Robert LPN Firth

The Vanishment

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of slave laborers, rotted in rail yards waiting vainly for trains and rails hat hadn’t even been built. Electrical power stations were built that sat idle for lack of any way to supply oil or coal to power the generators or distribution lines to carry the power.

      Engineers studied for years, earning advanced degrees, only to be ordered to work as

common laborers. Those lucky enough to find work in their chosen professions were paid a miserable pittance of what they would have earned in any western economy. In fact, they were effectively robbed by the criminal state. They worked their entire lives being paid this pittance only to finally retire, exhausted and broken, left with a miserable pension to try to elk out a meager existence. This was criminal!

      Huge and luxurious hotels were built and ordinary Soviet citizens of the “workers paradise” were prohibited from even entering the lobbies. Vast blocks of grey concrete towers served as “homes” for the ‘slaves.’ These drab and boring towers of misery had no parking- After all, the slaves were never met to have cars, so why waste the space? At times, two or three families shared a single two room flat- communal kitchens were the norm.

      Meanwhile, the party bosses, the fat cats, stuffed themselves with caviar and luxuries, denying themselves nothing while seeing every day the horrendous misery of their fellow Russians. How they could live with themselves is a mute testament to the triumph of self-service and greed over human compassion. Many Russian artists and writers made films and illustrations subjecting the regime to ridicule. One was the famous Russian artist Ilya Glazunov, whose portrayal of the bloated leadership as sub- human hogs swilling at the public trough, pointedly expresses the artists utter contempt for the murderous power hungry soviet leaders. (see above)

      Lenin himself was a rather dull, self-important, insufferable bureaucrat who never physically

labored a single day in his miserable life. He was filled with hatred of the so called “Boyar’s” or Russian upper class and was a man born without great imagination and no practical knowledge of everyday life. In a pamphlet entitled What Is to Be Done?(1902), Lenin argued that “only a disciplined party of professional revolutionaries could bring socialism to Russia” In 1903, at a meeting of the Russian Social Democratic Labor party held in London, the party split into two factions, the Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin, and the Mensheviks who, while advocating the over-throw of the Czarist government, were in favor of a more moderate replacement. (Photo right; Lenin in 1903 sounded a lot like obama in 2009. What have the stupid American voters done to themselves?)

      Lenin continued to be the chief exponent of Bolshevik thought in the long struggles for supremacy against Plekhanov, Kautsky, and other less radical Marxists. With the outbreak of revolution in 1905, Lenin returned to Russia. His view that the Bolsheviks should take part in the second Duma prevailed in 1907, but he left Russia later that year and subsequently spent his time engaged in complex theoretical disputes which had little basis or relationship to the realities of human life.

      Lenin was in Switzerland during the early years of World War I. In his limited and naive view the war was an imperialist struggle since “imperialism,” whatever the hell that means, was, in his words, “the final stage of capitalism,” it was a “historical necessity that the war would offer opportunities for a revolution of the proletariat.” This begs the question of what and who in hell are the Proletariat? Lenin never saw the Proletariat as anything but faceless “masses.” He had no concept of individualism or respect for human life. He was a cold, empty and heartless person, one without depth- a shallow character like his absurd statues, a bas-relief, with no dimension. In his ranting and screaming diatribes, he resembled Hitler, spitting and frothing his cruel invectives at people he never knew-consigning thousands to terrible deaths in the name of hideous and hellish social concepts.

      Lenin urged the proletariat to oppose the war by an international civil war against the “capitalist class.” Here he showed his base ignorance and lack of perspective. Whatever didn’t fit into his muted and short-sighted world-view was dumped into one of his convenient catchall phrases. The “Capitalist class,” indeed! There never was and never has been a class that one could label as “The capitalist Class.” The myriad individuals who built businesses in Germany and Europe and indeed everywhere, were just that, individuals. They didn’t know each other and pretty much kept to their work building up their companies. They created jobs and had little interest in and little knowledge of “imperialism” if, indeed, they even knew what the word meant, which I rather doubt. Over time, excesses were of course committed. The early days of western industrial age are full of stories of ruthless bosses working thousands into an early grave in horrible and dangerous sweatshops. The emergence of labor unions, a more enlightened middle class and the development of labor law cured most of these social ills so that today, labor unions are mostly passé and disappearing.

      After the outbreak of the Russian Revolution of February 1917, the German government allowed (encouraged actually) Lenin to cross Germany en-route from Switzerland to Sweden in a sealed railway car. By aiding his return to Russia, the Germans hoped (correctly) to disrupt the Russian war effort.

      Lenin concluded that Russia was now ripe for a socialist revolution, arguing that the moderate provisional government represented the “bourgeoisie.” Again, the use of a term that has no meaning except as a convenient label for any one who worked hard and tried to make something of his life. Whereas, the soviets meant by his words, a “revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry.” Now, if that isn’t an absurd mouthful of pure bullshit I don’t know what is!

      Let’s take this stupidity apart and see what the hell the idiot was saying. A “revolutionary,” meaning something new? And then a what, a “democratic dictatorship?” This absurd reasoning creates a direct verbal short circuit. If a group is democratic, meaning ruled by a voting majority, then this body cannot, at the same time, be a “dictatorship” which means the opposite. Lenin was here purely full of shit! He suggests that his favorite group, the “Proletariat” were being persecuted by this “ democratic dictatorship” along with another group, the “peasantry.” One wonders how people could even sit still and listen to these ravings from what is obviously an illogical and demented ranting madman. Anyone interested in the subject is invited to get a copy of the famous and hysterically funny Russian movie "Dogheart", an ironic "poke in the eye" of communalism in all its hideous manifestations.

      In July, 1917, after an abortive mass uprising in Petrograd, Lenin was forced to flee to Finland- sad he wasn’t killed there, the world would have been so much better off. Although the Bolsheviks were represented only by a minority in the first all-Russian Soviet congress (June, 1917), they soon gained decisive power. In Nov, 1917 (October according to the old style calendar), the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, who had returned to Petrograd, overthrew Kerensky's weak and disorganized regime establishing a Soviet government.

      And then,what? Quite determinedly, the idiots set about establishing the most abusive and absolute dictatorship the world had even seen. The system, under Lenin, persecuted everyone; his beloved Proletariat along with anyone else who got in his way or in the way of all his equally power hungry and demented followers, all were simply murdered or locked up in the hundreds of Gulags spread around the country.

      In the 30’s the farmers in the Ukraine and elsewhere who had owned and farmed their land for

centuries were forced to dig their own mass graves and then party punks shot them in the back of their heads, blowing their blood, tissue bone and brains into the air, while drinking vodka eating black bread and re-loading. In this way, they shot thousands of men women and children- “enemy’s of the state.” Curiously, Lenin and the other party big wigs never actually saw any of this. Lenin ordered the murder of Nicholas II and his entire family in exactly this same way. These murderers by proxy had not the guts to actually get the blood of their victims on their Lilly white un- calloused, baby- soft hands. (Photo above; Stalin, the most bloody handed murderer in history)

      The mass slaughter went on and on for 70 years. People were imprisoned for merely telling jokes