moonlight the outline of the Amick moored to the government wharf. Clem was its captain, and as Oscar and everyone else in the village and the Indian Camp knew, he spent most of his free time drinking and carousing on board with his buddies.

      That’s how my mother got those bruises, Oscar thought. Clem lured her