Gary Boone's Caplan

Talcon Star City

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The Karratins somewhat resembled humans, although they had slightly longer, tapered ears and perhaps a hint of green or violet to their skin. Like humans, they possessed head and facial hair. As a Karratin, Sheppard’s mentor Garfield belonged to one of the most advanced of the space-faring civilizations, and because of his racial genetics and perhaps some of his own technologic cellular regeneration, he had, according to record, already lived for a few thousand standard years. Other than some shading differences in his hair to hint at his age, he still looked the same, with distinguished-looking sideburns in front of his ears.

      Sheppard eventually remembered, from his own Star Knight training, the Quellien power sources and the incorporeal entities known as Protren who monitored such places. Sheppard realized it was the Protren who had restored the Phoenix, the other Alliance ships, the entire planet QB7, and even the previously destroyed Varlon ships. He continued to watch the office recording

       “This planet is believed to be monitored by the Protren, and its disruption would have consequences beyond the Alliance of Worlds, this galaxy, and this planar dimension,” Garfield said. “The earlier Varlon government previously agreed to not disrupt the Calyx complex on QB7, and if the Jiyarr had come to this system, they would not have been as disruptive as the Accad. There are members of the Jiyarr civilization who hold such things and places in reverence.” Sheppard had learned that the Jiyarr, who lived in what was termed the Perseus Cluster by Earth astronomers, had genetically engineered the Accad a few thousand years ago.

      The voice of the communications officer came over his office commlink: “Sir, you have a linked hyperspace communication from Grand Admiral Pendragon and Fleet Admiral Braddock.” Sheppard thought, This will be my mission briefing.

      “Stream and link the hyperspace channels through to my office, Lieutenant,” Sheppard replied. Virtual 3-D images formed of Admiral Pendragon, who was at Star One, and Admiral Braddock, who was onboard his starship, the Orion, a Galaxy class dreadnaught. The communication stream created images of the admirals as if they were in Sheppard’s office, and the process was essentially instantaneous, now that the second damaged COMNET array was fully operational after the attacks by the Varlon. Randolph Pendragon, one of the best tacticians in the Alliance, was a thin man with a good deal of white in his once-dark hair; he was from the Proxima colonies of Earth. Nigel Braddock was an average-sized human with hazel eyes and dark brown hair that was lined with many streaks of gray; he was also one of Sheppard’s family friends. Actually, Braddock was his father’s friend. Braddock was known as Mr. Stasis, as he had spent many years in cryostasis machines and used multiple anti-aging methods to greatly extend his life.

      “Robert, it’s good to see you if only virtually,” Braddock said. “I read your reports about the harrowing experience you had with the Accad at QB7.” When Braddock had ordered launches of long-range torpedoes and sent large mobile attack robots from his company, BradCorp’s mining facility had been near the sixth planet, QB6 to help with the Varlon. Those launches had occurred earlier in the battle at Sheppard’s request, whose task force was then still on route to QB7.

      “The report you sent was interesting,” Pendragon added. “I also requested a brief report from our Karratin exchange officer, Vice Admiral Gar fa’eld,” he continued, using the proper phonetic pronunciation of his name. Years ago, while Sheppard was at the Alliance academy on Star One, the students started calling the then Karratin Professor “Garfield” as it was simpler, and he accepted that. “It seems the Karratin Lord’s account is more speculative than yours; however, he does address some issues you probably avoided speculating on.” Sheppard recalled that Garfield was again assisting the Alliance’s ambassador Alotar in securing a treaty with a civilization called the Rhyn.

      “In any case, let us get to your mission, as you are now over forty days at maximum speed; moving farther from Star One, you will still be in full charge of the sixth fleet as acting fleet admiral. As before, Admiral Braddock will be your senior in deep space for the next few months; then, depending on your location, Fleet Admiral Peregrine or Fleet Admiral Taylor will be available as your senior while you finish with your present tasks and move a large portion of sixth fleet starships to eventually help Admiral Peregrine and the other fleets with his strategy to retake the Rhendal sector from the Varlon.”

      “That sector is too close to the main Alliance of Worlds planets—and has many Alliance colonies that are fighting even now—for us not to try to re-establish control,” Braddock added. Sheppard nodded; he knew Fleet Admiral Peregrine, who was from Rigezon. The Rigezon were an avian species but had vestigial wings and could not fly. Sheppard had served under Peregrine on the Constellation class battlecarrier H’jum’pta years ago when he was a squadron starfighter wing commander and Peregrine was a decorated fleet captain who was then working toward a promotion to commodore.

      “With most of the other fleets, including my fourth fleet being involved with the buildup of forces to retake Rhendal, I will be available to you, Robert, if you have any fleet operations questions, as we both move farther away from Star One and access to the COMNET becomes reduced,” Braddock said.

      “Thank you, Sir; however, Sherman, my fleet liaison officer, is quite knowledgeable, and we are for the most part working well as a team,” Sheppard replied. “He is at acting rank, as am I, due to the Androsynth assassinations of the senior fleet officers that could have been assigned to the sixth and other fleets,” Sheppard said, with a note of sadness in his voice.

      “It is good to know that Sherman is working well for you; I thought as much,” Pendragon said. “From the earlier information we obtained from our recent Talcon visitors on the hyperspace course of the Talcon worldship, we have determined the Star Cities’ probable arrival subsector. As you know, Robert, most of the other relatively nearby fleets are occupied with moving to retake the Rhendal sector and a few task forces with heading to strengthen our bases in the nearby Mercan sector. The Talcon Star City will enter a region of space not too far from the sixth fleets’ patrol areas… It will be your task to make first contact with them and hopefully obtain a new ally.”

      Sheppard straightened and looked directly at Pendragon.

      “Since the other Talcon have returned, and Commodore St. John agreed to provide transport for their representative, you will have to arrange a rendezvous point with St. John to have their Talcon ambassador transferred to your ship,” Braddock said.

      “There are two Star Cities coming to our galaxy; each is over four thousand kilometers in diameter,” Pendragon said. “The second will arrive several weeks after the first one. Our long-range attempts to establish communication have not yet been successful.” Sheppard nodded while listening to the briefing.

      “We believe that the crew and colonists are in a type of stasis or sleep,” Braddock added. “We arrived at that conclusion through discussions we had with the Magellanic Talcon who originally returned with Commodore St. John, and that is the probable reason for the lack of communication.”

      “Even the COMNET has not elicited a response,” Pendragon continued.

      “So it’s probable that either the Varlon or Accad are aware of the Talcon Star Cities’ arrival and will attempt to strike at them before or while the Talcon are coming out of stasis,” Sheppard stated.

      “Yes, that is highly likely,” Pendragon replied. “The Science division, along with our new Magellanic Talcon friends, has made some determinations as to where the first or closer Star City will likely come out of hyperspace. That data is encrypted in my transmission stream.”

      “Thank you, Sir; I am determined to greet the Talcon Star City in a friendly manner—hopefully before the Accad or Varlon attack them,” Sheppard said.

      “Good luck, Robert, and Godspeed,” Braddock said. “I will await your report.” Sheppard smiled and saluted.

      “As will I,” Pendragon said, as the communication streams sent across the encrypted COMNET closed.

      Sheppard read a few more reports and then sent a message to Fleet Captain Wilder with information and instructions for him to arrange a rendezvous with Commodore St. John’s ship, the Indefatigable. He briefly thought about the various