Lucille Orr

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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      How To Ask For

      What You Want

      and Get IT!

      Lucille Orr

      First published in November, 1994

      Reprinted February. 1995

      Reprinted January, 1996

      Updated and republished 2011

      Copyright © Lucille Orr, 2011

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9871-5980-9

      Published in eBook format by ONE ZERO SEVEN

      Converted by

      E-Book Production and Design – by Steve Orr –


      No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written consent of the author. The stories in this book are true, but the names have been changed to protect their privacy.

      About The Author


      Australian Fashion Designers

      May the energy never cease its inspiring bubble;

      And may that shining light never, never dull.

      Every so often in history an exceptional human being is born; someone who has endless energy, dynamism that never dulls, a leader who can gather people together and lift them to greater heights.

      There are elements of greatness in most people but all too often the opportunity to “switch on the light” is not available and the greatness never reaches its full potential.

      Lucille Orr is that rare human being to have surmounted those obstacles with the vision to see over the horizon, she’s that shining light who never seems to dull, the beacon who signals that here is a place to gather, to pin hopes and collect ideas. In Lucille we have a catalyst who offers a supportive starting point or a reinforcement of direction: a Network of Inspiration.

      The development of the Australian Executive Women’s Network in such a short time, extending to so many thousands of women in every corner of this wonderful country, is a phenomenon.

      It is a source of enormous pride for me to carry the title of number one in the Australian Executive Women’s “Top 100 Club”.


      I dedicate this book to my son Steven John Orr, who was 12 years of age when I wrote the book in 1994. His professional career commenced in April 1994, when he produced overhead slides, using the latest computer technology in graphic design to visually demonstrate the benefits of Mortgage Power, for a Citibank $uccess Seminar organised by the Australian Executive Women’s Network.

      In 2011, aged 28, Steve produced my latest book, “AWARE – A Business in a Book”. He designed the book, the book cover and took the professional photographs. He also designed and produced all our e-books.

      “Those who say it can’t be done,

      shouldn’t stand in the way of those who are doing it.”

      “From a quiet mind comes vision;

      From vision comes knowledge of unity;

      From knowledge of unity comes compassion for all.

      From compassion – comes greatness”


      I wish to thank a special man, Robert Seiler, my Optometrist, who rang me early in 1994 to ask for help to breathe life into his book, “Studying for Exams made Simple”.

      Although he’d written the book several years before it had never been published. By asking me for what he wanted, he in turn inspired me to write this book for you. While encouraging Robert to overcome his fear of public speaking I realised I still haven’t achieved my life-long ambition to be on the world’s stage. Together we’ve enjoyed rehearsing and planning our professional speaking careers.

      Without the wonderful guidance and sincerity of our editor, Nancy (Robinson) Flannery, The Net Result books that founded my publishing company, would still be an unfulfilled dream. I’ve gained so much knowledge from her experience and encouragement that I’ve now written for many professional business magazines and newspapers. Another goal accomplished with her help.

      To all the members of the Australian Executive Women’s Network you allowed me the time and space to be creative; you’re all special to me.

      I thank all the many sponsors who’ve supported my ideas and businesses over the past 45 years, and especially Citibank for their publishing grant for this book and support of my National Speaking tour.

      Those who cloned my business concepts: you gave me the energy and drive to continually develop new enterprises to keep ahead.

      All the successful people represented under assumed names in this book: because of your achievements so many more will follow your lead and become independently wealthy while helping others.


      I wrote this book originally in the four days of Easter 1994 and at the end of the book I said, “This is not the end, but the start of new beginnings.” It’s now Easter 2011 – 17 years later and I’m still finding the Easter break, the only time I have to write.

      In 1994 when the book was distributed nationally it was an overwhelming success, an instant best seller and I thank all who read it and rang or wrote to me, because you inspired me to create a business opportunity for you.

      So many women said they had been to Citibank to secured a “Mortgage Power” loan against their home, then purchased a top quality, business suit from Liz Davenport and were now ready to go into business.

      The only problem was, many who contacted me didn’t know what business to start. Every Easter for the following six years I sat down and wrote out business plans and books detailing my various business ideas, but none seemed to be right!

      In 1995 the NSW Department of State and Regional Development invited me to live in Sydney to assist with the implementation of a mentor program for women in small business. I jumped at the opportunity to live in Sydney again, because I had lived there in the seventies, when I had my computer business, the Key Punch Centre, operating in three states.

      When I wanted to move to NSW my husband who was from Sydney didn’t want to move back. We ended up divorcing and my son Steven and I moved into a furnished unit on the waterfront in Drummoyne, which was only 8 kilometres from the Sydney CBD.

      Steven was only 12 years old at the time and it was very difficult for him to lose the father he loved and all his school friends. I felt guilty for many years for moving to Sydney but our marriage was not a happy one and I decided at 48 I was not only wasting my life, but my husband deserved to find happiness with another woman. It didn’t take him long to get married again so I was right!

      The mentor program was very successful and it expanded throughout the suburban and country areas of NSW during the following five years with the assistance of independent women’s networks and the small business associations.

      I had wanted to purchase the unit directly above the one I was renting in Drummoyne when it came onto the market in 1995, but at the time going through my divorce I didn’t feel confident a bank would lend me the money so I didn’t submit an offer.


      One of the main reasons I wanted to be living in NSW was to be there when the Olympic Games began in 2000. I wanted to meet international businessmen