Rolf Arnold

Assisted Learning

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      Assisted Learning

      A Workbook

      Rolf Arnold

      Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

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      1. Auflage 2011

      Alle Rechte vorbehalten, all rights reserved

      © Bildungstransfer Verlag, Landau 2011

      Das Werk einschließlich aller Abbildungen ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen, und die Einspeicherung und Bearbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.

      Autor: Rolf Arnold

      Verlag: Bildungstransfer Verlag, Landau

      Umschlaggestaltung und Layout: Bildungstransfer GmbH, Landau

      Herstellung: Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

      ISBN: 978-3-941972-02-5


      "Assisted Learning" is the first book in the series "Contributions to Adult Education" of the publisher Bildungstransfer. This series aims at making both future-oriented and action-relevant writings from the research on and practice of adult education, available to the interested English-speaking public.

      Here Rolf Arnold combines three trends of long years of research activity: his innovative teaching methods based on the principles of self-determination and self-control of the learner, the concept of "pedagogic leadership" and finally the approach of "emotional competence". These three pillars form the fundamental basis for "Assisted Learning" as a future-oriented concept of adult education that places the learner at the centre point.

      "Assisted Learning" (enabling didactics) characterizes a teaching-learning process, which shifts the angle of vision away from teaching to learning. In class, as in other learning situations there is no direct and causal production of learning. Learning takes place exclusively through independent acquisition of the learner. As a result what is taught is not what is learnt.

      Rather, under this perspective the focus shifts away from the mediation of learning content by the teacher to an active appropriation by the learner. The teacher must prepare the learning content methodically in such a way that the activity of learning is transfered to the learner. This finding is mirrored in the systemic-constructivist thinking of the author.

      Thus there is a departure from the so-called "generation or instruction teaching," which assumes that learning and the mediation of certain selected learning content could be feasible, if only the targets are accurately predetermined and the learning process planned with one's own methods and materials. The teacher can only encourage the students to learn, he can accompany them and "arrange" learning processes. Teaching from the viewpoint of "Assisted Learning" means creating learning-stimulating conditions and generating learning spaces.

      In accordance with this only very briefly characterized approach, this text is designed as a "workbook". The reader will find almost thirty suggestions for self- reflection as well as numerous mnemonics. In accordance with a systemic- constructivist approach, we have waived the "sample solutions" which only gives the reader the impression of an apparent objectivity.

Landau, Germany February 2011 Uwe Wieckenberg Editor


List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
About the Author IX

1. Preface 1
2. The Effects of Education Are Uncertain, but Some Shaping Is Certainly Possible 3
2.1 The Dual Uncertainty of Education Effect 5
2.2 Education As a Moral Communication 12
3. Learning and Learning Theories 19
3.1 Learning Concepts 19
3.2 Overview of Learning Theories 20
3.3 New Learning Requirements and Learning Methods 23
4. Learning Guidance and Leadership in Assisted Learning 31
4.1 Guidance and Counseling 32
4.2 Leadership 35
5. Assisted Learning 41
5.1 From Teaching Culture to Learning Culture 41
5.2 At the Core: Method 45
5.3 Rethinking Learning and Education 54
5.4 E-Learning 58
5.5 Guided Self-study 64
5.6 Assisted Learning As a New Approach 67
6. The Basis: Pedagogic Leadership As Subsidiary Leadership81
6.1 Leadership: Empowerment to Self-Leadership82
6.2 Self-reflection, Role Distance and Functional Change of Managers92
6.3 Trust: The Emotional Glue of Social Interaction96
6.4 Nurturing Stance: Looking for Potential in the Work Force101
7. The Systemics of Emotions10 8
7.1 We Are “Lensing” – All the Time!108
7.2 Certainty Is What One Feels!123
7.3 The Primacy of Emotion135
8. Emotional Competence As Core Competence of School Leadership139
8.1 The “Yes, but...” Syndrome139
8.2 Leadership As the Management of Primary Constructions - Our Own and Those of Others144
8.3 Leadership and Followership in Daily School Life – From a Theory of Emotion Perspective151

